Cyber Security C2

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Cybersecurity is the process of developing and deploying security measures to ensure privacy, reliability, and the availability of electronic data when needed. Cybersecurity has taken on great importance in regard to safeguarding our global infrastructure.

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Nate Kube, who founded Wurldtech Security Technologies in 2006, has co-authored numerous security publications for the embedded device security market, and frequently presents on cyber and security issues. He is recognized as an international expert on cybersecurity. According to Kube, cyber and physical security aligns to the essential need to holistically mitigate cyber risk across industrial environments. Computer networking and connectivity require sophisticated means to protect the computing environment from cyber risks and threats.

The direction of global cybersecurity aligns with the Department of Homeland Security’s Four Pillars: prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks; protect the American people, infrastructure, and resources; respond and recover; and strengthen the foundation.

Your Task:

1. Why are academic and government entities beginning to use the term cyber and physical security (or cyber-physical security)?

2. What is the connection between cybersecurity and physical security?

3. In your opinion, is education in this field advancing at the necessary pace to counteract attacks on cyber and physical security?

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