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Briefly define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.

How is your selected company accountable to itself, its stakeholder and the public?

Find a current event in the past 1–2 years in which your selected company (the one you choose in week 1/from the approved company list)  went above and beyond to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR), or, where they may have sorely failed to demonstrate CSR.

In your post, provide the name of the company and the good or bad deed.

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Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?


Go to the INFO Tab in the BB course shell.  Scroll down to the Additional Resources section near the bottom of the page.  Download the Assignment 1 template, complete the cover page with your selected company (from the approved company list) and upload the template to the discussion forum. 

The Company is Kroger

Go to the INFO Tab in the BB course shell.  Scroll down to the Additional Resources section near the bottom of the page.  Download the Assignment 1 template, complete the cover page with your selected company (from the approved company list) and upload the template to the discussion forum. 

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Title of Assignment

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Start the second paragraph here. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence. This is the fourth sentence. This is the fifth sentence.

Start the third paragraph here. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence. This is the fourth sentence. This is the fifth sentence.

Start the fourth paragraph here. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence. This is the fourth sentence. This is the fifth sentence.

Start the fifth paragraph here. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence. This is the fourth sentence. This is the fifth sentence.


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. Enter the second source entry here.

3. Enter the third source entry here.

4. Enter the fourth source entry here.


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