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Literature review

Music has been regarded as a remedy to many significant problems among individuals because it acts as a soothing tool for individuals during their hard times. According to the research article of Steward et al. (2019), music can be used for maintaining good moods because it helps in forgetting about the issues being faced by the individuals. Music acts as a self-awareness tool resulting in self-conscious buildup among the individuals. In support of the statement, Tang et al. (2020) argued that music therapies are now being developed because they allow individuals to forget about their issues and recover rapidly. Music is considered soothing for individuals because it helps in building motivation to get back to routine again. Therefore, music is regarded as an essential perspective to recover from the issues of depression.

Music therapy is considered an essential tool for treating depression. In an investigation by Tang et al. (2020), it is argued that music therapy is now being used by many learning centers that have people with depression issues. Music therapy is considered a slow but effective healer of depression-related problems, due to which it has become essential for other developing nations to take help. They reported that music therapy is not used in developing countries and is still in developing phases. It should be promoted—supporting the statement, using music and music therapy to improve well-being, and overcoming depression-related issues. However, Ray and Gotell (2018) argued that music therapies are still in the development phases, due to which it is essential to note that depression issues should be resolved through other means. Ray and Gotell’s (2018) research also recommended that therapy sessions be designed to make music a much more effective tool to treat depression-related issues. Their investigation found that many nurses working in hospitals suffer from depression-related problems. Hence they need music treatment. Based on the observed arguments, it can be summarised that music therapy is considered suitable for treating nurses suffering from depression.

Music therapy interventions have been identified as essential perspectives to treat depression, cardiac autonomic, and anxiety. Ribeiro et al. (2018) reported that people suffering from depression are increasing rapidly, due to which their performance is going down. Depression is directly associated with daily well-being. For example, people with depression issues suffer from low motivation, engagement, and dedication to professional and personal life. However, the research of Garrido et al. (2017) reported that social interaction among people suffering from depression is considered the best tool for treating instead of therapy. Therefore, people with a high number of friends are recovering from depression-related issues more quickly than others.

Social interaction among individuals is considered one of the essential perspectives for treating depression-related issues because when a person spends time with his friends, he enjoys it. Depression can be cured easily with music therapy, but social interaction is regarded as a much better tool for treating depression (Garrido et al., 2017). In support of the argument, Leubner and Hinterberger (2017) wrote that music interventions in treating depression are considered crucial because not many individuals are found using music interventions. However, there is still a debate about what interventions are effective in music therapy because there are so many. Hence, it can be summarised that music therapy and listening to music are considered essential for treating depression. Therefore, they should be used. Many nations are deploying music interventions to support their individuals and reduce the number of depressed people.

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Many studies have observed the role of music in treating depression. However, it is reported that many developing nations are found with issues in the development of new tactics to resolve depression-related problems. The research article by Li et al. (2019) reported that many countries have music centers. However, they are not well enough to treat depressed people. The role of various music centers is considered crucial for treating individuals with depression. As per Ghasemi et al. (2017), the treatment of depression can be done through music. However, it is a time-consuming and challenging task. If someone is being treated through music therapy, then the chances of treating significantly elevate. Therefore, it is considered necessary for individuals suffering from depression to be treated through music because it positively impacts their senses.

Summary of literature review

Music interventions and music therapy can play an essential role in treating depression among individuals because they are positively associated with treatment. In most of the studies, it is reported that music therapy helps in treating depression because many countries are found using this method. The results obtained in most of the studies indicate that depression is used in developed nations while developing nations still demand attention. Many countries have been using music therapies for treating depression patients. However, there is a debate about which method is best (music interventions or social interactions) which is a gap covered in this study. Inconsistent results have been presented in some studies because it is hard to judge what their opinion is. One more gap observed in this literature review is the lack of investigations comparing various music therapies and music methods and music considered important for depressed people.


Garrido, S., Eerola, T., &McFerran, K. (2017). Group rumination: Social interactions around music in people with depression. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 490.

Ghasemi, M., Lotfollahzadeh, H., Kermani-Ranjbar, T., & Kharazifard, M. J. (2017). Effect of music practice on anxiety and depression of Iranian dental students. Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran), 14(3), 138.

Leubner, D., &Hinterberger, T. (2017). We are reviewing the effectiveness of music interventions in treating depression—frontiers in psychology, 8, 1109.

