Course project

Brainstorming and Searching for Sources

Last week you chose a final project topic and began the research process. This week you will narrow your focus and find some preliminary sources. 

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Make sure you read and incorporate your instructor’s feedback on your Milestone 1 submission. You will receive a grade and feedback by Thursday of Module 2 at the latest.  

Begin by reading pages 2.11 through 2.13 in the webtext and then begin the steps below.

Step 1: Freewriting

The first step to brainstorming is to harness your brain’s energy around a topic (aka create the “storm”).  Many professional writers do this by freewriting about a topic for a set amount of time. This helps exercise your writing muscle and broaden your thinking on your topic.  For this exercise, set a timer for 10 minutes.  During this time write down anything that comes to mind about your topic.  Don’t stop until the timer goes off!  You don’t need to worry about proper spelling or sentence structure, just think broadly, pose questions, wonder, consider, and write what you already know about your topic. Think about the facts and questions you posed last week and how your instructor responded to them. You can choose to do this with a pen and paper or on a computer. You don’t need to submit this step with your finished product so feel free to experiment.

For example, if my topic choice is climate change my freewrite might look something like this:  

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I chose climate change as my topic. I don’t know much about it but I know that when people say climate change they really mean warmer temperatures on Earth, sometimes it’s called global warming. I have heard that sea levels are rising and the ocean is getting warmer. This is causing ice caps to melt. What is causing it? The article I read last week talked about greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Does everyone agree that climate change is happening? I don’t think so. Sometimes you hear on the news that politicians or TV personalities talk about climate change being made up, I’m not sure if that’s true. It seems like when you hear scientists talk about it they’re more certain that it’s a problem. Why does it seem like everyone talks about climate change as a problem but nothing ever actually changes? I think electric cars are a good idea but too expensive for me to buy, I wonder how they can bring them down in price so more people will switch from gas. I saw that movie that Al Gore made about global warming, but I don’t remember what it was called. Are alternative energy sources like wind farms and solar power really enough to make a big change? What are other countries doing? What would it take to end climate change entirely at this point or is that impossible?

The end result might be a mess! It might look nothing like the example above. That’s ok! The purpose of this activity is to get your thoughts out on paper so you can begin to filter and narrow them.

See the

Milestone 2 Template

for examples of each of the steps below:

Step 2: Making a List

The next step is to use your freewrite paragraph to help narrow your area focus. The topic choices from Module 1 are too broad to cover adequately in a short research paper, so you need to find one subject or idea within that topic. Pull out the important ideas from your paragraph that could be useful directions of focus. Aim for at least 7 different ideas to pull out and list in bullets.

Step 3: Describing Your Topic and Finding Your Keywords

As you’ve been working on this you may find that certain ideas are standing out to you as more intriguing avenues for research. Now, pick one of these ideas and write one to two sentences describing your narrowed topic.

Step 4: Thinking of Synonyms

Next, underline at least 5-6 key terms and phrases in your description. Then, for each underlined word, come up with 2-3 synonyms, abbreviations, acronyms, or alternative terms to describe it. You can use a

thesaurus (Links to an external site.)

to help you with this. This step is crucial to finding useful sources to use in your paper because the sources you’re looking for may not appear if you search for one keyword but will appear with another.

Step 5: Searching the Library

The synonyms now give you a great list of keywords to use to search the Excelsior College Library for sources.

For this stage, we will NOT be using Google or other internet search engines to find sources. It is important to first understand how to effectively use our Excelsior College Library to find appropriate, scholarly sources. While you can find these types of sources through a Google search as well, you often have to search through and distinguish between many inappropriate sources as well. In later weeks, we’ll learn more about assessing the validity of information on the internet.

Begin by going to the

Library Home page (Links to an external site.)

and using the OneSearch tool. Try several combinations of your keywords and synonyms to see what types of sources come up. (Tip: view

Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.)

and try using search tricks like AND, OR, *, or “ ” to change your results). Then, try an

Advanced Search (Links to an external site.)

within the OneSearch tool to narrow your results further. View the following

video on conducting an Advanced Search. (Links to an external site.)

 In addition to changing your keywords and filters, trying limiting your results by date (look for more recent articles) or by source type (look for Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journals). This will help you find higher-quality sources that are more likely to be useful to you in later weeks.

