Create a Criminal Justice Report Job-Aid


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Your Chief has just asked you to lead a professional development seminar for your unit. Since you have become familiar with the various types of reports your department uses, the Chief has asked you to create a job-aid for your colleagues on this topic. Your job-aid should focus on teaching your colleagues about five commonly used criminal justice reports, along with a summary of what criminal justice discipline uses the report and why it is used.


Identify and summarize the five commonly used reports as follows:

  • Review the examples provided in the links here:

    Free Incident Report Templates & Forms | Smartsheet.
    Complaint and Warrant.
    PROB 1 – Worksheet for Presentence Report.
    Application for Search Warrant.
    Order of Probation.

  • Provide a brief explanation of which criminal justice discipline uses each report.
  • Provide a brief description of why each report is used. 

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

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The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the type of criminal justice report to use for a given situation.



Stateof Alabama

Unified Judicial System

Form CR-1 Rev. 4/99

Case or
Warrant Number

IN THE _________________________________ COURT OF_________________________________,ALABAMA
(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)
MUNICIPALITY OF ___________________________v.______________________________________

I, the undersigned, hereby make application for the issuance of a search warrant as I have probable cause to believe

and do believe that the following personal property, to-wit: (Fully describe property)____________________________________




____________________________________________________ is located or concealed in or upon (Fully describe person,

place, premises, and / or vehicle to be searched)_______________________________________________________________



and that the property (check appropriate ground(s):

was, or is expected to be, unlawfully obtained;

was, or is expected to be, used as the means of committing or attempting to commit an offense contrary to the laws of

the State of Alabama or political subdivision thereof, to-wit:_______________________________________________


is, or is expected to be, in the possession of another with intent to use it as a means of committing a criminal offense,

or is, or is expected to be, in the possession of another to whom it was delivered for the purpose of concealing it or

preventing its discovery:

Constitutes, or is expected to constitute, evidence of a criminal offense under the laws of the State of Alabama or a

political subdivision thereof, to -wit:__________________________________________________________________


Applicant states that his (her) request is based upon the facts stated in the affidavit(s) attached hereto.

________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Date Applicant

State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form CR-1-a Rev.2/95


Case or
Warrant Number

IN THE ___________________________________ COURT OF ________________________________________, ALABAMA

(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)

MUNICIPALITY OF _________________________________ v. _____________________________________


After an Application for a Search Warrant was made or will be made to the Court, I, the

undersigned, after being duly sworn to tell the truth and in support of the Application, hereby

depose and say as follows:


Sworn to and subscribed before me on this the
________ day of _______________, _______.

State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form CR-1-b Rev. 4/99

Case or
Warrant Number

IN THE ___________________________ COURT OF _____________________________________, ALABAMA
(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)

MUNICIPALITY OF _________________________________ v. _____________________________________


On this day, ___________________________________________________________________, proved that he (she) has


probable cause to believe and does believe that (Description of property to be searched for)




____________________________________________ is presently located or concealed in or upon (Description of the person,

place, premises and/or vehicle to be searched)


The property (Check applicable ground(s):

;was, or is expected to be, unlawfully obtained ڤ

was, or is expected to be, used as the means of committing or attempting to commit an offense contrary to the laws ڤ
of the State of Alabama or a political subdivision thereof, to-wit: ____________________________________________

,is, or is expected to be, in the possession of another with intent to use it as a means of committing a criminal offense ڤ
or is, or is expected to be, in the possession of another to whom it was delivered for the purpose of concealing it or

preventing its discovery;

constituted, or is expected to constitute, evidence of a criminal offense under the laws of the State of Alabama or a ڤ
political subdivision thereof, to-wit:: __________________________________________________________________.

NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority given to me by Rule 3, Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure

(Ala.R.Crim.P.), you are hereby commanded to make a search of the above-described person or premises ڤ IN THE

DAYTIME ڤ AT ANYTIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT and within _______ days (not to exceed 10 days) in
_______________________, Alabama, for the above-described personal property and to make due return

of this Warrant, along with an inventory of any property seized, to the undersigned as required by Rule 3, Ala.R.Crim.P.

ISSUED to _____________________________________________at ________ o’clock _____ M. on this

the _________ day of _________________, _______.