Li, H. C., Wang, H. H., Lu, C. Y., Chen, T. B., Lin, Y. H., & Lee, I. (2019). The effect of music therapy on reducing depression in people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Geriatric Nursing, 40(5), 510-516.

Ray, K. D., &Götell, E. (2018). The use of music and music therapy in alleviating depression symptoms and improving well-being in nursing home residents with dementia. Frontiers in medicine, 5, 287.

Ribeiro, M. K., Alcântara-Silva, T. R., Oliveira, J. C., Paula, T. C., Dutra, J. B., Pedrino, G. R., … &Rebelo, A. C. (2018). Music therapy intervention in cardiac autonomic modulation, anxiety, and depression in mothers of preterms: a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychology, 6(1), 1-10.

Stewart, J., Garrido, S., Hense, C., &McFerran, K. (2019). Music used for mood regulation: Self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1199.

Tang, Q., Huang, Z., Zhou, H., & Ye, P. (2020). Effects of music therapy on depression: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PloS one, 15(11), e0240862.


The methodology which was used in this investigation is quantitative because results were obtained in the form of numeric values. This type of study is called descriptive study because it depends on numeric values.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this investigation is to identify the role of music in the reduction of depression. For this purpose, this investigation aims to find out the role of music on individuals’ well-being. Specifically, the role of music will be tested with a reduction in depression. Depression is one of the most leading psychological issues among people because it influences their productivity and engagement. This is the reason for music, and music therapies in reducing therapies are explored in this study.

Research problem statement

The problem of depression among youngsters and adults has significantly increased, due to which many nations are found concerned. With an increasing number of patients, the number of treatments has also elevated. Among these treatments, music therapy is considered one of the latest methods to treat people suffering from depression issues. Hence this investigation identified the role of music in reducing depression among people and whether it is effective.

Research question

The research question of this investigation was:

· What is the role of music in reducing depression?

Description of the participants

The number of participants in this investigation was 100. These respondents were the ones who went through depression issues. These participants were tested with the help of a close-ended survey and open-ended interview questionnaire. According to Snyder (2019), quantitative and qualitative research is called a mixed research methodology. The respondents of this study are people who went through depression issues.

Description of research methodology

This study’s research methodology was quantitative and qualitative because it used both the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative data was collected through the Likert scale, while qualitative data were collected through an open-ended interview questionnaire. Participants were first contacted through emails and contact details from the inner circle, then formally invited to participate in the survey.

The procedure of data collection and analysis

Data collection was done using a close-ended questionnaire. When data was obtained through the online portal of Google Forms, it was entered on the SPSS. The results were then generated using correlation and regression analysis. The results analyzed on the SPSS were then put on a word file. Individual interpretation of each table was made.

Limitations and implications of the study

This study is limited to analyzing the role of music in reducing depression only. This investigation used only 100 people for sample, even when people suffering from depression are many. This investigation only used close to 10 respondents for carrying out interviews.


Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333-339.

Musicand Depression

Idelsa Santos

Department of General Education: Miami Regional University

ENC2201: Report Writing and Research Methods

Professor Shazia Zaidi

January 26, 2021


Music And Depression

Hook statement:

For many years music has been linked with having effects in people’s mood or behavior. How can music affect the way we feel or act? What does depression mean? In my opinion music is one of the most beautiful creations of art and I don’t have any doubt that it would have an impact in people’s life.

Problem statement:

It is not known how music can help people individually, since everybody has different situations. Music is a great way to connect better to oneself. Sometimes in life we might lose interest in activities that we once enjoyed or we might have a feeling of sadness, this is called depression. These negative feelings can lead to many emotional and physical problems that can decrease our ability to normally function at work and at home. In this article we want to find out how music affects the way we feel.

Background history:

As we might all know our ancesters created music by clapping their hands to find a way to make themselves happy. Later on they started to use stones and sticks together after realizing they were hurting their hands. They used to dance all night long as their form of having a wonderful time. There are so many questions of how we can overcome depression throughout music. If our ancestors used music to enjoy their time by dancing and singing, does that mean we can kill sadness and depression by listening to music?

Research questions:

1. How can music affect people’s mood?

2. Can you overcome depression by listening to music?


If it is true that music affects our mood, we want to find out if it would always be in a positive way. In my personal experience I know that music can affect me depending on the type of music. If I’m sad and I listen to sad music I would become even more sad, so we need to find the balance in how we can positively use music against depression. I definitely think we can use music to feel better and happier depending on the type of music.


