Defining your code: Ethical Principles and Values


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On one page, provide lists of a) between five to seven values and b) 1-2 ethical behaviours associated with each value. On the second page, indicate which two ethical theories appeal to you the most and why. Provide a paragraph for each theory. On the third page, list your references (minimum 4 academic resources).

Cite the source using APA.  Formatting to follow APA 7 standards and include a title page and running head.



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Assignment 1b: Ethical Principles and Values

Yu (Jones) Li

Royal Roads University

Instructor: Dr. Geoffry & Gill Dixon

January 25th, 2021

List of values

Respect: Respect is a way of treating someone or something. It is the positive action or feeling expressed towards someone or something held in high regard or esteem. People usually earn others’ respect by playing important roles in society or by being good to others.

· Two ethical behaviors associated with respect are discrimination in hotels and honoring important individuals in society. Some hotel owners and staff might discriminate against customers on the basis of race, religion, or age if they lack the value of respect.

Optimism: Optimism is a psychological attitude characterized by confidence to succeed and hope for a positive future. It reflects on the belief and hopes that the outcomes will be desirable, favorable, and positive. Comment by Gillian Dixon:

· Two ethical behaviors associated with optimism is resilience in the face of difficulties and believing in oneself. Working in a hotel or any industry has challenges when dealing with various personalities. Therefore, resilience and believing in oneself is essential to desired performance.

Loyalty: Loyalty signifies an individual’s attachment or devotion to an object, including a duty, an idea, a cause, a group of people, or another individual. It expresses itself in a person’s actions and thoughts towards the object (Sandu et al., 2020).

· Two ethical behaviors associated with loyalty are a forfeiture of compensation by an unfaithful employee and not stealing from guests when cleaning. Loyal employees will not be tempted to steal from customers when offering room services.

Compassion: Compassion drives individuals and groups of people to help the emotional, mental, and physical pains of other individuals (Creutzig et al., 2020). It involves individuals allowing themselves to be touched by other people or beings’ suffering and having the inspiration to prevent or alleviate it. Compassionate people have a sensitivity to the suffering of others.

· Two ethical behaviors associated with compassion are fairness in society and ensuring clean beddings in the hotel industry. Uncleanliness in guest rooms can cause diseases to the customers.

Courage: Courage is the willingness to face intimidation, uncertainty, pain, agony, or danger with no fear. Physical courage is the bravery to confront hardship, death threat or danger, and physical pain. On the other hand, moral courage is the ability of a person to act in the right way when faced with personal loss, shame, opposition, or discouragement. Comment by Gillian Dixon:

· Ethical behaviors associated with courage are perseverance and patience.

Honesty: Honesty is not only about telling the truth and avoiding lying but is deals with being real to oneself and others about who a person is, what he wants, and what he needs to live an authentic life. It encourages openness and empowers individuals to develop consistency concerning how they present ideas. Also, it enables people to observe and understand everything around them with clarity. Comment by Gillian Dixon:

· Ethical behaviors associated with honesty are straightforwardness and serving the right quantity in hotels. Some hotel owners reduce amounts to increase revenue.

Ethical Theories that appeal to me the most


Utilitarianism theory focuses on morality. It advocates actions that stimulate pleasure or happiness and opposes actions that promote harm or unhappiness. The theory advocates the betterment of the whole society politically, economically, and socially. According to the theory, an action should be considered right if it brings pleasure to a larger number of people than those it causes unhappiness (Piacquadio, 2017). It is a reason-based approach to determine what actions are right or wrong in society. The theory appeals to me because it advocates for equality in society. Utilitarianism states that the happiness of every individual in society counts equally. Also, the theory helps people in making logical decisions. It advocates that actions should be taken if the pleasures they generate to people outweigh the harm or pain caused. The theory is important in hotel industry career development because individuals seeking hotel accommodation and services are after obtaining maximum utility. Therefore, I will be able to make decisions that maximize customer happiness and pleasure. Comment by Gillian Dixon: To me there is not enough citation vs ideas in this paragraph Where is all this content from?

Deontological Ethics Theory

Deontological ethics theory focuses on the connection between morality of human actions and duty. The theory states are judged to be right or wrong based on characteristics of the action rather than the outcome (Wang & Gupta, 2020). Therefore, an action is morally right because some of its characteristics are good, not because the action’s outcome is good. These theories are regarded as formalistic because their primary code emphasizes individual actions’ conformity to a set of laws or rules. The theory appeals to me because I believe that an action should not be judged as right or wrong based solely on the end product’s desirability. Some actions result in the desired outcome but follow unethical or unlawful procedures. The theory is important in the hotel industry because pursuing to attain an appealing outcome without minding the process can have detrimental consequences. For instance, bed sheets in hotel rooms require disinfestation during this period of covid-19. They might appear very clean but infect the customer if they were not disinfected as required. Comment by Gillian Dixon: Does not come from the source Wang and Gupta. What is the actual source?


Creutzig, F., Javaid, A., Soomauroo, Z., Lohrey, S., Milojevic-Dupont, N., Ramakrishnan, A., … & Zausch, J. M. (2020). Fair street space allocation: ethical principles and empirical insights. Transport Reviews, 40(6), 711-733.

Piacquadio, P. G. (2017). A fairness justification of utilitarianism. Econometrica, 85(4), 1261-1276.

Sandu, A., Huidu, A., & Frunză, A. (2020). Social Perception of Ethical Values in the Romanian Post-Secular Society. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 19(55), 105-120.

Wang, S., & Gupta, M. (2020, June). Deontological ethics by monotonicity shape constraints. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 2043-2054). PMLR.

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