CSPM week1 P1

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Select ONE ARTICLE from the following links and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.

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Sample Article Summary Assignment #1

Prepared by: Dr. Cindi Nadelman

Date: May 26. 2018

ECS 6200 – Managing Information Security

Article Title: Could a Cyber Attack Knock Out Your Computer?

Reference: https://www.lifewire.com/cyber-attacks-4147067

Cyber-attacks disguise themselves in a variety of ways ranging from email messages that appear to be sent from a person in your contacts list, to malicious files sent as attachments from a familiar source such as your bank or other businesses you frequent. Understanding what not to do may be just as important as what to do when these events occur.

In the event of a successful cyber-attack, the attacker may demand some form of ransom payment to regain access to your files that have either been compromised or stolen. Releasing control is usually requested in the form of cryptocurrency which is much more difficult to track.

Downloading apps from unknown developers, opening files from random email sources, visiting infected web sites, or clicking on links that are unfamiliar to you may all be ways you are lured in and cause you to be more vulnerable to attacks.

The best way to protect yourself is to be keenly aware as you search the web or read through your email messages. Training yourself to spot a potential attack is your best defense and the the best way to protect yourself from cyber-attacks.


0/21/2020 Originality Report

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SafeAssign Originality Report
Building Secure Web Applicatns – 202032 – CRN131 – Mitchell • Week Eight Assignment

%100Total Score: High riskAbhilash Sangem
Submission UUID: 2aced163-5cd7-4727-63e3-46444fdfa17d

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Abhilash_Sangem x

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Word Count: 362
Abhilash_Sangem x


1 My paper

Security-Related Rules for Webpages 1

Security-Related Rules for Webpages 2

Security-Related Rules for Webpages

Abhilash Sangem

New England Collage

Building Secure Web Applications

Security-Related Rules for Webpages While each department will add different web pages designed to their liking, there are rules that all staff members and students
should be aware of. These include and are not restricted to: 1. All Software should be up-to-date; All scripts or platforms used should be updated as hackers ac-

tively keep track of possible security flaws, especially from popular Software. All programs should be regularly updated to prevent security gaps (Maass et al., 2017). 2.
Password Policy; All departments and students are required to generate a strong password that will be subject to change after every three months. This is to pre-

vent unauthorized access from hackers and third-party users. All passwords should be complex, containing special characters, numbers, and lower and uppercase let-
ters. The passwords should also be at least eight characters long. 3. Login Page Encryption; All departments should ensure that their login pages are encrypted

through SSL. Using an SSL encryption prevents sensitive information such as login credentials from being transmitted and intercepted unknowingly (Maass et al.,
2017). It would ensure that all private data shared on the different pages remain secure. 4. Website Maintenance; All departments are required to ensure that

every plugin, application, or database is maintained regularly. This process involves deleting any of the abovementioned that are no longer in use. 5. Backup Data;
All web pages should have a backup of all files in the event the site is inaccessible, or data is lost. Though the web host provider offers server backups, it is impor-

tant to have a different backup system in place (Maass et al., 2017). There are content management programs available for your disposal that provide extensions and
plugins which automatically back up databases and content.


Maass, M., Wichmann, P., Pridöhl, H., & Herrmann, D. (2017, June). Privacy score: Improving privacy and security via crowd-sourced benchmarks of websites.

In Annual Privacy Forum (pp. 178-191). Springer, Cham. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67280-9_10


1 1



10/21/2020 Originality Report

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My paper 93%

My paper 100%

My paper 100%
My paper 100%
My paper 100%
My paper 100%

Student paper

New England Collage Building Secure
Web Applications Security-Related Rules
for Webpages While each department
will add different web pages designed to
their liking, there are rules that all staff
members and students should be aware
of. These include and are not restricted

Original source

New England Collage Building Secure
Web Application Security-Related Rules
for Webpages While each department
will add different web pages designed to
their liking, there are rules that all staff
members and students should be aware
of These include and are not restricted to

Student paper

All Software should be up-to-date; All
scripts or platforms used should be up-
dated as hackers actively keep track of
possible security flaws, especially from
popular Software. All programs should
be regularly updated to prevent security
gaps (Maass et al., 2017).

Original source

All Software should be up-to-date All
scripts or platforms used should be up-
dated as hackers actively keep track of
possible security flaws, especially from
popular Software All programs should be
regularly updated to prevent security
gaps (Maass et al., 2017)

Student paper

All departments and students are re-
quired to generate a strong password
that will be subject to change after every
three months. This is to prevent unau-
thorized access from hackers and third-
party users. All passwords should be
complex, containing special characters,
numbers, and lower and uppercase let-
ters. The passwords should also be at
least eight characters long.

Original source

All departments and students are re-
quired to generate a strong password
that will be subject to change after every
three months This is to prevent unautho-
rized access from hackers and third-party
users All passwords should be complex,
containing special characters, numbers,
and lower and uppercase letters The
passwords should also be at least eight
characters long

Student paper

Login Page Encryption; All departments
should ensure that their login pages are
encrypted through SSL. Using an SSL en-
cryption prevents sensitive information
such as login credentials from being
transmitted and intercepted unknowingly
(Maass et al., 2017). It would ensure that
all private data shared on the different
pages remain secure.

Original source

Login Page Encryption All departments
should ensure that their login pages are
encrypted through SSL Using an SSL en-
cryption prevents sensitive information
such as login credentials from being
transmitted and intercepted unknowingly
(Maass et al., 2017) It would ensure that
all private data shared on the different
pages remain secure

Student paper

All departments are required to ensure
that every plugin, application, or data-
base is maintained regularly. This
process involves deleting any of the
abovementioned that are no longer in

Original source

All departments are required to ensure
that every plugin, application, or data-
base is maintained regularly This process
involves deleting any of the abovemen-
tioned that are no longer in use

Student paper

All web pages should have a backup of all
files in the event the site is inaccessible,
or data is lost. Though the web host
provider offers server backups, it is im-
portant to have a different backup sys-
tem in place (Maass et al., 2017). There
are content management programs avail-
able for your disposal that provide exten-
sions and plugins which automatically
back up databases and content.

Original source

All web pages should have a backup of all
files in the event the site is inaccessible,
or data is lost Though the web host
provider offers server backups, it is im-
portant to have a different backup sys-
tem in place (Maass et al., 2017) There
are content management programs avail-
able for your disposal that provide exten-
sions and plugins which automatically
back up databases and content

10/21/2020 Originality Report

https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=49b394e2-ae63-49cb-855a-0aeaeed5df58&course_id=_49881_1&i… 3/3

My paper 100%
My paper 100%

My paper 100%1

Student paper

Maass, M., Wichmann, P., Pridöhl, H., &
Herrmann, D.

Original source

Maass, M., Wichmann, P., Pridöhl, H., &
Herrmann, D

Student paper

Improving privacy and security via crowd-
sourced benchmarks of websites. In An-
nual Privacy Forum (pp.

Original source

Improving privacy and security via crowd-
sourced benchmarks of websites In An-
nual Privacy Forum (pp

Student paper

Retrieved from

Original source
Retrieved from

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