State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form CR-1-c Rev. 2/95


Case or
Warrant Number

IN THE ___________________________ COURT OF _____________________________________, ALABAMA
(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)

MUNICIPALITY OF _________________________________ v. _____________________________________


I certify that I executed the attached Search Warrant as directed therein by searching the person, place, premises

and/or vehicles described therein at _____________ o’ clock ______ M. on the _______ day of _________________,

________, and (Check One)

.did not find or seize any property located thereon or therein ٱ
:found and seized the following described property ٱ



I further certify that a copy of the Search Warrant, along with an endorsed copy of the inventory of property seized, was
left with or served upon __________________________________________________________________________________
in accordance with Rule 3, Ala.R.Crim.P.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________
Signature of Executing Officer Agency of Executing Officer


I, the undersigned Judge/Magistrate, certify that the foregoing return was made to me by ___________________________
________________________________________ on the _________ day of ___________________________, __________.



The Court hereby directs that this Search Warrant be filed with the Clerk of the ___________________________________
Court of ________________________________________________________ as required by Rule3, Ala.R.Crim.P.

_____________________________ ________________________________________________
Date Judge/Magistrate

Warrant Number

State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form C-64 Rev.11/92

(Felonies Misdemeanors, or Violations –

District Court or Municipal Court)

Case Number

IN THE ______________________________________ COURT OF __________________________________, ALABAMA

(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)

MUNICIPALITY OF ______________________________________ v. _________________________________________


Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared this day the undersigned complainant, who, upon first being duly
sworn, states on oath that he/she has probable cause for believing, and does believe, that ____________________________
_____________________________________, defendant, whose name is otherwise unknown to the complainant, did, prior to
the commencement of this action, commit the offense of _______________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________ within the

County of __________________________________________
City/Town of ________________________________________ or in the police jurisdiction thereof, in that he/she

(State specific facts here. Continue on a separate sheet of paper if needed.) ______________________________
Section _______________________, Ala. Code 1975
Ordinance Number ____________________, which embraces section ________________________, Ala. Code
1975, previously adopted, effective and in force at the time the offense was committed.
Other ______________________________________

Sworn to and Subscribed before me this __________________________________________________
_____ day of _______________, ________. Complainant
_________________________________________ Address
Judge/Magistrate/Warrant Clerk __________________________________________________

Telephone Number


Probable cause has been found on Complaint filed in this court against (name or description of person to be arrested)

charging: [description of offense(s)] _____________________________________________________________________
in violation of _______________________________________________________________________________________

An indictment has been returned by the grand jury of this county against (name or description of person to be arrested)
charging: [description of offense(s)] _____________________________________________________________________
in violation of _______________________________________________________________________________________

YOU ARE THEREFORE ORDERED to arrest the person named or described above and bring that person before a judge
or magistrate of this court to answer the charges against that person and have with you then and there this warrant with
your return thereon. If a judge or magistrate of this court is unavailable, or if the arrest is made in another county, you
shall take the accused person before the nearest or most accessible judge or magistrate in the county of arrest.
You may release the accused person without taking the accused person before a judge or magistrate:
If the accused person enters into a bond in the amount of $ _______________ with two good sureties approved by

an authorized officer or by depositing cash or negotiable bonds in the amount with the court clerk.
If the accused person posts an appearance bond in the amount of $_________________.
On his or her personal recognizance.

___________________________ _____________________________________________
Date Judge/Magistrate/Clerk

Form C-64 (back) Rev.11/92

(Felonies, Misdemeanors, or Violations – District Court)


I, the undersigned law enforcement officer, certify that I executed the foregoing ARREST WARRANT by arresting the
accused person named (or described) therein at __________________o’clock a.m. p.m., on the ____________ day of
_________________________, ________, in ____________________________________ County, Alabama.
After arrest the accused person was:
Released as authorized at ______________ o’clock a.m. p.m., ____________________________, __________.

Taken before ( judge) ( magistrate) at __________________o’clock a.m. p.m.,
_____________________________, __________.

___________________________________ ______________________________________________
Date Signature/Title/Agency


Name of Accused Person Telephone Number

Social Security Number Date of Birth Age Race Sex Height

Weight Hair Eyes Other

Address City State Zip Code

Name of Employer Employer’s Telephone Number

Address City State Zip Code


Name Address Telephone Number

_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________


I hereby acknowledge that at the time of my release from custody I was directed to appear in person before the court, as follows:

Place: _________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________________

Time ___________o’clock a.m. p.m., and as thereafter needed until discharged.

I promise to appear as directed before the court, as follows:

Place: _________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Time ___________o’clock a.m. p.m., and as thereafter needed until discharged.

