Criminal Justice essay… Pick one of the topics I give you.

Choose one of the topics below to write about:Few people could live together and not have laws. Why? Consider the concept of pluralism. Does pluralism have any negative aspects? Why have some fought so hard against the concept in the United States? Consider present examples and discussion surrounding the idea of pluralism and how this may or may not be connected to the current discussion on immigration.Should any one court be given the final say? Why or why not? Is there a negative side to appointment for life on the Court? Does this and the inability to lessen a justice’s salary really prevent influencing a Supreme Court justice? Do you think that the Supreme Court is a de facto lawmaker? What about split decisions? Considering many Supreme Court decisions are decided 5 to 4, is it reasonable to have the law of the land determined by 5 people? Explain at what point a person is considered “under arrest.” Explain the difference between a stop and an arrest. Why might states authorize probable cause arrests for certain unwitnessed misdemeanors? How much force can be used by an officer when executing an arrest? How is it determined? Can you think of any times when you heard about “excessive use of force” and if so, how do you think the actions of a few influenced the perceptions of many regarding the police?Grading will be tied to comprehension, depth, source reliance, APA, grammar, spelling, completeness and scope. In crafting your answer, you will provide concepts and ideas culled from the text. You should define your terms. Cite using APA format. length of this paper 3-5 pages, however, it must be comprehensive and fulfill the above requirements.

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