Computer Science CAPSTONE CS698

Need assignment competed within 14hrs with a turn in report following apa format 

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Deliverable Length: 8 total pages, including empty sections
Due 36 from now APA format must be used. Please understand that this teacher is an extremely hard grader so this needs to be your best  also must be included in APA format
Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report
This course is comprised of a series of Individual Project assignments that will contribute to a Key Assignment submission at the end of the course. Each week, you will complete a part of a Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document that is designed to solve a computer science problem. You will select a project or research topic and apply research and knowledge that you have gained from prior courses to the completion of the associated report according to the instructions for each week.
You will select a project as the topic for the research that you will execute and document in this course. The project should represent a computer science problem that you will solve through research and your application of knowledge and skills gained in the courses taken in your program of study. This is the course Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week.
Project Selection
The first step will be to select a project as the target for your Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document. This project will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:
Nontrivial: The project should be nontrivial and should require research as part of the solution, and the project should be large enough to allow reasonable exercise of the technology research process.
Scope: The project scope should be appropriate for the 5-week class duration.
Domain knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the problem domain to allow focus on the project tasks without significant time required for domain education.
Accessibility: You should have sufficient access to the people and other information related to the project because this will be an important part of the process.
Select a project that fits these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.
For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a comprehensive Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document that identifies a computer science problem and works through a formal scientific research process to first provide a proposed solution to the problem, then define the hypothesis and research question, as well as design the experiments to collect data to validate the solution. Your first task in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your research and analysis for each of the assignments in the course. You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable that you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the development of your document, and assumptions may be made when necessary.
The following are the project deliverables:
Submit the project proposal to your instructor for approval.
Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document
Use Word
Title Page
Course number and name
Project name
Student name
Table of Contents (TOC)
Use an autogenerated TOC.
It should be on a separate page.
It should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content except for sections listed under New Content each week.)
Template of the Content
Project Outline (Week 1)
Project Outline   (Week 1)
1.1 Company Overview      (Week 1)
1.2 Project Introduction  (Week 1)
1.3 Problem Identification    (Week 1)
1.3.1 Problem Context and Background (Week 1)
1.3.2 Problem Statement   (Week 1)

New Content for Week 1
1. Project Outline
1.1 Company Overview
Give a brief description of the organization (can be a hypothetical organization) that the problem relates to. Include the company size, location(s), and other pertinent information.
1.2 Project Introduction
Give a brief description of the main business products and/or services that the company is currently offering. Include the strength and weakness of the products and/or services, the competitors, and the challenges, etc.
1.3 Problem Identification
1.3.1 Problem Context and Background
Provide an overview of the problem that is suitable for a nontechnical audience. The overview must present the context and the background of the problem and the potential impact on the company or organization.
1.3.2 Problem Statement
Formulate a problem statement for the project. The problem statement should be one sentence that describes both the problem symptom and the problem root cause. The standard format for one sentence problem statement is “The problem symptom due to the problem root cause.”
For example, let’s assume that in one evening, the severe weather has caused a sudden power outage at one of CTU’s campuses. We can use a one sentence “problem statement” to describe such problem: “In the campus, all classrooms are now embedded in the darkness due to the sudden power outage.” In this statement, the problem symptom is “In the campus, all classrooms are now embedded in the darkness” while the problem root cause is “the sudden power outage”. That is this is an accurate one sentence problem statement for this situation.
Name the document “yourname_CS698_IP1 .”

Three References APA format

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Type Your Title Here

Student’s Name

Colorado Technical University


An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. The purpose of the abstract is to provide the reader with a brief overview of the paper. This template is based on 6thed of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Note: an abstract is only required if the assignment calls for it. Consult with your instructor.

Type Your Title Here

Begin writing your paper with a .5” indent and continue the paper with an indent for each new paragraph.

