
Book Review #1- “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”
Chapters 1-3

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  1. Explain why Foua Yang’s birthdate may have been different in various locations in the medical charts?
  2. Describe how the history of the Hmong people as discussed in chapter two may have influenced Foua and Nao Kao’s perception of the physicians and nurses who appear to be in charge of their daughter’s care?
  3. How do you think to have an interpreter might have improved the outcomes of Lia’s numerous emergency room visits up to this point?
  4. Discuss the differences in conceptual frameworks that may have led Foua and Nao Kao and the caregivers at Merced County hospital to misunderstand one another during Lia’s admissions?
  5. How may have Foua and Nao Kao experienced cultural pain during the experience of Lia’s birth in the United States?

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  • NM 245 Book Review assignment overview [MSWord]



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