Frontiers. (2017, June 20.) story of music, from its earliest stages.

Music can change the way we feel and act. CNN February 16, 2019.







ion 4: Results and



Descriptive quantitative data

Results to the demographics

Results obtained below indicates that several participants in this study are male with a percentage of


, followed by females (




Table 1 Gender











Cumulative Percent












In the table below, it can be seen that the highest percentage belongs to 29-39 years of age (


%), followed by 18-


years (28%), 40-50 years (


%), and 51 years and above (15%).

Table 2 Age



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent
















18 to 28 years



29 to 39 years




40 to 50 years



51 and above years

Results to hypotheses

The first hypothesis investigated was:

H1 –


has a positive impact on the reduction in depression.

Table 3 Results to the first hypothesis



Model R

R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. The error of the Estimate







a. Predictors:


, Music

In the table above, the percentage of R-square is 62.3%, due to which it can be argued that Music can be used for predicting the value of depression. When R-square is more than 40%, it means that the variable perfectly fits the model.







Sum of Squares


Mean Square
















a. Dependent Variable: ReductionInDepression

b. Predictors: (Constant), Music

ANOVA table helps understand the hypothesis and accept or reject it. When F’s value is more significant than one and significantly less than 0.05, the idea is born. The value of significance in the table above is 0.000, based on which first hypothesis has been received.




a. Dependent Variable: ReductionInDepression


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients



Std. Error













The table of coefficients identifies whether there is a positive or negative relationship between the variables. The value of t is equivalent to 12.724. Hence, Music decreases depression by 12.724 times. Beta is 78.9%. Therefore Music is directly and positively associated with a reduction in depression.

Results to the second hypothesis

The second hypothesis investigated was:

H2 – Music therapy results in a reduction in depression.

Table 4 results to the second hypothesis

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. The error of the Estimate







a. Predictors: (Constant), music therapy

In the table above, R-square is 21.3%. Hence music therapy moderately fits into the model.



Sum of Squares


Mean Square













a. Dependent Variable: ReductionInDepression





b. Predictors: (Constant), music therapy

Music therapy helps reduce depression because the value of significance is less than 0.05 and F is greater than 1. Therefore, the hypothesis has been accepted.



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error






a. Dependent Variable: ReductionInDepression









A coefficient value above indicates that t is positive and high, with a value of 5.145. based on the value of t, music therapy can reduce depression by 5.145 times. Similarly, Beta’s value is positive and equivalent to 46.1%, based on which music therapy increases the chances of depression reduction by 46.1%.

Summary of hypotheses

The summary of hypotheses results can be seen below:

Table 5 Summary of Hypotheses





H1 – Music has a positive impact on the reduction in depression.


2 H2 – Music therapy results in a reduction in depression.


In this investigation, the aim was to find out the role of Music in treating depression. For this reason, two hypotheses were deployed, and a quantitative approach was adopted. The results helped me understand that Music is a good tool for treating depression because it reported positive music outcomes. Similar results were obtained by the study of Steward et al. (2019), arguing that Music plays a vital role in treating depression because it allows a person to slowly engage and forget about his past. However, they also argued that it takes time. These results are highly relevant to ancient studies in different nations because they also regarded Music as one of the best tools for treating depression.

One more hypothesis tested in this study was related to music therapy and its role in depression reduction. The findings are in support of the statement that music therapy moderately heals depression. The value of significance in the second hypothesis is also less than 0.05; hence theory is accepted. The results obtained are similar to Tang et al. (2020) and Gotell (2018), who argued that many nations use music therapies for reducing depression. However, Garrido et al. (2017) argued that many countries still face issues in developing effective music therapies, due to which their Music does not help in healing depression. Therefore, it can be summarised that music therapy is good for treating depression. However, it should be good.

Ethical considerations

Before carrying out this investigation, the mutual consent form was obtained from the respondents. Only the ones willing to participate were provided, and no one was forced. The results were not used for any other purpose except for generating the results of this investigation.

Limitations and implications

This study had a limited number of respondents. This study was only carried out locally, and international people suffering from depression were not involved. The sample size was small (100) even when many people suffering from depression issues are many. This investigation can be beneficial for music developers and psychologists to develop Music for healing depressed people. With this investigation’s help, the government and clinics would create more effective Music to treat depressed people.


