DB2: Bias & Intentionality

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  • Watch Biases powerpoint( it’s on the Drag & Drop file to upload Box)
  • Read But I Didn’t Mean It (Links to an external site.) article: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psysociety/e2809cbut-i-didne28099t-mean-ite2809d-why-ite28099s-so-hard-to-prioritize-impacts-over-intents/

After watching the Biases PPT and reading “But I Didn’t Mean It,” please post to this discussion board

Consider the following guiding questions for your post.

  • Do you have to mean to be racist in order to be racist? 
  • What does unintentional bias look like? 
  • How have you experienced bias? Were the perpetrators intentional? Did it matter?
  • How has intersectionality affected bias in your own life?
  • What is the relationship between a single sexist act, and Sexism (little “s” sexism vs. capital “S” Sexism). 
  • What can you do to combat bias in your own life? 



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A single attitude or belief about an entire group of people.
Not inherently negative.


A set of attitudes or believes that devalues an entire group of people.
Attitudes, NOT behaviors.
Inherently negative.
Project Implicit Social Attitudes (implicit bias tests)



Behavior or set of behaviors that hurts an entire group of people


A system of forces that presses down on an entire group of people, preventing them from living the good life.


A system of forces that lifts up an entire group of people, helping them live the good life.

Paradox of Privilege

Privilege is assigned by others
Can be privileged without feeling privileged
Privilege doesn’t make you happy

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