Course Project

I need the Project Outline. 2 pages. Due in 12 hours.

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I need the full paper and PPT presentation later. I just need the outline now. 

Your company is currently investigating the use of Linux. Your manager has asked you to research the feasibility of using Linux in both the server and workstation environments (from the operating system point of view). Your manager would like to see an 8- to 10-page paper and a Power Point presentation, delivered through a video recording. The course project topic:

  1. Compares and contrasts Linux server and Linux workstation OS products between three separate and distinct Linux distros (i.e., RedHat, SuSe, Ubuntu ); and
  2. Addresses the specific issues of total cost of ownership, training, support, performance, reliability, and application availability.


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  • The paper shall only address business requirements and concerns, not personal or home use of Linux.
  • The project shall address three different Linux vendors, along with each vendor’s specific server and workstation product.
  • Each comparison or contrast item should include each of the three specific vendors—for both server and workstation products.
  • The primary emphasis on grading will address comparison and contrast items; however, you must still provide references and cite your work throughout the paper.


Week 3 Outline





Documentation, Editing, and Formatting


· A quality outline will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

· A quality outline will include a title page, appropriate sections based on a table of contents (TOC), proper citations, and a bibliography.

· It will conform to APA guidelines, including citations and references

Organization and Cohesiveness

· A quality outline will include an introduction based on a well formed thesis statement.

· The introduction will establish students’ understanding of project requirements and their goal for completing the project.

· Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.



· A quality outline will address requirements to compare and contrast both the server and workstation products from three different Linux vendors.

· A quality outline will identify the three specific vendors, along with their server and workstation products, that will be compared in the paper.

· The outline will demonstrate that sufficient research and due diligence have been performed to date in completion of the final project.



· A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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