Option #1:

Using Performance Management Tools to Communicate Performance

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Performance management tools must rely on the strategic plan to be useful. The behaviors, results, and developmental plans of all employees must be aligned with the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of the organization and the business unit. There are many performance management tools available in the open market. Depending on the size and maturity of the organization, the right performance management tool must be chosen to help the organization communicate performance results with its workforce. 

Discuss the following:

  1. Identify an international company and evaluate its strategic plan. This can be done by reading about their vision, mission, and goals.
  2. Once you have identified the strategic plan, identify one technological tool that can be used to effectively communicate the results of employee performance. Briefly explain how this tool can make for a successful performance management process.

For this assignment you may want to view the

Sample APA Paper (Links to an external site.)

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if you need guidance on how to format your paper according to APA guidelines.

You can download and save the

APA Template Paper (Links to an external site.)

as your own paper and replace the placeholders with your own information.

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length and conform to

CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)

. Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course readings.

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