Develop and cultivate partnership and relationship

Please answer each questions with corresponding number of words. Please see attached file

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Question 1: What similarities and difference exist between business in your country and business in another country? (100-150 words)

Question 2: What recommendations would you make to improve effectiveness of today’s stakeholder and relevant individuals? (150-200 words)

Question 3: How would taking a Shareholder Value /Value Based Management Approach to an organisation activity result in a different outcome to taking a behavioral theory approach? (100-150 words)

Question 4: When and how often will you talk with staff about performance? (100-150 words)

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Question 5: Identify what you want employees to achieve in the future. (80-100 words)

Question 6: How well is the organisation’s performance meeting the expectations of the key stockholders? (150-200 words)

Question7: What does an effective communication strategy look like? (80-120 words)

Question8: How should I go about approaching journalist? (50-100 words)

Question9: What different approaches do you take in your organisation when talking to different people? (80-120 words)

Question10: What is the difference between a strategic alliance and long-term agreement with respect to supplier? (150-200 words)

Question11: Give the example of alliance and show how you would measure its performance? (100-150 words)

Question12: Briefly explain integrated stakeholder engagement and its advantages. (120-150 words)

Question13: How to create an effective engagement strategy for partner or a stakeholder? (100-150 words)

Question14: Explain conjoint behavioral consultation process. (80-120 words)

Question15: What is collaboration? Explain Digital workplace with example and its benefits. (120-150 wods)

Question16: What is the organisation culture? What must strategic leaders do to develop and sustain an effective organisation culture? (150-200 words)

Question17: As a strategic leader, what action could you take to establish and emphasize ethical practice in your firm. (80-120 words)

Question18: How do strategic leaders effectively manage their firm’s resource portfolio so that its core competencies are fully exploited, and human capital and social capital are leveraged to achieve a competitive

advantage? (150-200 words)

Question19: How will you sell the benefits of performance management to your employees? (120-150 words)

Question20: What help do you need from the organisation to develop your skills, knowledge and capabilities in support of your career plans? (100-150 words)

Question21: What will you do in the next 12 months to help achieve your career plans? (150-200 words)

Question22: Can you describe a team when there was a team problem/internal conflict- how did you react/what did you do? (150-200 words)

Question23: Why undertake performance management? (100-120 words)

Question24: Explain the following terms: (50-80 words each)

a. Code of conduct

b. Antidiscrimination

c. WHS act

Question25: Explain genuine shared vision and set of goals across the partnership? (80-120 words)

Question26: Explain, accepted commitment to joint investments/resources to support the partnership by all the organisations/individuals. (100-150 words)

Question27: To whom will the partnership report? Is there a process to report on progress? (120-150 words)

Question28: Is there an accepted process for decision-making? Who is the accountable individual for the partnership? (80-120 words)

Question29: Explain adequate monitoring, evaluation, and feedback in Partnership Plan. (120-150 words)

Question30: Does the partnership review its aims and objectives in the light of any changes/challenges to the planned partnership outcomes? (120-150 words)

Question31: What is emotional intelligence? What is its relationship to individual and team effectiveness? (80-120 words)

Question32: What are the stages of change management? (120-200 words)

Question33: Describe data collection methods. (150-200 words)

Question34: Explain below listed external contexts and how they affect running of an organisation: (80-100 words each)

a. Social developments

b. Political developments

c. Economic developments

d. Technological developments

Question35: Explain the following in context with an organisation: (50-100 words each)

a. Mission statement

b. Purpose

c. Values

d. Objectives

e. Strategies

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