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In three short paragraphs (about 100 words each) answer the following questions about each the three sources that you have chosen for your paper: 

What is the proper MLA or APA citation for your source?

Who is/are the author/s and why are they credible?

What was the author’s purpose for creating the text you are using? 

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Why is this a good source for your paper and how will it help you discuss your discourse community?


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The proper MLA citation for my four outside scources are

1. “Code of Ethics for the CRNA.” AANA, 



2.  Jessica. “CRNA Blog.” Nurse Jess, 16 May 2019, nursejess.com/.

3. Nelle. “What Your Nursing Textbook Didn’t Teach.” Nurse Nelle, Nurse Nelle, 4 Apr. 2014, www.nursenelle.com/new-blog/nursing-textbook-didnt-teach.

4. Tawoda, Taryn. “5 Issues in the CRNA Supervision Debate: Anesthesiologists Weigh In.” Becker’s ASC Review, 31 May 2012, 


AANA is the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists which provides numerous or resources from ethics to practice requirements. The proper citation is listed as number 1 above. The association is a really credible source because it is an reputable source available to anyone who wants to know more about nurse anesthetists or looking for opportunities to further their career paths. The purpose of AANA is to provide numerous resources from what it requires to become a nurse anesthetists to what the board of nursing requires you to learn or acquire to be considered in the discourse.  This is a good source for me to discuss my discourse community because the article found on AANA is about code of ethics for nurse anesthetists. This is what our ethnics should look like and what makes our discourse so different.

Nurse Jess is the author of this blog site. She is credible because she has taken her journey to the blog to help aspiring cRNA and cRNA to see what her career is like. Her purpose is to give us a real life insight on what measures we are willing to take if we are serious and passionate about our job. This is a good source for my paper and will help me discuss my discourse community in terms on what we are willing to learn to belong to this discourse. The proper MLA citation to her blog is listed as number 2 above.

Nurse Nelle is also an author of her own blog. She is credible because she is a real life cRNA who was not afraid to acquire her nursing skills.  She took her chances in the hospital when she was getting experiences in which help her acquire skills she never knew she can ever have. Her purpose in creating the text I am using in my paper is acquiring skills if we take the chance. This is a good source for my paper because it helps me discuss the skills we can acquire in my discourse community. The proper mla citation format is listed above as number 3.

Tawoda is the author of the article cited in proper MLA as number 4. She is credible for me to use as a source for my paper because she has interviewed credible physicians who gave their input and opinions about cRNA. The author’s purpose for creating the text I am using is to give us a lens from a physician’s perspective on why cRNA are not as credible as they can be in the medical field. This is a good source for my paper and it will help me discuss my course community because the biggest conflict discourse is anesthetists physician’s believe we are not qualified to perform independently without supervision because of the educational training difference. They believe we are not educated enough to make a critical decision for a patient in a state of emergency.

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