Discussion 2

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. 
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

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  1. The sponsor for a project you have been managing sends you an email that he would like to make a small change to the project.  What is your response and why? 
  2. A potential client wants you to be project manager for the construction of a new house, but she is vague about the details.  List a few questions you could ask her to gain a better understanding of the scope of the project.
  3. Many factors can impact the accuracy of activity duration estimates. Describe four of the problems associated with estimating activity durations accurately, and the techniques you could use as a project manager to overcome them.


Timothy J. Kloppenborg

Vittal Anantatmula

Kathryn N. Wells

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Scope Planning

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Core Objectives:
Describe the planning of scope management, collecting requirements, & defining scope processes
Create a requirements traceability matrix, project scope statement, & change request form
Describe a work breakdown structure (WBS) and why it is important
Compare different methods of developing a WBS
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Chapter 7 Technical Objective:
Create a WBS, including work packages and a numbering system for the code of accounts, both by hand and using MS Project
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Web Intelligence Solutions from Teradata
“An effective scope management approach fosters open communications and sound decision making to ensure all parties get the business value expected from the project”
Mike Van Horn, Teradata
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Scope Planning Processes
Plan Scope Management
Collect project requirements
Define project scope
Create work breakdown structure (WBS)
Establish change control
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Flow of Scope Planning
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Plan Scope Management

Total scope = product scope + project scope
Product scope – outputs the team will deliver to its customers
Project scope – the work needed to be performed in order to deliver the project’s outputs
Plan scope management – the process of developing a plan that includes the total scope of what needs to be done and what is excluded from the project; implementation and validation of the scope; and how to control deviations from the scope statement.
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Make sure the project team is absolutely clear on the project objectives!
Collect Requirements
Collect requirements – a systematic effort to understand and analyze stakeholder needs to define and document these needs and requirements with a focus on meeting project objectives.
this project?
Requirement– a condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective that satisfies a standard, specification, or any other formally-documented need.
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Gather Stakeholder Input & Needs
Use voice of the customer techniques (VOC)
Ask questions
Place yourself in the customer’s situation
State customer desires in operational terms

Collecting requirements is same regardless
of type of project. Generally Agile documentation
is less formal, thus allowing for progressive elaboration
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Gather Stakeholder Input & Needs
Common methods for obtaining & documenting requirements:
Meetings with Stakeholders
Focus Groups
Industry Standards
Reference Documents
Market Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Client Requests
Standard Specifications
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Gather Stakeholder Input & Needs
Seek a high-level description:
What do we not understand about the feature?
What is the business reason for the feature?
What is the impact of not providing this feature?
What action items need to be accomplished if we do this?
What impact will this have on other features of the project or elsewhere?
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Requirements Traceability Matrix *See Exhibit 7.2
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Breakout Session!
Create a Requirements Matrix, similar to the one in Exhibit 7.2
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Define Scope

Reasons to Define Scope
How to Define Scope
List deliverables and acceptance criteria
Establish project boundaries
Create a project work statement
Defining Scope in Agile Projects
Define scope – the process of translation stakeholder needs and requirements into detailed specifications of the project outcomes & products
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Reasons to Define Scope
All other planning is based on the project scope
Needed to preventing scope creep
If we provide this, will it solve your problem?
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How to Define Scope
List project deliverables
Determine acceptance criteria
Establish project boundaries
In scope vs. Out of scope
Understand constraints
Create a Scope Definition
Scope Statement
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Breakout Session!
For a given project, list the following:
Intermediate deliverables
Final deliverables
Acceptance criteria
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Defining Scope in Agile Projects
At beginning of project, overall scope only identified at high level
Backlog of possible work identified also
Use smaller, frequent iterations to get feedback, as customer desires evolve over time
Customer representative (“owner”) prioritizes scope based on business need, value, cost, & risk.
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Defining Scope in Agile Projects
User stories
Acceptance tests
High level scope
Commit to work

