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For this project, select a person whom you believe had significant influence (positive or negative) on a movement for social, economic, and/or political change in the 20th and 21st centuries. Explore and address the following in your project:

· Summarize the person’s ideas.

· How did the ideas or changes affect the establishment and status quo?

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· What was the context in which this person proposed ideas/change?

· How did the government or the people respond to the ideas/change?

· What sort of following or support did he/she have?

· How have the ideas/actions of the person influenced contemporary cultures and ideas?

For the final presentation, make sure to go beyond the surface information and go into depth about the person you are researching.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

· Length: minimum of 4  pages (not including title page or references page)

· Include citations where needed (e.g., quoted material and paraphrased/summarized ideas from a source that are not common knowledge).

· 1-inch margins

· Double spaced

· 12-point Times New Roman font

· Title page

· References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources same as referenced in the Bibliography section)


For the Topic Selection address the following:

· State the topic.

· For the stated issue, identify at least three (3) aspects of the issue that you think you will likely develop in your presentation. Briefly state why you have chosen each aspect.

You are not confined to three aspects only, but you must develop at least three. As you develop your presentation, you may find other aspects that you deem more relevant, and you may add or substitute those.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

· Length: 1-2 paragraphs

· 1-inch margins
· Double spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· Title page

· References page (as needed)


 Now that you have selected a topic for your final presentation, construct your annotated bibliography using APA style. For this assignment, you need to select a minimum of 8 sources that you plan on using for your presentation and then construct the annotations for each source. 

After you select a source and reference it in APA format, construct the annotation for the source. The annotation is really just answering a few questions about the sources itself and once you answer these questions this part of the assignment almost creates itself. Answer the following 6 questions for each source:

1. Main purpose of the source

2. Intended audience for the source

3. Relevance to your topic (or explain why it was not relevant to your topic)

4. Author’s background and credibility

5. Author’s conclusions or observations

6. Your conclusions or observations

Writing Requirements (APA format)

· Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page or references page)

· 1-inch margins
· Double spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· Title page

· References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources)

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