Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5]

 Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5]

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As you have planned your action research so far in this course, you have come to new understandings about your area of focus and the variables you intend to influence through your planned intervention. Now we will shift to learning about data collection techniques that you can use to determine if your proposed intervention has made a difference. Please prepare for this discussion by reading Chapters 4 and 5 in the Mills (2014) textbook and Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the Sagor (2000) ebook. Then, create a table similar to the one below, and include the following information:

  • State your research question.
  • Determine one qualitative and one quantitative technique you will use to collect the data needed to answer your research question.
  • For each technique, justify why you would use this technique in your study.
  • Cite at least one source you used in determining your data collection techniques.

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Data Collection Technique

Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match with what you are attempting to find and to measure?




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