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
What is the WBS?
Why use a WBS?
WBS Formats
Work Packages
How to Construct a WBS
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What is the WBS?
Tool to progressively divide project deliverables into smaller pieces
Identifies all deliverables
A framework for further planning, execution, and control
Define activity – a project planning process which identifies and determines specific actions to develop and deliver the project outcomes, such as products, services or results
What are the components of this deliverable?
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Why use a WBS?
Ensures all parts of project are considered
Adds discipline and visibility to project planning
Basis for planning schedule, resources, cost, quality, & risk
Useful in determining where and why problems occur
Helpful in project communications
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WBS Formats
Indented outline
Organizational chart
Free format
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WBS – Indented Outline Format
Useful when typing WBS into scheduling software
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WBS in Org Chart Format
Easy to understand
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Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level

WBS in Free Format
Completely flexible
Especially useful when project’s structure is not initially clear
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Work Packages
Lowest level of WBS
Basis for subsequent planning & control
Work activities are defined
Schedule is formed
Resources are aligned
Control features are developed
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Work Packages
Work package – deliverable at the lowest level of the WBS, for which cost and duration can be estimated & managed
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Work Packages
State succinctly in very few words (use adjectives, not verbs!)
WBS component – “an entry in the WBS
that can be at any level.” PMBOK® Guide
WBS dictionary – document that provides detailed information about every work package, including deliverable details; activity; scheduling information; predecessor & successor activities; person responsible; resources required; & risks.
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Work Package Detail
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How to construct a WBS
Include appropriate subject matter experts (SMEs)
Use a top-down approach
Consider WBS from a previous project as a starting point
Use brainstorming
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Steps in WBS Construction
Identify major deliverables
Decompose deliverables
Continue until deliverables are the right size
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Identify Major Deliverables
Begin with Scope Statement
Organize in systematic manner such as by project phase
Facilitates rolling wave planning—planning near term work in detail and future work at a higher level
Rolling wave planning  quick start
Helps avoid:
Analysis paralysis – never starting anything because the plan is not complete
Ready, fire, aim – not planning at all
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WBS Organization Examples
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Decompose Deliverables
Brainstorm list of interim and final deliverables (use Post It® Notes)
Assemble deliverables on large work space
Organize deliverables into related groups
Decomposition – breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces
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Continue Until Deliverables Are the Right Size
When to stop decomposing? Judgment call…Ideally, work packages are:
Small enough to control
Not so small as to micro-manage
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Ensure completeness
Consider parent-child concept
Have between 3 and 9 child elements for each parent
Assign a unique name & number to each component
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Establish Change Control
Projects are conducted in an atmosphere of uncertainty
Plans must be made to ensure all potential changes are considered, accepted or rejected, and that their impact is factored into revised plans
Baseline – the approved project plan, mostly consisting of scope, schedule, & cost; should not be altered without going through integrated change control system
Change control system – a system of managing and controlling changes and modifications to the project plan and project deliverables
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Establish Change Control
Document potential changes to a project with a change request
Every change to a project must be formally proposed
Change request – a written request or formal proposal to change any project planning component, such as a document, project deliverable, or the baseline (scope, cost, and time).
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Change Request Form
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Using MS Project for Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
Set Up the WBS
Understand WBS definitions & displays.
Enter project deliverables & work package elements.
Create the outline of your WBS.
Insert a WBS code identification column.
Hide (or show) the desired amount of detail in WBS.
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Summary tasks are displayed:
Tables as an outline
Gantt view
Step 1. Understand WBS displays and definitions
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Step 2. Enter WBS Elements (Tasks)
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Click on Task Name field to select the row below where you want the new row to be.
On Task tab, Insert group, click Insert Task.
In the Task Name field, enter the name of the added WBS element.
Enter any additional task(s).
Step 2. Enter WBS Elements (Tasks)
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Click Task Name field of the row to be indented.
On Task tab, Schedule group, click Indent Task.
To decrease an indent level with the Outdent control: On the Task tab, Schedule group, click Outdent Task. Any lower-level items will also be outdented.

