cultural anthropology

All responses must submitted via the Canvas Assignment Tab.  Due Date: December 18, 2020

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All responses require a minimum 250-word response as well as the indicated sentence requisite.

1.  In the DVD Exercise “Homeless in Paradise,” homelessness is treated as a crime in one U.S. city.  Using a minimum of eight (8) sentences and two (2) anthropology concepts of your choice, describe the two (2) ways homelessness is treated as a crime.  (17 pt.)

2.  The DVD Exercise “Birdsong and Coffee” explains how the global coffee market links Latin American coffee producers and coffee drinkers in the U.S.  Using a minimum of eight (8) sentences and two (2) anthropology concepts of your choice, describe the two (2) ways the global coffee market links Latin American coffee producers and coffee drinkers in the U.S.  (17 pts.)

3. Using a minimum of eight (8) sentences, connect any one or more of the following anthropology concepts to the article “The Life and Death of a Homosexual.”  (22 pts.)

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intersectionality of ideology & sexuality 

gender performance 

fictive or chosen kinship 

4.  Using a minimum of six (6) sentences and any one or more of the following anthropology concepts, describe two (2) ways the DVD Exercise “Anonymously Yours” portrays exploitation. (12 pts.) 

a. patriarchy

b. globalization

c. sexual violence

5.  Using a minimum of six (6) sentences and any one or more of the following anthropology concepts, describe two (2) ways the DVD Exercise “A Wife Among Wives” portrays polygyny among Turkana pastoralists. (12 pts.)

a.  affinal kinship

b.  fictive kinship

c.  household labor

6.  Using a minimum of six (6) sentences and any one or more of the following anthropology concepts, describe two (2) ways the DVD Exercise “Red Hat, Where are You Going?,” portrays the hegemony of the nation-state. (12 pts.)

a.  autonomous chiefdoms

b.  national sovereignty

c.  civil society

7.  Using a minimum of six (6) sentences and any one or more of the following anthropology concepts, describe two (2) ways the DVD Exercise “The Great Gathering,”,” portrays globalization within the Hindu celebration of the Kumbh Mela. (12 pts.)

a.  rites of passage

b.  communitas

c.  contagious magic

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