covid 19 reflection paper (apa)

 In this Reflection paper, you’ll spend some time thinking about how the Public Health system should work during a crisis (the COVID-19) pandemic versus how the system does work. This week you are reading about disaster response and emergency management (including pandemic response) in a chapter taken from an academic textbook. You will then choose one of the two options in which the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in another medium or forum. In your Reflection, you should think about what “matches” the textbook outline of the public health system response and what differs, and why. 

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 Combination of news articles provided(one long form discussion article + several short news briefs) that cover the COVID-19 pandemic as it is currently unfolding. If you choose this option, I’d like you to focus on identifying the impact(s) of political and policy decisions.

The Road Ahead: Charting the coronavirus pandemic over the next 12 months — and beyond

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Reflection paper: Disaster Preparedness and the response to Covid-19

Due date: 11:59 PM Sunday, November 22

Before starting this reflection paper, make sure you have read Chapter 25 of Novick & Morrow’s Public Health Administration (Week 13 reading). Pay particular attention to the descriptions of public health and medical capability frameworks on p. 566 as well as the entire section on pandemic influenza (p. 590-594).

In addition to reading Chapter 25, choose one of the two options in the Reflection Paper 2 content area.

Then, armed with your basic knowledge of how the Public Health system at the federal and state levels should respond to a disaster (Chapter 25) as well as what is actually happening, discuss the public health response to the pandemic. If you choose Option 1, you will want to make sure you’re discussing the broader context (scientific, mathematical, and historical) for this public health response. If you choose Option 2, you will want to make sure you’re discussing the impact of policy and political decisions on the public health response. Make sure to support your points and position using evidence from Chapter 25 and the option you choose.

Your reflection paper should be 1 ½ – 2 pages, typed and double-spaced.

Use APA in-text citations in the body of your response paper, but don’t worry about creating a Works Cited list unless you refer to a source that I have not provided to you.

Quick review of APA in-text citation format:

For books:

(Authors, year of publication)

For websites:

(Author—if known—or Organization, date of publication—or date website was last updated)

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