Critical thinking assingment 6

Because Coates’ essay is so big, you will use his essay again to write your next week of work. 

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Pick three different quotes from “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates (604).

2. Write three abbreviated body paragraphs, using the PIE format: (Point, Illustration A, Illustration B and Explanation).

POINT: What is the problem presented by the quote? (1 sentence)

IllUSTRATION A: Write how the author presents the quote-summary. (1-2 sentences)

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ILLUSTRATION B: Insert the quotation with page number. (1-2 lines)

EXPLANATION: Why is the point or quote a problem?  (1-2 sentences)

3. In this PIE formula, do not write the words “I, you, us, we, and me.”  These words are considered informal or non-academic. Instead use people, society, student, reader, person, or individual. Make sure that the PIE structure is typed, using the MLA format.

Please note that the Reflections must have:

1. MLA format-look up the link if you are not sure
2. Single spaced the entire assignment or page
3. One page only
4. Times New Roman, font 12
5. Quotations with page numbers
6. Point and Explanations do not have the author’s name in it.
Be careful. I will deduct a point for each error. If you don’t single space your writing, I will not read it.

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