__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Date Signature of Accused Person

State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form C-64 (b) Rev.10/92

(Worthless Negotiable Instrument – District Court)

Case Number

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ________________________________________________________________, ALABAMA

(Name of County)

STATE OF ALABAMA v. ____________________________________________________________________, Defendant

Before me, the undersigned authority of the District Court of ___________________________________ County, Alabama,

personally appeared this day the undersigned complaint who, upon first being duly sworn, states on oath that he/she has

probable cause for believing, and does believe, that the above named defendant, whose name is otherwise unknown to the

complainant did, prior to the commencement of this action, negotiate or deliver a worthless negotiable instrument in the amount

of $________________ No.__________________, payable to ____________________________________________

__________________________________, for value or thing of value, to-wit: _______________________________________

_________________________________________, with the intent, knowledge or expectation that such negotiable instrument

would not be honored by the drawee,______________________________, in violation of Section 13A-9-13.1, Ala.Code 1975

against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama.

Sworn to and Subscribed before me this _____________________________________________
______day of_________________________. Complaint

____________________________________ Address
Judge/Magistrate/Warrant Clerk
Telephone Number


Name Address Telephone Number

__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________

__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________

Additional Witnesses on Reverse Side

Warrant Number

State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System

Form C-64 (c) (front) Rev.10/91

(Worthless Negotiable Instrument – District Court)

Case Number

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ________________________________________________________________, ALABAMA


STATE OF ALABAMA v. _______________________________________________________________________________

Before me, the undersigned authority of the District Court of ____________________________ County, Alabama, personally
appeared this day the undersigned complainant who, upon first being duly sworn, states on oath that he/she has probable
cause for believing, and does believe, that _________________________________________________________________,
defendant, whose name is otherwise unknown to the complainant, did, prior to the commencement of this action, negotiate or
deliver a worthless negotiable instrument in the amount of $______________________, number ______________________,
payable to _______________________________________________________________________________, for value or a
thing of value, to-wit: ___________________________________________________________________________, with the
intent, knowledge or expectation that such negotiable instrument would not be honored by the drawee, to wit:
in violation of Section 13A-9-13.1, Ala. Code 1975, against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama.

Sworn to and Subscribed before me this __________________________________________________
_________________________________________ Address
_________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Judge/Magistrate/Warrant Clerk Telephone Number


Probable cause has been found on Complaint filed in this court against (name or description of person to be arrested)

charging: [description of offense(s)] _____________________________________________________________________
in violation of _______________________________________________________________________________________
An indictment has been returned by the grand jury of this county against (name or description of person to be arrested)
charging: [description of offense(s)] _____________________________________________________________________
in violation of _______________________________________________________________________________________
YOU ARE THEREFORE ORDERED to arrest the person named or described above and bring that person before a judge
or magistrate of this court to answer the charges against that person and have with you then and there this warrant with
your return thereon. If a judge or magistrate of this court is unavailable, or if the arrest is made in another county, you
shall take the accused person before the nearest or most accessible judge or magistrate in the county of arrest.
You may release the accused person without taking the accused person before a judge or magistrate:
If the accused person enters into a bond in the amount of $ _______________ with two good sureties approved by
an authorized officer or by depositing cash or negotiable bonds in the amount with the court clerk.
If the accused person posts an appearance bond in the amount of $_________________.
On his or her personal recognizance.
___________________________ _____________________________________________
Date Judge/Magistrate/Clerk

Form C-64 (c) (back) Rev.11/92 COMPLAINT and WARRANT

(Worthless Negotiable Instrument – District Court)


I, the undersigned law enforcement officer, certify that I executed the foregoing ARREST WARRANT by arresting the accused person
named (or described) therein at _______________o’clock a.m. p.m., on the _______________ day of _________________________,
________, in ____________________________________ County, Alabama.
After arrest the accused person was:
Released as authorized at ______________ o’clock a.m. p.m., ____________________________, __________.

Taken before ( judge) ( magistrate) at __________________o’clock a.m. p.m.,
_____________________________, __________.

