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In this Discussion, you will apply your knowledge and understanding of the American Psychology-Law Society Forensic Specialty Guidelines (AP-LS) pertaining to ethical issues within forensic psychology. You will consider the question: How do forensic psychology evaluations differ from clinical psychology evaluations? In addition, you will consider which of the guidelines you may find most professionally and personally challenging, and how you might responsibly and realistically overcome those challenges (for example, if you lived in a small town, you might experience challenges in avoiding dual relationships). You will also review your own state’s or region’s guidelines from your psychology boards to understand if there are differences between the expectations of forensic psychology professionals and clinical psychology professionals conducting assessments.

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To prepare

·  Review the Learning Resources.

·  Review state laws and case laws pertaining to ethical guidelines for forensic assessment utilizing the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology listed in your Learning Resources.

·  Review your own state laws (or local laws if you are an international student) pertaining to forensic assessments and the differences between forensic and clinical professionals’ use of assessments.

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Post a response to the following:

·  Provide a brief description of the three guidelines related to forensic assessment that you think would be the most challenging.

·  Explain why each of these guidelines would be challenging for you.

·  Explain why each of these guidelines would be challenging for you.

·  Explain, using specific examples, what you might do to overcome these challenges.

·  Explain how the laws in your state might differ concerning the use of assessments by forensic psychology professionals versus the use of assessments by clinical professionals?









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