Complex Negotiation Activity

In the past weeks, the discussion question has asked you to reflect on your negotiation history and engage the forum with an example from your past. This week, you are asked to engage in a new negotiation event and utilize your growing skill set. In other words, negotiate the purchase of something, the restaurant for dinner, time off at work, household chores with your children, or any other situation that works well for you and that you can complete in the first part of the week (before the initial post is due). Of course, the earlier in the week you start, the better prepared you can be for the negotiation. Whatever negotiation you try, challenge yourself. Make it something both meaningful and worthwhile for strategic negotiation.

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For the first paragraph of your initial post, describe the negotiation event that you are using for this week’s discussion, including the participants, the key issues, and the outcome.

  • Negotiations most often occur between two people having a meaningful relationship, such as spouses, coworkers, and suppliers and customers. Therefore, relationships tend to influence present and future interactions, however cordial or adversarial they might be. The dynamics of a relationship and its importance to each party also affect the strategies used and the outcomes reached in a negotiation. How did the relationship impact the negotiation event? How did it influence your preparation, your choice of strategy, and the outcome?

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