Conceptual models or theories

 Select one of the conceptual models or theories described in chapter 6. Formulate a research question and one to two hypotheses that could be used empiraclly to test the utility of the conceptual framework or model in nursing practice. 

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Chapter 6
Theoretical Frameworks


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
A theory is an abstraction that purports to account for or explain phenomena.

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A theory is an abstraction that purports to account for or explain phenomena.

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What is a descriptive theory?
An abstract generalization that systematically explains relationships among phenomena
A theory that thoroughly describes a phenomenon, based on rich observations of it
A theory attempt to describe large segments of the human experience
 A theory that focuses on a specific aspect of human experience

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Classical theory: an abstract generalization that systematically explains relationships among phenomena
Descriptive theory: a theory that thoroughly describes a phenomenon, based on rich observations of it
Grand theory: a theory that attempts to explain large aspects of human experience
Middle-range theory: a theory that focuses on a specific aspect of human experience

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An abstraction that purports to account for or explain phenomena
Classical theory: an abstract generalization that systematically explains relationships among phenomena
Descriptive theory: a theory that thoroughly describes a phenomenon, based on rich observations of it 


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Theory (cont.)
Grand theory: a theory that attempts to explain large aspects of human experience
Middle-range theory: a theory that focuses on a specific aspect of human experience


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Schematic models are graphic, theory-driven representations of phenomena and their interrelationships using symbols or diagrams and a minimal use of words.

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Schematic models are graphic, theory-driven representations of phenomena and their interrelationships using symbols or diagrams and a minimal use of words.

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Conceptual Models
Deal with abstractions, assembled in a coherent scheme
Represent a less formal attempt than theories to explain phenomena
Do not have formal propositions about relationships among phenomena


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Theoretical framework (based on theory)
Conceptual framework (based on a conceptual model)


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Commonalities between Theories and Conceptual Models
Use concepts as building blocks
Require conceptual definitions of key concepts
Can be depicted in a schematic model
Are created by humans
Are developed inductively


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Commonalities between Theories and Conceptual Models (cont.)
Cannot be proven—they are supported to greater or lesser degrees
Can be used to generate hypotheses
Can serve as a stimulus to research


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5-Step Process for Developing Conceptual Definitions
Develop a preliminary definition.
Do an in-depth literature review.
Identify exemplary cases.
Map the concept’s meaning.
State the revised conceptual


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Conceptual Models of Nursing
Formal explanations of what nursing practice is 
Four concepts central to models of nursing:


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Conceptual Models Used Frequently by Nurse Researchers
Conceptual models of nursing:
Roy’s Adaptation Model
Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings
Other models developed by nurses:
Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM)
Mishel’s Uncertainty in Illness Theory


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Examples of Non-Nursing Models by Nurse Researchers
Becker’s Health Belief Model (HBM)
Lazarus and Folkman’s Theory of Stress and Coping
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)


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The Use of Theories or Models in Quantitative Research
Testing a theory
Testing two competing theories
Using a theory/model as an organizing structure
Fitting a problem into theory
Developing an original theory/model


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What type of theory do some qualitative researchers seek to develop that provide data-driven explanations to account for phenomena under study?

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Some qualitative researchers specifically seek to develop grounded theories, data-driven explanations to account for phenomena under study through inductive processes. Ethnography is cultural theories—ideational and materialistic. Phenomenology is the phenomenologic theory of human experience.

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Theories in Qualitative Research
Substantive theory—conceptualizations of the target phenomena
Theory embedded in a research tradition
Grounded theory (symbolic interactionism)
Ethnography (cultural theories: ideational and materialistic)
Phenomenology (phenomenologic theory of human experience)


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Examples of Questions to Assess a
Model or Theory
Clarity: Are key concepts defined? Are definitions clear?
Complexity: Is the theory sufficiently rich? Overly complex?
Grounding: Is there an empirical basis for the theory?


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Examples of Questions to Assess a Model or Theory (cont.)
Appropriateness: Are key concepts within the domain of nursing?
Importance: Will testing the theory contribute to nursing’s evidence base?
Competition: Are there theories that better explain the key phenomenon?


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Chapter 7
Ethics in Nursing Research


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
An ethical dilemma occurs when a situation in which the rights of study participants are in direct conflict with requirements for a rigorous study.

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An ethical dilemma is situation in which the rights of study participants are in direct conflict with requirements for a rigorous study.

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Ethical Dilemma in Conducting Research
A situation in which the rights of study participants are in direct conflict with requirements for a rigorous study


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
The Nuremberg Code serves as the basis for regulations affecting research sponsored by the U.S. government.

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Belmont Report serves as the basis for regulations affecting research sponsored by the U.S. government. The Nuremberg Code was an international effort to establish ethical standards.

