DB 3.0

 In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 370 words) 

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Assignment Details

Your supervisor informs you that each criminal justice agency in your community has to develop a new crime-fighting strategy for the coming fiscal year that must be based on a crime causation explanation to be presented to the city council for funding your department. Using the library and other available resources, prepare a brief summary of a policy linked to a theory that you would propose.

In your response, please address the following:

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  • The purpose of the policy
  • The theory guiding your policy
  • Anticipated benefits
  • Benefits and disadvantages of your policy
  • The implementation plan


by Dr. Edward Hale

Posted Oct 14, 2019

The Unit 3 Discussion Board (DB) is an exploration of policy writing – and the reasons they are


Policies Address Problems

In your criminal justice career, it is quite possible that you will be tasked with developing a

crime reduction strategy that is based on a crime causation theory. Whether you are in a public

agency or in a private corporation, crime reduction issues are frequently tied to funding sources

of problems. First, the root problem must be identified. Second, a plan must be developed to

address or fix it. Plans frequently turn into policies, if they are found to be effective.

Proposed Policy

In this exercise, we will link a policy proposal to a crime causation theory. When working for an

agency, city or private organization, the following would be included:

• The purpose of the policy. What is the underlying problem that necessitates the creation
of a policy?

• What is the overarching theory that is guiding the creation of the policy?

• What are the anticipated benefits?

• Provide a comparison of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposed policy.

• Provide an action plan that shows how it will be implemented.

Whenever you make a proposal, you will get proponents, as well as opponents, of your proposal.

Some people will agree with you and some will disagree. You’ll need to be prepared to describe

the advantages of your policy proposal, as well as being prepared to counter the alleged

disadvantages to your proposal. A policy proposal will be made to the stakeholders – and you

will have to determine who the stakeholders are. Your stakeholders could be city commissioners,

jail commanders, community activists or other key players who have a stake in the outcome of

your policy, if it is implemented.

Social Environment

Let’s return to the issue of crime causation. What is it? Crime causation simply explains the

causes of crime. In this context, the roots of crime are oftentimes found in the social

environment, which includes:

• The family

• Schools

Unit 3 Discussion Board

How to Write a Policy


• Peer groups

• The workplace

• The community

• Society

Is there a crime fighting strategy (or a policy) that would directly or indirectly address any of

these root causes?

Crime Causation Theories

Crime causation has six different theories that describe crime. Click on any of the following to

read more about them:

1. Strain Theory 4. Labeling Theory

2. Social Learning Theory 5. Social Disorganization Theory

3. Control Theory 6. Critical Theories

These theories focus on different features of the social environment and they provide different

reasons why the social environment causes crime.

Root Problems

Some crime causation theories focus on individual differences in crime, while others explain

group differences in crime. For example, some communities have higher crime rates than other

communities. My city may have different crime causation roots than your city. Cities may have

similarities, but no two cities are exactly alike. You may know exactly what the crime causation

issues are in your neighborhood or in your city because you live there and it’s abundantly clear

to you, but it might not be clear to outsiders.

Identify Root Crime Problems

What kind of a crime fighting strategy can be developed that is based on crime causation? The

answer might be different for each city. Here are sample problems and suggested policies:

Problem: First, identify a problem that needs to be fixed.

Policy: Second, develop a policy (or a plan) to address it.

That’s the basic premise. Now let’s expand it to a specific problem. What follows are five









Problem: A neighborhood has a drug problem

Policy: The plan or the policy will be for the police department to put undercover

detectives in the neighborhood to develop confidential informants to find out who the

drug dealers are. Then they can be arrested.

Problem: A city has a domestic violence problem.

Policy: The plan is to have the police department sponsor domestic violence seminars at

city hall and work in tandem with the media to educate the public on domestic violence



Problem: The city high school has a 40% drop-out rate among students. That will

eventually lead to higher unemployment and more crime.

Policy: The proposal is to have the city commission encourage the school board to

develop “alternative schools” that will help struggling students to graduate from high

school and maybe attend a vocational-technical school where they can learn an

employable skill.