Find at least 6 sources that are relevant to your topic. They can be ebooks, journal articles, encyclopedia articles, news, and periodicals, etc. You may use the source you found last week if it still relates to your more narrowed topic. If not, scrap it and start fresh. The sources you find this week may not end up being the final sources you use for your paper, but they are a good way to get started on your narrower area of focus.

Try to put your sources in APA format in your final submission. You will not be graded on your strict adherence to proper APA format yet, but it is important to practice this skill as you will need to use it effectively later on in the course. Make sure to include the URL, the author (if there is one), the title of the article/book, and date.


Milestone 2 Template

(Word document)

  • Library Homepage  (Links to an external site.)(Excelsior Library)
  • Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
  • Advanced Search (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
  • Video on conducting an Advanced Search  (Links to an external site.)(Excelsior Library)
  • Thesaurus (Links to an external site.)
  • Submission  Instructions

    Once you’ve completed the steps above, submit the following in one document to the dropbox by Sunday evening of Module 2. Use the

    Milestone 2 template

    to see examples of each step and assemble the finished product:

    1. Your list of at least 7 narrowed ideas on your topic from the freewrite activity
    2. Your 1-2 sentence description of your narrowed topic with at least 5-6 key terms and phrases underlined
    3. At least 2-3 synonyms for each of the 5-6 key terms or phrases
    4. Six sources on your topic from the Excelsior Library advanced search (including author, title, date, and URL)

    Put all four components into the Milestone 2 Template and submit the finished document to the dropbox below by Sunday night of Module 1.


    • This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET. 
    • This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND301 Milestone 2 Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed.
    • This assignment is worth 5% of your overall course grade.

    You can find the library in link below, let me know if it works:

    [Delete the examples in Red and fill in your own work.]

    Student Name

    IND301 Milestone 2 Template

    Original Topic: Climate Change

    1. List of narrowed ideas from the freewrite activity:

    · Warmer ocean temperatures

    · Melting ice caps

    · Greenhouse gases

    · Fossil fuels

    · Disagreement about whether climate change is real

    · How politicians talk about climate change

    · Electric cars

    · Policies to reduce cost of electric vehicles

    · Wind farms

    · Solar power

    · The cost of alternative energy

    · How the international community is addressing climate change

    · Global leaders in addressing climate change

    · How the US compares to other nations in addressing climate change

    2. Description with underlined key terms and phrases:

    Electric cars are an important step toward addressing climate change by reducing our reliance on gasoline. However, electric cars are still too expensive for the average American to buy, so the government should provide financial incentives to car companies to reduce the price for consumers and increase the availability of charging stations.

    3. Synonyms and alternate terms:

    · Electric cars: electric vehicles, plug-in, EV

    · Climate change: global warming, temperature change, environmental change

    · Gasoline: petroleum, fuel

    · Expensive: pricey, costly

    · Financial incentives: inducement, tax credit, government subsidy

    · Car companies: car manufacturers, automobile manufacturers (also: Tesla, Chevrolet, Ford, etc.)

    · Consumers: shopper, buyer

    · Charging stations: recharging hub, electric recharging point

    4. Sources

    Source 1:

    · Title: Hidden benefits of electric vehicles for addressing climate change

    · Date: 2015

    · Author: Li, C., Cao, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, J., Liu, J., Shi, H., & Geng, Y.

    · Link:

    Source 2:

    · Title:

    · Date:

    · Author:

    · Link:

    Source 3:

    · Title:
    · Date:
    · Author:

    · Link:

    Source 4:

    · Title:
    · Date:
    · Author:
    · Link:

    Source 5:

    · Title:
    · Date:
    · Author:
    · Link:

    Source 6:

    · Title:
    · Date:
    · Author:
    · Link:

    [Optional: Instead of bulleted source information above, include APA Style reference list.]

    Li, C., Cao, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, J., Liu, J., Shi, H., & Geng, Y. (2015). Hidden benefits of electric vehicles for addressing climate change. Scientific Reports, 5, 9213.

    National Research Council (U.S.). (2015). Overcoming barriers to deployment of plug-in electric vehicles. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

    Noori, M., & Tatari, O. (2016). Development of an agent-based model for regional market penetration projections of electric vehicles in the United States. Energy, 96, 215–230.

