A File is attached and the assignment is divided into part 1 and 2

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PART 1: A rough draft of the essay is due on  Feb 20TH, 2021.  

PART 2: Final Draft that is due February 21st ,2021.

Critical Analysis Essay Assignment: 1302

Part I: The first part of the assignment is to find an example of a visual argument with written OR spoken text of some sort in it

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Examples of this can include: A meme or gif, a short [1 minute maximum] video (advertisements, tik tok videos, etc. are good examples), and/or photo/ work of art. Note: Keep the videos short [1 minute or less] and self-contained(e.g. do not pick a scene from a movie, video, or part of a longer filmed work, etc.)

You will choose it, but it must include the following:

It must contain language (either spoken or written, or both) and images (either moving or


The images and text must allow for outside context (outside interpretation that involves

time, place, cultural attitudes, economic conditions, etc.) to be added for one to fully understand its meaning

It must be from a source that is reliable/ vetted in some way (e.g. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok=okay; 4 Chan, 8 Chan or anonymous source= not okay)

If it is a video, it should be no longer than a few minutes (1 minute max).

Part II: You will next write a Visual Analysis Essay about this video/image & written text.

This visual analysis essay should do the following:

1. It should examine the content that is in the video/ image, etc. by summarizing [if it is

a video] or describing it [if it is a stationary visual image(s)].

2. It should present a claim that identifies why/ how the image/ video, etc. is important, salient, compelling, etc. by interpreting its meaning.

3. It should identify the audience that the text [including the images] is aimed at, primarily and give reasoning that supports that supposition.

4. It should present any greater context that is missing from the visual argument that is important to understanding that argument better.

5.It should consider the logic of the argument presented by the image, video and/or images by considering whether the argument addresses the topic appropriately, gives appropriate context, etc.

Here are some questions to consider when writing your essay:

1. How does the written and visual text support the meaning that of the visual image and make it powerful?

2. What is the purpose of a particular symbol, image, language and/or setting and how does it support the meaning you are giving to this visual image(s) w/ text?

3. How do the visual and textual elements ‘prove’ the claim that you are making about the video,image, etc.?

Essay Requirements:

The essay should be 1000-1200 words in length

(at least 4 full pages and no more than 5 full pages).

It should include 2-4 direct quotes of language from the work that you chose to analyze.

It should contain a works cited page, and this MUST contain the original source that you are examining.

It should be MLA formatted, be written in 12pt, Times New Roman font. [I will provide an MLA generator website link with example docs]

It needs to be written using the third person only(no first or second person) throughout, and should address the claim/ argument your essay is making about the image and text, not your personal feelings about it.

It should give analysis throughout (see example) and not talk about what it contains


It can [but does not have to] contain one (1) outside source, but this research should ONLY provide some context for the video/ image.

The research should come from an unbiased/ neutral site. Wikipedia or the LSC Library Facts on File:Issues and Controversies or Gale Opposing Viewpoints sites.

A rough draft of the essay is due next Sunday Feb 20TH, 2021. The final draft is due Feb 21stby 11:59PM for full credit in the drop box entitled “Visual Analysis Final Essay.”

Hints as to how you may want to organize your essay.

Note: Be sure each paragraph has a specific purpose. You can organize your analysis in many ways, but here are the easiest ways:

Pattern A: Topic based

Introductory paragraph that explores the topic with context

2nd paragraph contains Elements of the visual text (summary)w/main claim which includes your interpretation of the meaning/importance

3rdparagraph: audience for the visual source and why this topic is


4thparagraph: elements in the video that lead you to understand its importance (symbols, colors, actions of people that are not literal but inferred, etc.) based on topic

5thparagraph: See above (if necessary)

Conclusion + brief recap

Pattern B:

Introduction w/elements summary main claim including primary argument about visual elements’ meaning.

Element #1 (images) that supports argument

Element #2 (text) that support argument

Elements #3 (symbols, music, etc) that supports argument

Conclusion + Recommendation.

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