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Code of Ethics
Nuremberg Code  
Declaration of Helsinki  
Belmont Report  
Codes for professional disciplines (e.g., by the American Nurses Association, American Psychological Association)  


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What is nonmaleficence?
Performance of some good
Protection from physical and psychological harm and exploitation
Participants right to self-determination
Freedom to control their own actions

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Beneficence involves the performance of some good, and the protection of participants from physical and psychological harm and exploitation is nonmaleficence. Respect for human dignity involves participants’ right to self-determination, which means they have the freedom to control their own actions.

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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Justice includes the right to fair treatment and the right to privacy.

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Justice includes the right to fair treatment and the right to privacy.

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Ethical Principles from the Belmont Report
Principle of Beneficence: Above all,
do no harm.  
Freedom from harm  
Freedom from exploitation  
Maximizing benefits to participants and society  
Maintaining an appropriate risk/benefit ratio


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Ethical Principles from the Belmont Report (cont.)
Principle of Respect for Human
Right to self-determination (absence of coercion)  
Right to full disclosure (absence of deception or concealment)


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Ethical Principles from the Belmont Report (cont.)
Principle of Justice
Right to fair treatment  
Right to privacy (confidentiality, anonymity)  


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Informed Consent
Informed consent means that participants:
Have adequate information about the research  
Can comprehend that information  
Have free choice in deciding whether to participate in or withdraw from the study


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Content of Informed Consent—What Must Be Communicated?
Status as a study participant  
Study goals  
Type of data to be collected and procedures to be used  
Nature of participant’s commitment  


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Content of Informed Consent (cont.)
Sponsorship of the study  
Participant selection  
Potential risks and benefits 
Treatment alternatives


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Content of Informed Consent (cont.)
Confidentiality pledge  
Voluntary nature of participation  
Participant’s right to withdraw or withhold information  
Information on contacting researcher


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Vulnerable Subjects
Mentally or emotionally disabled people  
Severely ill or physically disabled people  
Terminally ill people  
Institutionalized people  
Pregnant women


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Chapter 8
Planning a Nursing Study


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
The major methodologic challenge in designing a qualitative study is that it is reliable and valid.

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Researchers face numerous conceptual, practical, ethical, and methodologic challenges in planning a study. The major methodologic challenge is designing a study that is reliable and valid (quantitative studies) or trustworthy (qualitative studies).

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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Validity refers to the accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study.

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Reliability refers to the accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study. Validity is a more complex concept that broadly concerns the soundness of the study’s evidence.

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Key Challenges of Doing Research


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Major Methodologic Challenge
Designing studies that are:
Reliable and valid (quantitative studies)
Trustworthy (qualitative studies)


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Criteria for Evaluating Quantitative Research
The accuracy and consistency of obtained information
The soundness of the evidence—whether findings are convincing, well-grounded


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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Confirmability refers to evidence of the researcher’s objectivity.

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Confirmability refers to evidence of the researcher’s objectivity.

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Dimensions of Trustworthiness in Qualitative Studies


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Multiple sources
Draw conclusions
One approach to establish credibility

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An influence producing a distortion in study results
Examples of factors creating bias:
Lack of participants’ candor
Faulty methods of data collection
Researcher’s preconceptions
Faulty study design


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Research Control in Quantitative Studies
Achieved by holding constant factors (extraneous variables) that influence the dependent variable in order to better understand its relationship with the independent variable
Randomness: an important tool for achieving control over extraneous variables


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Having certain features of the study established by chance rather than by design or personal preference


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Process of reflecting critically on the self and of scrutinizing personal values that could affect data collection and interpretation


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Generalizability and Transferability
Generalizability (quantitative research): the extent to which study findings are valid for other groups not in the study
Transferability (qualitative research): the extent to which qualitative findings can be transferred to other settings


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Overview of Research Design Features
Comparison among two or more groups
Comparison of one group’s status at two or more points in time
Comparison of one group’s status under different circumstances
Comparison based on relative rankings
Comparison with other studies


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Research Location
Site selections
Site visits


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Cross-sectional: involves data collection at one point in time
Longitudinal: involves data collection at two or more points over an extended period
– Trend studies
– Panel studies
– Follow-up studies


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Retrospective Design versus
Prospective Design
Retrospective design: involves the collection of data about an outcome in the present and about possible causes or antecedents in the past
Prospective design: involves having information about a cause or antecedent first and then the subsequent collection of information about outcomes


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Direct questioning of people about phenomena of interest
Respondents’ deliberate or inadvertent misrepresentations

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Biophysiologic Measures
High-quality data

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Economical source
Selective deposit
Selective survival

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Pilot Study (Feasibility Study)
Small-scale version or trial run designed to test methods to be used in a larger, more rigorous study (the parent study)


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