    Sandalow, D. B. (Ed.). (2009). Plug-in electric vehicles: What role for Washington? Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. Retrieved from

    Sperling, D. (2018). Electric vehicles: Approaching the tipping point. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 74(1), 11–18.

    Zhang, X., Bai, X., & Shang, J. (2018). Is subsidized electric vehicles adoption sustainable: Consumers’ perceptions and motivation toward incentive policies, environmental benefits, and risks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 7179.

    IND301Course Project – Milestone 2 Grading Rubric

    Criteria A+ (100) A (95) B (85) C (75) D (65) F (55) F (0)

    Possible Points: 30 30 28.5 25.5 22.5 19.5 16.5 0

    List of Ideas Based

    on the Freewrite

    and Description

    Sentences: The

    work includes a list

    of at least 7 ideas

    and phrases on

    the student’s topic

    emerging from a

    freewrite exercise

    and a 1–2


    description of a

    narrowed topic f


    the final project.

    The list of

    ideas is


    relevant to

    the chosen topic

    and important in

    building the

    foundation for

    the project.


    about the



    topic is



    concisely (1–2

    sentences), and

    highlights the


    significance of



    The list of ideas

    is clearly

    relevant to the

    chosen topic.


    about the


    narrowed topic

    is described

    concisely (1–2

    sentences) and

    highlights the
    significance of
    the topic.

    The list of

    ideas is
    relevant to

    the chosen

    about the


    topic is


    concisely (1–2


    and highlights


    important and


    aspects of the


    Some of the ideas

    are relevant to the

    chosen topic.

    Information about

    the chosen

    narrowed topic is


    adequately but

    may not be

    concise or

    highlight the

    importance or

    significance of the


    Many of the ideas

    are irrelevant to

    the chosen topic.


    about the chosen

    narrowed topic is




    mostly irrelevant,

    or not concise.

    The list of ideas is

    irrelevant to the

    chosen topic.
    about the chosen
    narrowed topic is
    mostly irrelevant,

    and not concise.

    No list of

    ideas and


    or no


    Possible Points: 30 30 28.5 25.5 22.5 19.5 16.5 0

    Keywords and
    Synonyms: The
    work includes at
    least 5–6


    keywords that are
    the key phrases
    and ideas from the
    description. The
    work also includes
    2–3 appropriate
    acronyms, or
    keyword terms.

    The work

    includes at least 6


    keywords that

    are all the most

    important, key

    phrases and ideas



    at least 3



    synonyms or

    alternatives for


    The work

    includes 5–6

    keywords that

    are all key

    phrases and

    ideas and

    at least 2–3

    synonyms or
    alternatives for

    The work
    includes 5–6
    keywords that

    are mostly key

    phrases and

    ideas. The

    work includes



    or alternatives

    for each that



    relevant and


    The work includes

    5–6 underlined

    keywords, some of

    which are key

    phrases or ideas.

    The work includes

    2–3 synonyms or

    alternatives, but

    some are not

    relevant or


    The work

    includes fewer

    than 5 underlined

    keywords, and


    are not key

    phrases or ideas.
    The work
    includes fewer

    than 2 synonyms

    or alternatives, or

    they are mostly

    irrelevant or


    The work
    includes fewer
    than 5 underlined


    Keywords chosen

    are not key
    phrases or ideas.

    The work does

    not include 2

    synonyms or
    alternatives for

    the keywords, or

    they are totally

    irrelevant and

    The work

    does not




    or no

    Possible Points: 30 30 28.5 25.5 22.5 19.5 16.5 0

    Sources: The work
    includes at least 6
    sources from the
    Excelsior College
    Library on the
    topic with all of
    the necessary
    information about
    the sources
    included (author,
    date, title, URL).

    The 6 or more

    selected sources

    from the library


    credible and

    have clear

    relevance to the

    selected topic.


    about the sources

    is detailed,

    accurate, and


    The 6 or more
    selected sources
    from the library
    are credible and
    relevant to the
    selected topic.
    about the

    sources is

    accurate and


    The 6 selected

    sources from

    the library are

    credible and


    relevant to

    the selected


    Information is

    complete for

    almost all


    Several of the 6

    selected sources
    from the library

    are not the most

    relevant (i.e., may

    be outdated or not

    clearly tied to the

    topic) to the

    selected topic.

    Some of the

    information is

    provided, but it is

    incomplete for

    some sources.

