Crisis Intervention DQ 2 week 7 student reply Grettel Hernandez

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Consider the hurricane Andrew or Katrina, then put yourself in the role of the Local Emergency Management Agency Coordinator and answer the following questions.

  1. What helpful or positive role can the local media play in helping to resolve the crisis? How does one facilitate that to happen?
  2. What kind of training, education, and experience do you believe should be required to be an effective and competent manager of a crisis such as the scenario one described above?
  3. Given a natural disaster such as is contained in this scenario, how do you go about coordinating and communicating an effective response?

One of the most significant correspondence accomplices during a crisis is the media. The media fills in as a crisis broadcast framework to get fundamental data to individuals who need it most. During the start of an emergency, columnists are less worried about insightful reporting or making stories more emotional. They, and their crowd, are more keen on realizing what occurred and how to remain safe (CERC corner, 2020). 

To get a hold of the media and use its reach for the benefit of the people during a natural disaster, the Local Emergency Management Agency should:

  • Establish associations with nearby media organizations before a debacle. 
  • Provide all news sources with a similar data simultaneously. 
  •  Attempt to give correspondents a sensible time span to expect new data refreshes. 
  •  Understand news coverage cutoff times and work to oblige them. During an emergency, it is critical to be accessible—if vital, nonstop—to assist columnists with getting the realities just before their cutoff time. 

As communicators, me, as the facilitator, and the media share a similar objective during a crisis: getting dependable, refreshed data out first and contacting the a great many people. The 24-hour consistent pattern of media reporting is an extraordinary method to cause public to notice the issue and give key security messages continuously. Like you, columnists have something important to take care of and have cutoff times to meet. Fulfilling time constraints can save lives and a solid relationship with media can help get that going (CERC corner, 2020).

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2)What kind of training, education, and experience do you believe should be required to be an effective and competent manager of a crisis such as the scenario one described above?

While there are certain skills and qualities a competent manager should hold in this situation, crises are crises because they happen unexpectedly and have a big impact in the community. This means that the person could have zero experience on the matter and have lived nothing that resembles the same situation. 

The education requirement is a Bachelor’s degree and education in public relations may be beneficial. Other Requirements are training or certification through an emergency management association or agency may be necessary (Crisis Manager, 2019).

Emergency administrators create crisis plans in the general population and private areas as per government guidelines. This typically incorporates a preparation plan for laborers. They should consider an assortment of crises, for example, catastrophic events or substance spills, and they regularly work with public authorities to arrange reaction plans. The emergency supervisor evaluates a crisis and manages the exercises of laborers to secure the wellbeing of workers and the general population (Crisis Manager, 2019).

3) Given a natural disaster such as is contained in this scenario, how do you go about coordinating and communicating an effective response?

The smallest modification can slow down your recuperation endeavors and leave you similarly as weak when you at long last are back fully operational. Proof, both physical and computerized, is crucial for your capacity to direct an exhaustive examination and follow up as needs be. This is the place where you put the arrangement moving and begin pursuing a goal.

All things considered, no one can tell when you’ll have to execute it once more. The assessment should plan to answer various significant inquiries, for example:

  • Were you ready to limit your danger to comparable fiasco situations? 
  • Did your reaction line up with your recuperation destinations? 
  • How did your staff perform during the emergency? 
  • Did staff get sufficient help and assets from the board? 
  • What explicit parts of your reaction plan can be improved later on?

Like your disaster recuperation plan in general, a reaction plan should be delineated well ahead of time. Your correspondence program ought to be organized so the reaction group realizes the best method to impart and whom to contact. There ought to be convention set up that layouts proof assortment methods and duties. Most importantly, your group needs a reasonable comprehension of how they are required to react in any conceivable emergency circumstance. From executing inside recuperation cycles to speaking with outsiders, each progression should be point by point and reported as a strict game-plan (Pourhosseini, Ardalan & Mehrolhassani, 2015).


CERC corner – the media’s role in a Crisis, disaster, or emergency. (2020). Retrieved February 16, 2021, from

Crisis Manager: Job Description, Duties and Requirements. (2019, September 22). Retrieved February 16, 2021, from

Pourhosseini, S. S., Ardalan, A., & Mehrolhassani, M. H. (2015). Key Aspects of Providing Healthcare Services in Disaster Response Stage. Iranian journal of public health, 44(1), 111–118.

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