Create a Coaching Evaluation Tool

In the last seven weeks, you have learned about the roles of coach, consultant, and trainer. You have gained insight into different coaching models and theories, as well as the skills needed for effective coaching. Further, you have studied the importance of values and ethical conduct and guidance. All of the information you have gained can now be directed toward assessing coaching effectiveness.

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This week you will rely on all you have learned to create a white paper (an authoritative report or guide) for a Fortune 500 company, XYZ Corporation, Inc., by exploring frameworks and methods for determining coaching effectiveness and designing a coaching evaluation rubric. Base your report on the following scenario.

Scenario: You are the newly hired CEO at XYZ Corporation and a strong advocate of a coaching culture. While the company utilizes coaching on some level, you are not seeing the positive results you hoped for through increased employee engagement, productivity, job satisfaction, and motivation. You decided to review the body of research to determine strategies for assessing coaching effectiveness. Your white paper will guide team leads to institute coaching principles to achieve organizational objectives. Be sure to address the following elements in your paper:

  • Introduction to coaching
  • Discussion of at least two coaching models
  • Identification and discussion of effective coaching skills and practices
  • Importance of ethics
  • Assessment strategies to evaluate coaching effectiveness
  • Recommendations for best practices

As an appendix to the white paper, develop a 1-2 page grading rubric XYZ Corporation leaders might use to assess coaching effectiveness Length: 7-9 page white paper and a 1-2 page coaching evaluation rubric. The document should be a total of 8 pages not including the cover and references pages.

References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources

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The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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