    Many of the 6

    selected sources

    are not from the

    library or not

    credible. Sources

    have little

    relevance to the
    selected topic.



    about the sources

    is provided.

    The selected

    sources are too

    few and not from

    the library,

    credible, or

    relevant to the
    selected topic.

    Little to no

    about the sources
    is provided.

    The work
    includes no
    sources or

    Possible Points: 10 10 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 0

    Writing Skills:
    spelling, and
    syntax are
    appropriate for
    college writing.

    The work

    contains no

    errors in


    or grammar;



    demonstrates a


    understanding of

    the topic, always

    using relevant

    key terms


    The work
    contains no

    errors in



    grammar; word
    demonstrates a

    the topic,

    using relevant

    The work

    contains a few




    errors; word



    proficiency on

    the topic using

    relevant terms

    for the most


    The work contains

    a few minor


    and grammatical

    errors; word


    understanding of
    the topic,

    sometimes using

    relevant and



    The work exhibits


    poor spelling

    and grammar;

    word choice

    demonstrates a

    lack of

    understanding of

    the topic, often

    using irrelevant

    or inappropriate


    The work exhibits

    extremely poor

    writing skills;

    incorrect spelling

    and grammar

    limits the

    reader’s ability to

    follow ideas or

    thoughts. Word

    demonstrates a
    lack of
    understanding of

    the topic, with

    many irrelevant

    or inappropriate



    Answer template

    1. Topic selection (from a list of choices in the course): College Dept.

    2. One source from the Excelsior College Library on your topic:

    · Title:
    Casualties of college debt: What data shows and Experts say about Who Defaults and why

    · Date: 2018

    · Author: Bonamici, Suzann

    · URL for the source:

    Example of APA format: Bonamici, Suzanne. July 24, 2018. “Bonamici Plays Key Role in Plan to Improve Student Loan System, Increase Higher Education Affordability, and Access.”; Andrew Kreighbaum. December 21, 2018. “Senate Passes Bill to Streamline FAFSA.” Inside Higher Ed. https://bit. ly/2SGZkQm.

    3. At least three interesting or troubling facts about the topic (in your own words) that come from your source listed above:

    a. The government is the main stakeholder in securing the future of students. Every year, millions of students are sponsored to ensure that they pursue their tertiary education.


    Although there are many loan defaulters after college, it is not their wish to remain in that situation, but the prolonged expenses of homeownership and minimal retirement savings are the key aspects of every situation.

    c. Although there are new policies regarding student loans, including reduced interest rates, there is still a long way to go to ensure that the students do not dig up into bad debts in the pursuit of higher education.

    4. At least three questions you have about this topic and how it might impact the future of our society:

    a. Who is delinquent but not yet in default?

    b. What will happen to future defaulters?

    c. What is the role of the government in preventing emotional and financial challenges to students in the future?

    d. How much will education change in the next century?

    e. What are the roles of other financial hardships?

    5. A short paragraph (approx. 200–250 words) reflecting on this process.
    Consider the following as you reflect: Why did you choose this topic? Do you think you have any biases toward a particular perspective on it? How will you try to minimize your own preferences as you conduct research? Did you find it challenging to find a source or come up with facts and questions about your topic or to think about how this topic relates to the future?

    I chose casualties of college debt because there are many graduates suffering both financially and emotionally with this debt because of their education out there. Even though the effects of college debt vary depending on the country of residence, the impacts always have the same weight on graduates. I do not think I have any bias in the points of view about the topic. As a student, I know what it means to have a student loan to pursue higher education. Although the money is intended to give the students school fees and upkeep, the process of repayment is not often favorable. The economy and the job market are not agreeable to graduates at any point. As I conduct my research on the topic, I will minimize my business by studying students and the non-student population. This will ensure that I get the point of view of both sides. Having data that relates to graduates, students, and the rest of the community will offer a room for drawing relevant conclusions. I did get some challenges in coming up with questions for researching this topic. When it comes to student financing, the item is more emotionally oriented and can, therefore, drain the self-esteem of most of the students. I had, therefore, to ensure that I did not affect the emotions of my target audience. The topic relates to the future by laying out a background of the impacts that the current students are going through in financing their education. It analyses the drawbacks of student financing, which has to be rectified for a better tomorrow.

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