Step 3. Create the outline of your (WBS)
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Project will automatically number summaries
Right-click Task Name heading
Insert – Column –WBS
Step 4. Insert Row Number Column
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Ready to Insert WBS Column
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WBS Column Inserted
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Select summary row whose detail is to be hidden/displayed
Click on the Hide ( – ) subtasks button or Show subtasks button ( + )
Step 5. Hide (or Show) Underlying Detail
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Use scope planning to determine deliverables and acceptance criteria.
Organize scope into a work breakdown structure (WBS).
Decompose the project into smaller and smaller pieces.
Assign WBS components.
Create WBS by hand or use MS Project to create WBS.
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When in doubt, work backwards from your desired solution
What would it take to make this project/product successful?
Collect Requirements—get input from stakeholders, end-users, & SMEs
Break down project deliverables into smaller and smaller pieces with a WBS
Remember, these are things (nouns), not activities (verbs)
Lowest level (work packages) should be small enough to monitor
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Work Breakdown Structure Template
Management and Technical activities for banks in South Africa
First level decomposition is physical (“powerhouse,” “factory,” etc.)
Second level decompositions varied—based on function or product
Developed from a client’s (rather than the project team’s) perspective
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Casa de Paz Development Project
The Promotion and Community Relations Working Group are creating a product backlog
They ask “what are the three to five most important things to be created?”
For each, what details must be accomplished for it to be a minimum viable product?
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Timothy J. Kloppenborg

Vittal Anantatmula

Kathryn N. Wells

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Scheduling Projects

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Core Objectives:
Describe 5 ways in which a project’s schedule is limited & how to deal with each.
Use the activity on node (AON) method to develop a project schedule.
Identify the critical path using both the two-pass & enumeration methods, and identify all float.
Depict a project schedule on a Gantt chart by hand, showing critical path and all float.
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Chapter 8 Technical Objectives:
Describe how to adjust a project’s sequence logic using leads, lags, & alternative dependencies.
Build & display the logical network diagram showing critical path and all float with MS Project 2016.
Depict a project schedule on a Gantt chart using MS Project 2016.
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Chapter 8 Behavioral Objectives:
Describe potential problems estimating time accurately & how to overcome them.
Resolve potential scheduling conflicts.
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Web-based software implementations
Carol A. Abbott, PMP, training specialist, Sant-Kadient
“Establishing scope that can be accomplished in a 30- to 60-day schedule helps our clients get started using their web-based applications faster…Project planning for the future
becomes more realistic, improving the odds of success.
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Plan Schedule Management
Building blocks of a project schedule are activities
Activity – “a component of project scope work performed
during the course of a project.” -PMI
Clear start and end
ACTIVITy characteristics
Tangible output
Controlled scope
Labor, costs, schedule controlled
Single person accountable
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Plan Schedule Management
Prepare budget
Build frame
Test code
Write final report
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Project time management processes*
Plan schedule management
Define activities
Sequence activities
Estimate activity resources
Estimate activity durations
Develop schedule
Control schedule

* Adapted from PMBOK® Guide

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Purposes of a Project Schedule
When will the project be complete?
What is the earliest a particular activity can start, and when will it end?
What activity must begin before which other activities can take place?
What would happen if a delivery of material was one week late?
If one worker is assigned to do two activities, which one must go first?
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Purposes of a Project Schedule
Which worker or other resource is a bottleneck, limiting the speed of our project?
What will the impact be if the client wants to add another module?
If I am willing to spend an extra $10,000, how much faster can the project be completed?
Are all of the activities completed that should be by now?
Can a key worker take a week vacation the first week of March?
How many hours do we need from each worker next week or month?
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Historical Development of Project Schedules
Scheduling as a result of competition
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) – 1950s
Identify activities
Determine their logical order
Estimate the duration of each activity
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Estimate most likely time needed to complete a project
Estimate level of confidence in completing a project in a particular time
Useful in (R&D) projects
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Polaris Weapons System
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Used to plan very large projects
Single time estimates for each activity
Focus on longest sequence of activities
Used to determine how to complete a project early
Useful in construction industry
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Activity on Node (AON) or Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) – scheduled activities are represented by “nodes,” and arrows are used to show the logical sequence
node = activity
arrow = sequence
Most widely used
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5 Factors Limit Project Completion
Logical order in which activities need to be completed
How long each activity will take
How many key resources are available at specific points in the project
Imposed dates
Cash flow
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Creation of Project Schedules
Identify all activities
Determine logical order
Estimate time required for that activity
Assign resources to each activity
Compare schedule with imposed dates
Consider project budget and cash flow, quality demands, and risk factors
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The Project Manager’s Responsibility
Resist pressure to dictate a schedule
Determine a schedule that is possible
Persuade stakeholders that the schedule makes sense
Deliver project according to the agreed-upon schedule

