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This activity gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your programming skills by solving one programming problem from chapters 9, 10, and 4 and presenting it to your colleagues.


Part I: Complete Your Original Response to the Main Topic

The requirement of this activity for this module is for every student to solve one programming problem from the book, and post the source code in the discussion board for further analysis and discussion. In order to have more diversity of problems from the chapters, each student will select a chapter number and problem number using the process described below.

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Selecting the Chapter Number to Use

To calculate the chapter from which you must solve the programming exercise, divide the integer number representing your student ID by 3, consider the remainder (either 0, 1, or 2) and increment it by 9. The result you obtain represents the chapter number that you must use, and it should be 9, 10, or 11.

Selecting the Problem Number to Use

Depending on the chapter number obtained above, consider the following rules in calculating the problem number to solve:

If the chapter number is 9, divide your student ID by 12, consider the remainder and increment it by 1. The result you obtain represents the number of the programming exercise you will solve for this online discussion.

If the chapter number is 10, divide your student ID by 20, consider the remainder and increment it by 1. The result you obtain represents the number of the programming exercise you will solve for this online discussion.

If the chapter number is 11, go to Chapter 4, divide your student ID by 25, consider the remainder and increment it by 1. The result you obtain represents the number of the programming exercise you will solve for this online discussion.

Posting the Solution

Once you determine the chapter number and problem number, complete the solution to that problem. When you are satisfied with your solution, click the Reply link below to post in this discussion forum.

In the first line of your post, your should add the chapter number, problem number, and page number of your problem.

Your posting must include the source code along with explanations of how you have solved the problem.

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