Garrido, S., Eerola, T., &McFerran, K. (2017). Group rumination: Social interactions around Music in people with depression. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 490.

Stewart, J., Garrido, S., Hense, C., &McFerran, K. (2019). Music used for mood regulation: Self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1199.

Tang, Q., Huang, Z., Zhou, H., & Ye, P. (2020). Effects of music therapy on depression: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PloS one, 15(11), e0240862.

The relationship between music and depression

Idelsa Santos

Name of professor

Date of submission

The relationship between music and depression


The research paper aimed to investigate the influence of music on depression among people who listens to the music. It uses two research questions that provide answers to the research study in terms of findings. The first research questions include how can music affect the mood of people? The second research question is can you overcome depression while listening to music? The formulated hypotheses help test the validity of the findings and provide answers to the formulated research questions.

The study is critical because it investigates the role played by music in treating depression among individuals. With the current statistics, depression is among the leading factors causing deaths among individuals due to numerous life challenges. When depression is not managed correctly, it can result in madness and eventually death, meaning that it is a dangerous disease. The study used a quantitative approach to investigate the relationship between music and depression. From the reported data analysis, it is found that indeed there is a relationship between listening to music and depression.

Music is a better tool for testing patients suffering from depression because the study’s outcome indicated a positive effect between listening to music and a change in the level of depression among the selected individuals. According to Steward et al. (2019), music plays a significant role in ensuring that the individual mind is engaged to avoid past events that result in depression. Therefore, the findings of the study are consistent with what was obtained.

On the study’s findings, regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between listening to music and depression treatment. The regression analysis results indicate the coefficient of 0.461; the positive sign indicates that indeed listening to music has a positive influence on the change in depression. The value 0.461 illustrates that one-unit increases in the level of music results in 0.461 increases in the level of improvement on the state of depression of an individual. Therefore, the findings indicate that there is a relationship that exists between music and depression.

Linear regression analysis is used to determine the relationship between depression and music to answer the first research question. After the examination, the ANOVA table provides coefficients that best describe the relationship between depression and music. From the ANOVA table, the coefficient explaining the relationship between the two variables is 0.789. the positive sign indicates the existence of a positive relationship between depression and music. The value 0.789 suggests the strength of the relationship between the variables meaning that one-unit change in the level of music results in a 0.789 change in the level of depression.

The study’s findings are essential as they support different results that provide a positive relationship between music and depression hence supporting the argument that music can be used as a treatment therapy for individuals suffering from depression. On testing the hypothesis, the value of significance for the second hypothesis is less than 0.05, which indicates that the findings are scientifically valid and accurate. The results are consistent with the findings of Garrido, Eerola, T., & McFerran, (2017) that suggest music therapy as one way of treating individuals suffering from depression.

Music plays a significant role in controlling depression among individuals suffering from depression and is a fan favorite of music. When using music as treatment therapy, the level of music determines the extent of treatment received by individuals suffering from depression. Music treats by preventing individuals from thinking about life challenges that cause depression and relax individuals’ minds. The regression analysis results indicate the coefficient of 0.461; the positive sign indicates that indeed listening to music has a positive influence on the change in depression. The value 0.461 illustrates that one-unit increases in the level of music results in 0.461 increases in the level of improvement in the state of depression f an individual. Therefore, the findings indicate that there is a relationship that exists between music and depression.
From the ANOVA table, the coefficient explaining the relationship between the two variables is 0.789. the positive sign indicates the existence of a positive relationship between depression and music. The higher relationship between music and depression suggests that when music is applied effectively, it helps solve the problem of depression among individuals by controlling the thinking process.

There is a need for effective therapy by use of music that considers the patient’s interest and likes so that the treatment process can be positive. Individuals feel touched when listening to music they like most. Therefore, it is essential to identify the likes of patients in terms of music before recommending music therapy to control depression.
The application of music therapy as a way of controlling depression needs to consider depression level. Individuals at the adverse stage of depression require medical treatment to prevent the problem; hence music therapy cannot provide the required output in solving depression-related complications.

Stewart, J., Garrido, S., Hense, C., &McFerran, K. (2019). Music used for mood regulation: Self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1199.
Garrido, S., Eerola, T., &McFerran, K. (2017). Group rumination: Social interactions around music in people with depression. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 490.

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