Within each iteration, team considers level of uncertainty & complexity with desired outcomes
Number of team members as resources is often primary limitation
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Define Activities
Use WBS with deliverables only
“What work activities must be completed to create each of the project deliverables?”
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Define Activities
Don’t omit activities
Activity sequencing may uncover missing activities
Schedule will not be approved until all related planning is in place
Avoid adding activities after final schedule is approved
Use previous projects, templates, or checklists as a starting point
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List Project Milestones
Completion of a major deliverable or critical activity
Prior to a large financial commitment
Merging point in project schedule
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Breakout Session! Defining Activities

Using a WBS as your guide:
identify 12-20 activities
List one activity each on Post-it Notes
State each activity in verb-noun (or verb-adjective-noun) format
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WBS with Milestone List

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Sequence Activities
What activity or activities can be started right away and do not depend on any others?
What activity or activities can we start next?
Successor activity – an activity that logically follows another activity or activities
Predecessor activity – activity that logically precedes another activity or activities
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Sequence Activities
Place a successor activity after its predecessor
Draw arrow to show the relationship
Continue until all activities have been placed on the work surface
Dependencies can be mandatory or discretionary
Mandatory dependency – logical relationship that must be followed (generally due to physical or contractual demands)
Discretionary dependency – a preferred logical relationship, based on best practices and judgment
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Activity List for Product Upgrade Project
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Network for Product Upgrade Project
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Leads and Lags
Leads are helpful if a project needs to be completed quickly

Finish-to-start (FS) dependency -most common type
Finish-to-start – “a logical relationship where initiation of work of the successor activity depends upon the completion of work of the predecessor activity.” Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Lead – “a modification of a logical relationship that allows an acceleration of the successor activity.” Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Lag – “a modification of a logical relationship that directs a delay in the successor activity.” Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Finish-to-finish Relationships
Example: Graphics could be designed while marketing campaign is being designed, but not completed until marketing campaign is completed.
Finish-to-finish (FF)– “the logical relationship where completion of work of the successor activity cannot finish until the completion of work of the predecessor activity.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Start-to-start Relationships
Examples: Graphics design could not start until marketing design started
Start-to-start – “a logical relationship where initiation of the work of the successor schedule activity depends upon the initiation of the work of the predecessor schedule activity.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Start-to-finish Relationships
Least used relationship
Example – a project to replace an old system where the new capability must be started before the old one is completely discontinued
Start-to-finish – “the logical relationship where completeness of the successor scheduling activity is dependent upon the initiation of the predecessor schedule activity.” -Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Breakout Session! Sequencing Activities

Using your 12-20 activities on Post-it® notes:
Arrange the activities from left (start) to right (finish) in logical order
Draw arrows connecting the activities
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Estimate Activity Duration
Evaluate each activity independently
Document all assumptions & constraints
Changing assumptions & constraints could change estimates
Duration – “the total number of work periods (not including
holidays or other non-work periods) required to complete a
schedule activity… usually expressed as workdays or workweeks.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Activity Duration Estimate Example
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Suggestions for Creating Realistic Time Estimates
Verify time estimations with the people doing the work
Estimate times without initial reference to a calendar
Make sure all time units are identical: working days, work week, months (consider time off for company holidays)
Consider time constraints (see following slide!)
Acknowledge tendency toward optimistic or pessimistic estimations
Be realistic
Adjust estimates based on size, familiarity, & complexity differences

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Inaccuracy in work instructions
Suggestions for Creating Realistic Time Estimates
Possibly time constraints…
Unexpected meetings
Learning curves
Resources or information not available on time
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Activity Duration Estimating Problems and Remedies

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Learning Curves
The more times someone performs an activity, the better & faster he or she becomes
Rate of improvement can be studied & predicted
Rapid learning leads to faster performance times
PMs should plan for the amount of learning that takes place
PMs should sustain an environment that expects rapid learning
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Learning Curves
The rate of improvement varies by:
how much culture of the organization stresses continual improvement
how much of activity is dependent on a worker versus dictated by the pace of a machine
how much skill is involved in the activity
how complex the activity is
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Learning Curves
Time calculated based upon a rate of improvement
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Learning Curves
Duration estimates improve as early iterations are completed
Estimate is for velocity