___________________________________ ______________________________________________
Date Signature/Title/Agency


Name of Accused Person Telephone Number

Social Security Number Date of Birth Age Race Sex Height

Weight Hair Eyes Other

Address City State Zip Code

Name of Employer Employer’s Telephone Number

Address City State Zip Code


Name Address Telephone Number
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________


I hereby acknowledge that at the time of my release from custody I was directed to appear in person before the court, as follows:
Place: _________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Time ___________o’clock a.m. p.m., and as thereafter needed until discharged.
I promise to appear as directed before the court, as follows:
Place: _________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Time ___________o’clock a.m. p.m., and as thereafter needed until discharged.
__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Date Signature of Accused Person

State of Alabama

Unified Judicial System
Form CR-50 Rev. 10/2016

Case Number

IN THE ___________________________________COURT OF____________________________________, ALABAMA
(Circuit, District, or Municipal) (Name of County or Municipality)

STATE OF ALABAMA v.____________________________________________________________________________

It appears to the court the above-named defendant has been convicted of has been adjudicated a Youthful Offender for the offense of
and has been sentenced to _________________________________________________________________________________.

The defendant having applied for the benefits of probation and the court having examined the cause, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that
the sentence is hereby suspended and that the defendant is placed on probation for a period of ________________________________________________.

It is the order of the court that the probationer comply with the following conditions of probation:

If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, which has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or
the threatened use of a deadly weapon, against your current or former spouse; your child of whom you are a parent or guardian; a person with whom
you share a child in common; a spouse, parent, or guardian with whom you are, or have been, cohabiting or to whom you are similarly situated, and
you ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition, or if you receive any firearm
or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, YOU ARE SUBJECT TO BEING PROSECUTED IN
FEDERAL COURT FOR VIOLATING 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(9). Also, Section 13A-11-72(a) provides that it is a Class C felony for a person convicted in
the state or elsewhere of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence or subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse to own a firearm or
have one in his or her possession or under his or her control.

A copy of this order has been delivered to the probationer, who has been instructed regarding this order.

Probation Officer

The above instructions and conditions have been explained to me. I have received a copy of this order, I understand the conditions, and I agree to abide by
Probationer’s Address
City State Zip Code

Probationer’s Signature
Probationer’s Telephone Number

Date Judge

(Effective January 30, 2016)


1. Do not violate any Federal, State, or local law.
2. Avoid injurious or vicious habits.
3. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful conduct or character.
4. Report to the Probation Officer as directed.
5. Permit the Probation Officer to visit defendant at home or elsewhere.
6. Work faithfully at suitable employment as much as possible.
7. Remain within a specified place, to-wit: ________________________________________________.
8. Support his/her dependents to the best of his/her ability.
9. Do not change residence or employment without the consent of the Probation Officer.
10. Submit to substance abuse tests when ordered to do so by the Probation Officer. These tests may include urinalysis, breathalyzer, and
blood samples, but are not limited thereto. Probationer will pay costs of tests.
11. Submit to searches by the Probation Officer of his person, residence, vehicle, or any property under his/her control.
12. Pay to the Probation Officer $40.00 per month during the probation period, pursuant to law.
13. Do not possess, receive, or transport firearms.
14. If the defendant was convicted of any offense specified in Section 36-18-24, Ala.Code 1975, he or she must submit to DNA testing
According to Section 36-18- 25(c), Ala. Code 1975.
15. The defendant is ordered to pay fines, court costs, restitution, assessments, and other court-ordered monies at the rate of $________ per
month on or before the ______day of each month, beginning __________________ ______. Payments of cash, money orders, or certified
funds may be brought to the clerk’s office. Money orders or certified funds may be mailed to the Clerk of Court:
Address City State Zip Code
At each report to the Probation Officer, the defendant shall furnish written proof (Clerk’s receipt or money order receipt) of any previous
month’s payment of court-ordered monies.
16. Notify the Clerk of Court of any change of mailing address and appear in court whenever ordered.
17. Report to the Court Referral Officer immediately, and attend, pay for, and successfully complete the recommended program. The
telephone number is ___________________________________________________.
18. The defendant shall perform _________hours of community service to be approved by the court.
19. The defendant shall submit to behavioral treatment, substance abuse treatment, Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring, and other
treatment deemed necessary by the court or Probation Officer.
20. The defendant shall submit to periods of confinement imposed by the Probation Officer, not to exceed 2-3 day periods at a time, 6 days
per month, and 18 days for the supervision term.
21. The defendant shall not abscond by actively avoiding supervision through making his/her whereabouts unknown to the Probation Officer.
22. Other conditions of probation ordered by the court are as follows:
It is the further order of the court that the defendant is hereby advised that the court may at any time revoke or modify any conditions of
this probation or change the period of probation and may discharge defendant from probation or extend the period of probation.
the probationer shall be subject to arrest for violation of any condition of the probation herein granted. The court may, at any time,
for cause, order the original sentence executed.

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