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“As organizations expand their digital infrastructures, the amount of data being collected is growing at an ever-increasing pace. This deluge presents a new set of challenges, and the most crucial of these — making sense of it all — depends on data visualization. Digital tools like Many Eyes and Tableau Software have empowered companies and the public to create visualizations using built-in templates, but they have also spurred a desire for more control over visual method, layout, style, and branding.”

Find two data visualization products to review. These may be either a products which you are already familiar, or products you could research.

Provide a 250 word review of the two products in responding to the following questions:

Regarding the use of data visualizations, what are the products’ advantages? What are some of the products’ disadvantages? Which product would you prefer and why?

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Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words

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