Database Assignment Research Paper

Required for following database:

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Apache Databases (Pig, Hive, Cassandra, etc) 


The report is a DETAILED, RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT. This is not an outline, excel spreadsheet, or a one-two project. This will require a significant level of effort and time. You are building a business use as to WHY a company would want to use this database technology solution or vendor technology. 

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What are the key database products made by the vendor OR the key database platforms available under the database category (do not just use the ones listed – there are MANY MORE)?

o   A minimum of 4-6 is expected here. 

If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why?

o   Provide a ½ page response at most!

Provide a short history of each key database platform you’ve described

o   A minimum of 1-2 paragraphs PER DATABASE PLATFORM is expected.

What industries are these database vendors tools or database technology platforms used in? Is the market increasing or decreasing for technology?

o   I expect a 1/2 -1-page industry synopsis here. 

What are the key features for each of these database platforms? What are differentiators compared to other database platforms in its like-kind class?

o   I expect 1-2 pages for EACH DATABASE PLATFORM. 

Are these databases used on-premise only? Cloud-based only? Mainframe only? Explain the infrastructure use case for each of these databases that you are discussing. 

o   I expect a 1/2 -1-page technical synopsis here.

Provide three (3) business uses for why a customer/client would want to use your vendors/class of database technology in their environment.

o   I expect a 1-2 page analysis that is researched for each use case (up to 6 pages). 

What are key technical skills a data administrator or database administrator would require if they use this platform?

o   You need to review job boards and postings for this. you need to come up with the ideal skill set.

Where do you believe this technology will be in 3-5 years?

o   Provide a 1-2 paragraph summary. 

As you can tell, this is about a 15-20 Page Paper! Your group will have a LOT OF RESEARCH. You MUST use APA citations throughout this paper. It counts as 20% of your overall grade for this assignment. Your paper will be graded against the assignment rubric which measures the following weight based on the points assigned (i.e. 20 points, 25 points depending on if you are in MAIN or 1G/IIG)

Technical Competency (25%)

Business Competency (20%

Technical Accuracy (25%)

Spelling / Grammar (10%)

Citations / APA (20%)

urgentno plaigarismhigh quality

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