Problem: The city has a high unemployment rate (that will eventually lead to crime).

What can we do about high unemployment?

Policy: Let’s ask the city commission to create major tax breaks for any industry or

company that is willing to relocate to our city. Once the company relocates to our city,

they will invariably employ our city residents, which will then reduce unemployment,

which will indirectly reduce crime.

We’ve identified a problem and we’ve offered a proposal to fix it. Our proposal may not work,

but at least we’re trying to fix the problem. If at first you don’t succeed, then try try again.

Innovative Proposals

These are different crime causation factors that must be addressed in unique and innovative

ways. Solutions are not a one-size-fits-all formula. Proposed solutions need to be developed that

focus on whatever crime causation factors you identify in your community. You might be

surprised at how much you actually know – because you live in your community. It’s going to be


up to people like you to identify problems and then offer proposed solutions to fix them. It’s not

necessarily up to others. It begins first with us. You have the power to be a mover and a shaker.

How to Write a Policy

Don’t be intimidated by the word policy. A policy is simply a written plan that addresses a

problem. Here are the basic steps for creating a policy:

1. PROBLEM: Every policy begins with an identified problem that needs to be fixed.
2. IDEA: From there, an idea is developed on how to fix or address the problem.
3. PLAN: That idea is morphed into a written draft or plan for others to read.
4. POLICY: A written plan becomes policy if it is adopted by a chief, sheriff, city

commission or by whoever is in charge.

That’s the basic process for policy creation.

Policies Prevent Problems

Policies either prevent or solve problems. Almost every policy was created because of a problem

that had to be fixed. Having a written policy helps future employees or people to keep out of

trouble. It’s sort of like the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, which was

written in 1776, helps future citizens, government officials and lawyers to remember certain

things – and if we remember those things, then the nation will remain free, but if we forget and

dismiss those Constitutional policies, then we will re-experience the same issues that our

forefathers had in the 1700s. Written policies are designed to prevent or to solve problems.

Know your Stakeholders

When you design a policy proposal, make sure that you know who your audience or stakeholders

are. Click here to a PowerPoint that discusses how to write a policy brief. Do not read the entire

thing – just speed-read it or scroll through it to get some general ideas.

APA citation:

(Hale, 2019)

APA reference:

Hale, E. (2019). How to write a policy. [Unit 3]. Retrieved from







by Dr. Edward Hale

Posted Oct 14, 2019

The Unit 3 Discussion Board (DB) is an exploration of policy writing – and the reasons they are


Policies Address Problems

In your criminal justice career, it is quite possible that you will be tasked with developing a

crime reduction strategy that is based on a crime causation theory. Whether you are in a public

agency or in a private corporation, crime reduction issues are frequently tied to funding sources

of problems. First, the root problem must be identified. Second, a plan must be developed to

address or fix it. Plans frequently turn into policies, if they are found to be effective.

Proposed Policy

In this exercise, we will link a policy proposal to a crime causation theory. When working for an

agency, city or private organization, the following would be included:

• The purpose of the policy. What is the underlying problem that necessitates the creation
of a policy?

• What is the overarching theory that is guiding the creation of the policy?

• What are the anticipated benefits?

• Provide a comparison of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposed policy.

• Provide an action plan that shows how it will be implemented.

Whenever you make a proposal, you will get proponents, as well as opponents, of your proposal.

Some people will agree with you and some will disagree. You’ll need to be prepared to describe

the advantages of your policy proposal, as well as being prepared to counter the alleged

disadvantages to your proposal. A policy proposal will be made to the stakeholders – and you

will have to determine who the stakeholders are. Your stakeholders could be city commissioners,

jail commanders, community activists or other key players who have a stake in the outcome of

your policy, if it is implemented.

Social Environment

Let’s return to the issue of crime causation. What is it? Crime causation simply explains the

causes of crime. In this context, the roots of crime are oftentimes found in the social

environment, which includes:

• The family

• Schools

Unit 3 Discussion Board

How to Write a Policy


• Peer groups

• The workplace

• The community

• Society

Is there a crime fighting strategy (or a policy) that would directly or indirectly address any of

these root causes?