Velocity – “the sum of the estimates of delivered (i.e., accepted) features per iteration…measured in the same units as feature estimates whether this is story points, days, ideal days, or hours that the team delivers.”
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Develop Project Schedules
Identify the critical path
Determines project’s earliest possible end date
Most critical in terms of time
Methods for determining critical path:
Critical path – “the sequence of schedule activities determining the duration of the project. Generally it is the longest path through the project.” -Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Two-pass method
Enumeration method
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Two-Pass Method
Used to determine amount of slack each activity has
Make two logical passes through the constructed network
The forward pass
The backward pass
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Times Important to Each Activity
Early start date (ES) – “the earliest possible point in time on which uncompleted portions of a schedule activity can start, based upon the schedule network logic, the data date, and any schedule constraints.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Early finish date (EF) – “the earliest possible point in time on which uncompleted portions of a schedule activity can finish, based upon the schedule network logic, the data date, and any schedule constraints.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Times Important to Each Activity
Late start date (LS) – “the latest possible point in time that a schedule activity can start, based upon the schedule network logic, the project completion date, and any schedule constraints.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Late finish date (LF) – “the latest possible point in time when a schedule activity can finish based upon the network logic, the project completion dates, and any schedule constraints.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Two-Pass Example Schedule Set Up
Start at the beginning of the project and ask how soon each activity can begin and end
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Schedule Example First Pass Complete
Forward pass—calculate Early Finish for each activity
EF=ES + Duration
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Second or Backward Pass
How late can each activity be finished and started?
Backward pass – “the calculation of late finish date and late start dates for the uncompleted portions of all schedule activities. Determined by working backward through the schedule network logic from the project’s end date. Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Schedule Example Second Pass Complete
Backward Pass—calculate Late finish & late start dates
Late finish date for last activity is same as early finish date
LF – duration = LS
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Float and the Critical Path

Compute the critical path based on float (slack)
Activities with no/very little float need to be scheduled very carefully
Total float – “the amount of time a schedule activity may be delayed from its early start date without delaying the project end date.” -Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
Free float – “the amount of time a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of immediately following schedule activities.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Float and the Critical Path
Float = Late Start – Early Start
(Float = LS – ES)
Critical path is the sequence of activities that has no float
A – D – F – G

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Breakout Session! Develop Project Schedule

If you have not already done so, create time estimates for your sequenced activities
Make a schedule using the two-pass method
Be sure to identify critical path
Calculate slack/float for all non-critical path activities
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Enumeration Method
List all paths through the network
All paths are identified & timed if the team needs to compress the schedule
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Enumeration Method
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Uncertainty in Project Schedules
Construct the best possible schedule
Manage the project very closely
Estimate a range of possible times each individual activity may take
Examine the impact of each activity on the entire schedule
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Program Evaluation and Review Technique
How does variability in duration of individual activities impact the entire project schedule?
Sequence activities into a network
Create 3 estimates of time to complete each activity

Estimated time = Optimistic + 4(Most likely) +Pessimistic
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Program Evaluation and Review Technique
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PERT Considerations
Reinforces uncertainty that exists in project schedules
Calculations often indicate expected time is actually longer than “most likely” time
Takes more effort to create 3 estimates
No guarantee how good the estimates are
May underestimate the risk of a schedule running long
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Project Managers and PERT
Infrequently used by project managers
PMs may informally use 3 time estimates for key activities
PMs may use Monte Carlo simulation instead
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Monte Carlo Simulation
An entire range of possible time estimates can be used for any activity
Project schedule is calculated many times (1,000+)
Estimates for a particular activity based on likelihood of various times as determined by PM
Monte Carlo Analysis – “a computerized mathematical technique that allows people to account for risk in quantitative analysis and decision making that furnishes the decision maker with a range of possible outcomes and the probabilities with which they will occur.”
-Practice Standard for Scheduling (PMI)
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Monte Carlo Simulation
Computer output: how often project would be expected to take each possible length of time
Flexibility allows more realistic estimates
Extent of information provided
Time requirement
Software and skill required
PMs decide when this specialized technique is worth the extra effort to the project

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Initiatives to Improve On-Time Schedule Delivery
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Show the Project Schedule on a Gantt Chart
Easy-to-understand tool
Horizontal bar chart
A bar for each activity stretched over a time line
Units of time are units used to create schedule
Chart does not show critical path, predecessor-successor relationship, or late start & finish dates
Use scheduling software
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Show the Project Schedule on a Gantt Chart

