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November 18, 2020

Fidelity Investments
Hiring Manager
1201 3rd Ave #5010.
Seattle, WA 98101

Dear Hiring Team:

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I am writing to apply for the position of a business analyst with BNY Mellon at Seattle that the company advertised through LinkedIn. I am a professional marketer and financial analyst. It is for these reasons that I am presenting my application as I feel I would fit in with the company. I believe that my background as an industrialist makes me uniquely qualified for the opportunity on offer.

I am a person who performs greatly even when the situation I am under is one of high pressure or require the making of fast decisions. Further, I am driven by a desire to attain results that are positive; a feat I achieve through the application of my skills in financial analysis and marketing. Further, I am an expert in business management and have the ability to optimize the organization’s overall performance through the motivation of fellow employees. In addition, I am experience in the development of analysis systems that can be used to analyze the behaviors of customers. With these skills, I believe that in any organization, I can visualize success and also come up with ways by which effective strategies can be implemented to achieve it.

In addition to my background in business, I have suggestions in place that would create a balance between the objectives of the workplace, productive relations between the employees, and strategies of business so as to achieve a competitive edge in business. The collaboration of these skills and my ability to think critically that have fostered the growth of my career.

I have confidence that my background as well as skills and professionalisms qualify me for the consideration of the position and I believe I would be an asset to BNY Mellon. Thank you in advance for your time and for considering my offer to become your new analyst.


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