Crime Causation Theories

Crime causation has six different theories that describe crime. Click on any of the following to

read more about them:

1. Strain Theory 4. Labeling Theory

2. Social Learning Theory 5. Social Disorganization Theory

3. Control Theory 6. Critical Theories

These theories focus on different features of the social environment and they provide different

reasons why the social environment causes crime.

Root Problems

Some crime causation theories focus on individual differences in crime, while others explain

group differences in crime. For example, some communities have higher crime rates than other

communities. My city may have different crime causation roots than your city. Cities may have

similarities, but no two cities are exactly alike. You may know exactly what the crime causation

issues are in your neighborhood or in your city because you live there and it’s abundantly clear

to you, but it might not be clear to outsiders.

Identify Root Crime Problems

What kind of a crime fighting strategy can be developed that is based on crime causation? The

answer might be different for each city. Here are sample problems and suggested policies:

Problem: First, identify a problem that needs to be fixed.

Policy: Second, develop a policy (or a plan) to address it.

That’s the basic premise. Now let’s expand it to a specific problem. What follows are five









Problem: A neighborhood has a drug problem

Policy: The plan or the policy will be for the police department to put undercover

detectives in the neighborhood to develop confidential informants to find out who the

drug dealers are. Then they can be arrested.

Problem: A city has a domestic violence problem.

Policy: The plan is to have the police department sponsor domestic violence seminars at

city hall and work in tandem with the media to educate the public on domestic violence



Problem: The city high school has a 40% drop-out rate among students. That will

eventually lead to higher unemployment and more crime.

Policy: The proposal is to have the city commission encourage the school board to

develop “alternative schools” that will help struggling students to graduate from high

school and maybe attend a vocational-technical school where they can learn an

employable skill.


Problem: The city has a high unemployment rate (that will eventually lead to crime).

What can we do about high unemployment?

Policy: Let’s ask the city commission to create major tax breaks for any industry or

company that is willing to relocate to our city. Once the company relocates to our city,

they will invariably employ our city residents, which will then reduce unemployment,

which will indirectly reduce crime.

We’ve identified a problem and we’ve offered a proposal to fix it. Our proposal may not work,

but at least we’re trying to fix the problem. If at first you don’t succeed, then try try again.

Innovative Proposals

These are different crime causation factors that must be addressed in unique and innovative

ways. Solutions are not a one-size-fits-all formula. Proposed solutions need to be developed that

focus on whatever crime causation factors you identify in your community. You might be

surprised at how much you actually know – because you live in your community. It’s going to be


up to people like you to identify problems and then offer proposed solutions to fix them. It’s not

necessarily up to others. It begins first with us. You have the power to be a mover and a shaker.

How to Write a Policy

Don’t be intimidated by the word policy. A policy is simply a written plan that addresses a

problem. Here are the basic steps for creating a policy:

1. PROBLEM: Every policy begins with an identified problem that needs to be fixed.
2. IDEA: From there, an idea is developed on how to fix or address the problem.
3. PLAN: That idea is morphed into a written draft or plan for others to read.
4. POLICY: A written plan becomes policy if it is adopted by a chief, sheriff, city

commission or by whoever is in charge.

That’s the basic process for policy creation.

Policies Prevent Problems

Policies either prevent or solve problems. Almost every policy was created because of a problem

that had to be fixed. Having a written policy helps future employees or people to keep out of

trouble. It’s sort of like the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, which was

written in 1776, helps future citizens, government officials and lawyers to remember certain

things – and if we remember those things, then the nation will remain free, but if we forget and

dismiss those Constitutional policies, then we will re-experience the same issues that our

forefathers had in the 1700s. Written policies are designed to prevent or to solve problems.

Know your Stakeholders

When you design a policy proposal, make sure that you know who your audience or stakeholders

are. Click here to a PowerPoint that discusses how to write a policy brief. Do not read the entire

thing – just speed-read it or scroll through it to get some general ideas.

APA citation:

(Hale, 2019)

APA reference:

Hale, E. (2019). How to write a policy. [Unit 3]. Retrieved from






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