Create summary tables that address relevant factors related to COVID-19

COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)

An AI challenge with AI2, CZI, MSR, Georgetown, NIH & The White House


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Dataset Description

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have prepared the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). CORD-19 is a resource of over 44,000 scholarly articles, including over 29,000 with full text, about COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and related coronaviruses. This freely available dataset is provided to the global research community to apply recent advances in natural language processing and other AI techniques to generate new insights in support of the ongoing fight against this infectious disease. There is a growing urgency for these approaches because of the rapid acceleration in new coronavirus literature, making it difficult for the medical research community to keep up.

Call to Action

We are issuing a call to action to the world’s artificial intelligence experts to develop text and data mining tools that can help the medical community develop answers to high priority scientific questions. The CORD-19 dataset represents the most extensive machine-readable coronavirus literature collection available for data mining to date. This allows the worldwide AI research community the opportunity to apply text and data mining approaches to find answers to questions within, and connect insights across, this content in support of the ongoing COVID-19 response efforts worldwide. There is a growing urgency for these approaches because of the rapid increase in coronavirus literature, making it difficult for the medical community to keep up.

A list of our initial key questions can be found under the


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section of this dataset. These key scientific questions are drawn from the NASEM’s SCIED (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats)

research topics

and the World Health Organization’s

R&D Blueprint

for COVID-19.

Many of these questions are suitable for text mining, and we encourage researchers to develop text mining tools to provide insights into these questions.

In this project, you will follow your own interests to create a portfolio worthy single-frame viz or multi-frame data story that will be shared in your presentation. You will use all the skills taught in this course to complete this project step-by-step, with guidance from your instructors along the way. You will first create a project proposal to identify your goals for the project, including the question you wish to answer or explore with data. You will then find data that will provide the information you are seeking. You will then import that data into Tableau and prepare it for analysis. Next, you will create a dashboard that will allow you to explore the data in-depth and identify meaningful insights. You will then give structure to your data story by writing the story arc in narrative form. Finally, you will consult your design checklist to craft the final viz or data story in Tableau. This is your opportunity to show the world what you’re capable of – so think big, and have confidence in your skills!

Kaggle Website:

Assignment Length (word count): at least 15 pages.

References: At least 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.


Ajith Kumar Singu

University of the Cumberlands


Dr. Amelia Phillips

Date: 11/15/2020

Symmetric encryption


Symmetric encryption is usually know to be the simplest and most famous encryption technology. As mentioned above, use the key for encryption and decryption.

* This is the recommended technology for batch transfer of data, as the algorithms behind symmetric encryption are less complex and run faster.

* Plain text is encrypted with a key, and the receiver uses the same key to decrypt the received encrypted text. The host of the communication process receives the key via external means.

* Widely used SE algorithms are AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256.

Asymmetric encryption:

*Contrasted with symmetric cryptography, this kind of cryptography is moderately new and is otherwise called public key cryptography.


Asymmetric encryption

is safer than symmetric encryption since it utilizes two keys for handling.

* Anyone can use the public key used for encryption, but the private key will not be disclosed.

* This asymmetric encryption method is used for daily communication on the Internet.

* If you use your public key to encrypt your email, you can only use your private key to decrypt your email. However, if you use the private key to encrypt the message, you can use the public key to decrypt the message.

* You can use the client-server model digital certificate to discover the public key.

* The disadvantage of this encryption is that it takes longer than the symmetric encryption process.

* The most usual asymmetric encryption technologies include RSA, DSA, and PKCS.

Key Difference:

* Symmetric encryption is an old innovation, yet awry encryption is the most recent innovation.

* Due to the unpredictability of presence of mind, performing hilter kilter encryption requires some serious energy. Consequently, symmetric encryption is utilized when moving records in mass.

* Asymmetric information is safer in light of the fact that it utilizes an interesting key for encryption and decoding.

Figure out which is the most secure.

Asymmetric information is safer in light of the fact that it utilizes various keys among encryption and decoding.


Asymmetric encryption is safer than symmetric encryption since it utilizes two keys to measure. Anybody can utilize the public key for encryption, yet the private key isn’t uncovered.

In the wake of scrambling the message with the public key, just the private key can be utilized to decode the message

Symmetric encryption

Suppose Alice needs to converse with Bob. He needs to keep the news mystery. Sway is the main individual who ought to have the option to peruse the message. Since the message is touchy, Alice utilizes the way to scramble the message. The first message is called plaintext, and the scrambled message is called encoded text. The ciphertext is shipped off Bob, who knows the key and uses a similar symmetric encryption, (for example, AES or 3DES). Thusly, Bob can decode the message.

Alice and Bob share a key called the symmetric key. They are the main ones who know the key and can’t peruse the encoded message. Along these lines, privacy is accomplished.

Asymmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption utilizes two keys, a public key and a private key, (for example, RSA). Anybody can utilize people in general, however just the proprietor thinks about the private. After the message is scrambled with the public key, just the comparing private key can unscramble the message. Additionally, you can’t take in the private key from the public key.

Asymmetric encryption tackles the issue of secure key appropriation. Alice gets Bob’s public key and uses it to scramble the meeting key. Just Bob realizes the relating private key, so no one but Bob can decode the encoded meeting key. Deviated figures are just utilized for secure key dispersion since they are much more slow to execute than symmetric codes. Alice and Bob would then be able to utilize symmetric encryption and a meeting key to keep the correspondence mystery.

Asymmetric encryption also solves scalability issues. Everyone needs only a public and private key to communicate with others.


Stallings, W. (2020). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Eighth Edition. Pearson

Ghosh, S. (2012). Principles of secure network systems design. Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Laet, G, D., & Schauwers, G. (2005). Network Security Fundamentals. Indianapolis, IN Cisco Press.

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