Data structure and Algorithm


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 * @author Jane Programmer

 * @cwid   123 45 678

 * @class  COSC 2336, Spring 2019

 * @ide    Visual Studio Community 2017

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 * @date   January 12, 2019

 * @assg   Assignment 01


 * @description Assignment 01, practice on functions, user defined

 *   types and arrays.




using namespace std;

/** main 

 * The main entry point for this program.  Execution of this program

 * will begin with this main function.


 * @param argc The command line argument count which is the number of

 *     command line arguments provided by user when they started

 *     the program.

 * @param argv The command line arguments, an array of character

 *     arrays.


 * @returns An it value indicating program exit status.  Usually 0

 *     is returned to indicate normal exit and a non-zero value

 *     is returned to indicate an error condition.


int main(int argc, char** argv)


  int n = 22;

  int x[] = {5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 2, 7, 5, 4, 5, 2, 1, 9, 8, 9, 3, 5, 2, 5, 8, 8, 9};

  double xbar = 0.0;

  double std = 0.0;

  // calculate and display mean of values

  //xbar = calculateMean(n, x);

  cout << "The calculated mean is: " << setprecision(8) << xbar << endl;

  // calculate and display standard deviation of values

  //std = calculateStandardDeviation(n, x);

  cout << "The calculated standard deviation is: " << setprecision(8) << std << endl;


  // return 0 to indicate successful completion

  return 0;


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