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The Mirai botnet explained: How teen scammers and CCTV cameras almost brought down the internet

19 Mirai Botnet Authors Avoid Jail Time

You have been asked to provide a short presentation for Business Leaders Round Table meeting in your community. The topic of the meeting is Emerging Cybersecurity Threats and What Businesses Need to Know. Your presentation will be part of a series of talks about the risks associated with unsecured cyber-physical systems. The organizers have asked you to begin by presenting an overview of the Mirai Botnet attacks followed by a discussion of threats and vulnerabilities which have been found in cyber-physical systems used to manage buildings and utilities.

For this briefing, you will need to find and use three additional authoritative sources that provide information about threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities affecting cyber-physical systems.

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Format your presentation as a background paper to be shared with attendees. The target length as specified by the meeting organizers is 5 to 7 paragraphs in length.

Post your paper as a reply to this topic. Remember to cite your sources and include a reference list at the end of your posting.

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