CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT: Applying Managerial Accounting Concepts to the Manufacturing Industry

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Complete the following questions using Microsoft Excel. No other  submission format is allowed. Review the grading rubric to confirm you  are meeting the assignment requirements. (All amounts in SAR except units.)

  Given the following information for Dorttmund Corporation:     Advertising costs 320,000   Office rent 240,000   Direct materials 800,000   Delivery vehicle depreciation 90,000   Factory repair and maintenance 420,000   Sales salary 510,000   Indirect labor 220,000   Manufacturing equipment depreciation 180,000   Administrative salaries 360,000   President’s salary 700,000   Sales revenue 5,200,000   Indirect materials 190,000   Direct labor 1,500,000   Machine hours 2,000   Direct Labor hours 10,000   Machine hours per unit 3   Direct labor hours per unit 6   Direct materials per unit ?   Units manufactured 500   Units sold 350    

  1. Identify (list) and total period costs
  2. Calculate overhead per unit based on machine hours
  3. Calculate total product costs for units manufactured
  4. Calculate total cost of goods sold
  5. Prepare income statement in good form assuming no beginning inventory

You must show all your work for credit.

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