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Using MS Project for Critical Path Schedules
Set up the project schedule
Build the Logical Network Diagram & identify critical path
Display and print schedules
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Using MS Project for Critical Path Schedules
Limitations to how fast a project can be completed
Consider each limitation in order when using MS Project
Logical order of the activities
Duration of each activity
Imposed dates
Number of key resources available when needed
Cash flow
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Set Up the Project Schedule
Define your organization’s holidays
Turn off change highlighting
Understand types of project data
Set up project schedule
Build Logical Network Diagram & Identify critical path
Display & print schedules
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Define Organization’s Holidays
On Project tab, click Change Working Time.
In For Calendar: box, enter Standard (Project Calendar) if not displayed.
Move to month and year using scroll bar to the right of calendar display.
Click on the day to change.
Click Exceptions tab, then click an empty row.
Enter a description in Name column.
Click another cell in same row to review results.
Repeat these steps until organizational holidays are defined.
Deleting a row restores previous definition.
Click OK.
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Details Dialog for Half Working Day
Select the day, enter a description, then click Details …Click Working Time and modify the From: and To: values.
Click OK twice.
Select the day and click Details…
Click Nonworking and click OK twice.
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Turn Off Change Highlighting
Click Task tab.
On Format tab, Text Styles, Item to Change, enter Changed Cells.
In Background Color, enter White.
Click OK.
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Understanding Types of Project Data
Task Data – WBS data and task data
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Understanding Types of Project Data
Resource Data
Describe each resource with information required for control
Determine assignment load, work, & cost
Identify resource in the resource name field

Assignment Data
Task duration, work values, cost values are calculated at the time of assignment
Calculated when a resource’s work, units, or duration values are changed
View in Task Usage or Resource Usage view
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Build the Logical Network Diagram
Enter tasks & milestones
Edit the timescale
Understand & define task dependencies
Assign task duration estimates
Identify the critical path
Understand the network diagram view
Set up the project schedule
Build the Logical Network Diagram & Identify critical path
Display and print schedules
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Enter tasks and milestones
Edit the timescale
See detailed instructions pp. 271-272 of textbook
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A task dependency definition
a logical relationship
associated lead/lag value.
Lead/lag value of zero days
View/create task dependencies graphically
3. Understand & Define task dependencies
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Use same unit of time for each task
Assign duration estimates to tasks and milestones only
MS Project calculates duration for WBS summaries based on durations for tasks within each summary
See detailed instructions in textbook, p.273 & Exhibit 8.23
4. Assign task duration estimates
Duration cell –
Enter duration value –
Assign zero to create a milestone
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Critical Path task Gantt bars and Network Diagram task nodes are red
Add Critical Path marking to Gantt Chart graphical view
See Exhibit 8.23
Click Task – Format – Bar Styles – Critical Tasks – OK
5. Identify the Critical Path
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Task tab – Task Views group – Network Diagram
**Detailed instructions p.275 in textbook**
6. Understand the network diagram view

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Display and Print Schedules with MS Project
Project scheduling software may not be available to all members of the project team, so emailing won’t work
Create an output that can be printed and easily read (pdf file format)
File – Print – appropriate settings (see p.275) – Print

Set up the project schedule
Build the Logical Network Diagram & Identify critical path
Display and print schedules
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Project schedules are created by listing all activities that will need to be performed (define activities)

Determine predecessors and successors to sequence activities (sequence activities)
Estimate how long each activity will take (estimate activity durations)
Develop schedule is an iterative process
By whom?
How long?
How much?
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Incremental/Iterative Software Development Project
Sample Project Schedule
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Incremental/Iterative Software Development Project
Sample Project Schedule
Can be easily modified depending on project complexity
At end of each of 3 project stages, PM may reassess development & testing estimates
Change approval board (CAB)
Meets regularly to assess, approve, or reject proposed systems changes
Must be notified ASAP of any delays
Development stage broken into several components
Time set aside to test each component after development
New component development begins as soon as previous one is completed
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You will see many scheduling questions on CAPM or PMP exam
Generally involve computation/application—use Exercises on pp.278-279 of text for practice
As general rule, always strive to preserve critical path, since any delays to it will delay the overall project
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Casa de Paz Development Project
Five features were placed in the product backlog.
Website further development was selected to schedule first.
Details for the website were determined.
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