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Question 2

Since Generation Z is the first generation engulfed in the digital age by being born into instant media access through technological advances, I believe social media is a lifeline to reach this group of individuals.


This is illustrated with people in the age group of 24 or younger relying heavily on their smart phones for information, entertainment and other daily life activities. (Generation Z, n.d.)  I believe the market needs to adapt quickly in reaching this generation through technological means.  According to author Julian Vigo, “Gen Zers, while native creatures to digital communication tools, actually prefer 

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face to face communication

 and the inverse is so for Millennials who prefer digital platforms for communication.” (Vigo, 2019) However, I believe that Generation Z will be communicating more so through social media platforms rather than more traditional forms of communication since 97% of teens today use some kind of social platform. (Generation Z, n.d.)  Also, Generation Z individuals use social media platforms to express themselves and connect with others.  This should help companies in determining who they hire and also how to dictate purchasing power by using the information on social platforms.  Based on the information listed within the articles, it would seem that social media connections are here to stay for Generation Zers and that platform will be the biggest way to target this audience.    



Vigo, J. (2019, August 31). Generation Z And New Technology’s Effect On Culture. Retrieved January 29, 2021, from 


Generation Z. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2021, from 


Question 3

I believe one way to generate additional revenue for Disney Parks from aging segments may be offering discounts for grandparents, or people 65 and up. The discount could be offered on a certain day of the week, possibly on Tuesdays, which could create a desire in families to stay longer that just a four day weekend because grandparents could stay an extra day for a little less. The discount could be small, maybe 10 percent, but there would still be the full price charge for the parents and children. The 10% discount would only be applicable to the park pass, but not the meal plan, and there is research that supports discounts ultimately bring in more revenue. The standard ticket for an adult (10+) at Disney is $109.00 (Disney.Go), so 10 percent of that is $10.90. People will spend more than that on food and souvenirs simply because they were interested in the primary 10 percent discount. As news of the discount spreads more people will come, ultimately raising revenue (Small Business, 2019). 

I did some research on my next suggestion, but never found evidence of this next type of discount. I am aware of the Florida and California resident discount on Disney passes, so the same could extend to the Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Paris locations, but just specifically those cities instead of those countries. Reason being – the population of Japan is 126.3 million (World Meters, 2021) while the state of Florida holds about 21 million. That would be a lot more people at a discounted rate, so maybe keeping the discount to a smaller radius would be smart. The requirement would obviously be showing proof of residence in one of the listed cities and then giving the traditional “40% on four day tickets and 30% on three day tickets” (Disney.Go). People living in those cities would then begin to see Disney as an every day leisure option instead of a special occasion option, so they would go more often. 

My final suggestion would be the consumers least liked option – raise each type of pass $1. This would include year passes, Florida and California passes, day passes of any kind and in any city. This would bring in at least $1 more per guest per day, which would add up quickly. This option may put consumers off, but there is potential for them to sweep it under the rug because “it’s just a dollar”. 

Miksen, C. (2019, January 28). The Advantages of Offering Discounts at Your Business. Retrieved January 28, 2021, from 


Magic Kingdom Park Hours. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2021, from 


Japan Population (LIVE). (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2021, fr

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