Diagnosis paper

DiagnosisPaper # 2

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Due Wednesday, April 7th by Class

GENERAL INFORMATION: Each diagnosis paper involves the review of a real individual with

mental illness. There will be four diagnosis papers in total. You will be asked to identify the

symptoms present and the functional impairment present for the individual. You will propose

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a DSM-V classification for the individual and provide a justification for your choice. When

applicable, you will be asked to formulate an understanding of the development and/or

maintenance of the symptomology.

ANOREXIA CASE: The clinical case is that of an individual with Anorexia Nervosa.

Here’s the video:

As you watch the video, think about whether the individual meets criteria for Anorexia by

reviewing the symptoms of the disorder as listed in the DSM-V (see table below). At times

the disorder’s criteria may be fully evident, and other times there may be insufficient

information provided. As always, write in basic APA format (12 pt., Times New Roman font,

black font, double spaced, ½ inch indents, no extra spaces between paragraphs). Your task

is to:

1. Describe the symptoms of mental illness presented (including frequency,

intensity, and duration when available). Be sure to include the emotional,

behavioral, and thought-based symptoms experienced by the individual. Give

concrete examples (e.g., “inaccurate thoughts” isn’t sufficient). Describe the

functional impairment experienced by the individual. (2-4 paragraphs; 30 points)

a. Organize your text following along with the diagnostic criteria for the

given diagnosis. The video may present incomplete information or

information that is inconsistent with the diagnostic criteria (we don’t

all fit perfectly in the boxes). In these cases, your paper should

describe the inconsistencies between the video and the diagnostic


2. For the Anorexia case, describe the impact that the illness had on the identified

patient’s family – her parents and sister. Why does Arley describe anorexia as an

illness of the entire family? (10 points)

3. Complete the diagnostic table presented below, and copy/paste the table into

your paper at the end of your text (10 points).

DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria Symptoms present for the individual, as

described in the individual’s/their

family’s language

A. Restriction of energy intake relative to

requirements, leading to a significant low body

weight in the context of the age, sex,

developmental trajectory, and physical health

(less than minimally normal/expected).

B. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming

fat or persistent behavior that interferes with

weight gain.

C. Disturbed by one’s body weight or shape,

self-worth influenced by body weight or shape,

or persistent lack of recognition of seriousness

of low bodyweight.

Restricting Type or Binge-Eating/Purging Type?

ADDTIIONAL INFORMATION: Please upload this paper to your individual folder located in the

class google drive folder



Each student has their own folder. You are welcome to store whatever you would like in your

personal folder (e.g., drafts) but please make sure to you have saved your final draft to the

subfolder labeled “Assignment Submissions”. I will accept late assignments; however, all

late assignments will be downgraded 4% per day. This policy thus provides some flexibility

for times when students have too much on their plates. However, the penalties add up

quickly, and so the cost is high. Take care to use this flexibility sparingly.



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