Heading Level 1, Centered, Boldface
Heading Level 2, Flush left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase
Heading level 3, indented, boldface, lowercase ends with period.
Heading Level 4, indented, boldface, lowercase, italicized, ends with period.
Heading level 5, italicized, lowercase, ends with a period

Note: Depending on the length and complexity of your paper you will use different levels of headings.


Encyclopedia, S. E. (1993). Article. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (vol. 38, pp. 745-758). Chicago, IL: Publisher.

Lastname, F. (2003). Book title: Subtitle. Sterling, VA: Publisher Name.

Newspaper article without an author. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12.

Wittkopf, B., & Shaw, M. E. (2003, fall). Article title from the journal. Journal Name, 43(2), 18-22. doi:10:109.0932.9385.09

Deliverable Length: 8 total pages, including empty sections
Due 36 from now APA format must be used. Please understand that this teacher is an extremely hard grader so this needs to be your best  also must be included in APA format
Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report
This course is comprised of a series of Individual Project assignments that will contribute to a Key Assignment submission at the end of the course. Each week, you will complete a part of a Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document that is designed to solve a computer science problem. You will select a project or research topic and apply research and knowledge that you have gained from prior courses to the completion of the associated report according to the instructions for each week.
You will select a project as the topic for the research that you will execute and document in this course. The project should represent a computer science problem that you will solve through research and your application of knowledge and skills gained in the courses taken in your program of study. This is the course Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week.
Project Selection
The first step will be to select a project as the target for your Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document. This project will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:
Nontrivial: The project should be nontrivial and should require research as part of the solution, and the project should be large enough to allow reasonable exercise of the technology research process.
Scope: The project scope should be appropriate for the 5-week class duration.
Domain knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the problem domain to allow focus on the project tasks without significant time required for domain education.
Accessibility: You should have sufficient access to the people and other information related to the project because this will be an important part of the process.
Select a project that fits these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.
For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a comprehensive Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document that identifies a computer science problem and works through a formal scientific research process to first provide a proposed solution to the problem, then define the hypothesis and research question, as well as design the experiments to collect data to validate the solution. Your first task in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your research and analysis for each of the assignments in the course. You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable that you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the development of your document, and assumptions may be made when necessary.
The following are the project deliverables:
Submit the project proposal to your instructor for approval.
Computer Science Problem-Solving Research Project Report document
Use Word
Title Page
Course number and name
Project name
Student name
Table of Contents (TOC)
Use an autogenerated TOC.
It should be on a separate page.
It should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content except for sections listed under New Content each week.)
Template of the Content
Project Outline (Week 1)
Project Outline   (Week 1)
1.1 Company Overview      (Week 1)
1.2 Project Introduction  (Week 1)
1.3 Problem Identification    (Week 1)
1.3.1 Problem Context and Background (Week 1)
1.3.2 Problem Statement   (Week 1)

New Content for Week 1
1. Project Outline
1.1 Company Overview
Give a brief description of the organization (can be a hypothetical organization) that the problem relates to. Include the company size, location(s), and other pertinent information.
1.2 Project Introduction
Give a brief description of the main business products and/or services that the company is currently offering. Include the strength and weakness of the products and/or services, the competitors, and the challenges, etc.
1.3 Problem Identification
1.3.1 Problem Context and Background
Provide an overview of the problem that is suitable for a nontechnical audience. The overview must present the context and the background of the problem and the potential impact on the company or organization.
1.3.2 Problem Statement
Formulate a problem statement for the project. The problem statement should be one sentence that describes both the problem symptom and the problem root cause. The standard format for one sentence problem statement is “The problem symptom due to the problem root cause.”
For example, let’s assume that in one evening, the severe weather has caused a sudden power outage at one of CTU’s campuses. We can use a one sentence “problem statement” to describe such problem: “In the campus, all classrooms are now embedded in the darkness due to the sudden power outage.” In this statement, the problem symptom is “In the campus, all classrooms are now embedded in the darkness” while the problem root cause is “the sudden power outage”. That is this is an accurate one sentence problem statement for this situation.
Name the document “yourname_CS698_IP1 .”

Three References APA format

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