Comparison Paper: Crobb & Discussion Thread


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Textbook Readings

Crabbs chapter 6-10

Throughout the lessons, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors’ thoughts and insights. Each paper must be 5–7 pages, contain a title and reference page, site 3–5 references, and be written in current APA format.

Discussion Thread

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Topic: In Appendix 2, Powlison lists Six Crucial Issues in Contemporary Biblical Counseling. Choose the issue which you believe to be most urgent/significant and tell why you chose it. Also, explain why you devalued the other 5 in favor of this issue. Be sure to state your rationale clearly, using Scripture, citations from the text, or other appropriate scholarly sources. Finally, since there are correlations, reflect your understanding of Appendix 4 in the rationale for this response. Reply to at least 2 classmates’ posts and explain why you agree or disagree with the issue they chose. Be sure to cite at least 1 source.

Remember this is graduate level work, so make sure your thread and replies substantively engage the material and cites/references according to the most current APA Manual. You may want to review again the Discussion Instructions document before proceeding.

PACO 617

Comparison Paper Grading Rubric

0 pts

0 pts



(A- to A)

Satisfies criteria w/ excellence


(B- to B+)

Satisfies Most Criteria


(C- to C+)

Satisfies Criteria Incompletely

Below Expectations

(F to D+)

Does not satisfy criteria

Not Present



Content: 105% (105pts)

97-105 pts

88-96 pts

87-80 pts

1-79 pts

0 pts

Concise Summary

19-20 pts

Demonstrates a solid understanding of the material presented

Adequately synthesizes the whole of the text in a concise manner

Presents an organized interaction that specifically addresses the assignment with clarity and coherency

17-18 pts

Demonstrates an understanding of the material presented

Adequately synthesizes the whole of the text in a concise manner
Presents an organized interaction that specifically addresses the assignment with clarity and coherency

16 pts

Does not Demonstrate a solid understanding of the material presented

Does not Adequately synthesizes the whole of the text in a concise manner

Presents a disorganized interaction that specifically addresses the assignment with a lack of clarity and coherency

1-15 pts

Does not Demonstrate anunderstanding of the material presented

Does not Adequately synthesizes the whole of the text in a concise manner

Work is disorganized interaction that specifically addresses the assignment with a lack of clarity and coherency

Evaluation of the Strengths and Weaknesses

33-35 pts

Provides clear, insightful, rich interaction with subject matter

Integrates material from the course lectures and assigned reading

Demonstrates critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material

30-33 pts

Provides interaction with subject matter

Integrates material from the course lectures and assigned reading
Demonstrates critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material

27-29 pts

Provides incomplete interaction with subject matter

Integrates material from the course lectures and assigned reading
Demonstrates critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material

1-26 pts

Provides minimal interaction with subject matter

No Integraion of material from the course lectures and assigned reading

No critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material


Personal Reflection and Application

28-30 pts

Personal example(s) offered which sufficiently relate to the content of the text

Clear connections are made between the life episode and the reading

26-27 pts

Personal example(s) offered which partially relate to the content of the text

Connections are made between the life episode and the reading

23-25 pts

Personal example(s) offered which are incomplete and do not relate to the content of the text

Connections are made between the life episode and the reading


No personal example(s) offered which are incomplete and do not relate to the content of the text

Connections are made between the life episode and the reading are not made



Conclusions drawn reveal thoughtful summarization and personal application

16-18 pts

Conclusions partially reveal thoughtful summarization and personal application

13-15 pts

Conclusions partially reveal summarization and personal application.

1-12 pts

The assignment does not provide onclusions that reveal summarization and personal application.

Structure: 30% = 30


Presentation, Headings, and APA

28-30 pts.

· The assignment is presented with appropriate headings and organizational clarity.

· The assignment reflects correct APA form

· There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections.

· The paper meets the page length

26-27 pts.

· The assignment is presented with most headings but slightly lacking in organizational clarity.

· The assignment reflects minor APA form errors

· There are transitions between paragraphs and sections.

· The assignment length is short one page

23-25 pts.

· The assignment is presented with partial headings and is lacking in organizational clarity.

· The assignment reflects APA form errors

· Transitions between paragraphs and sections are unclear.

· The assignment length is short more than one page

1-22 pts.

· The assignment is presented without headings and lacks organizational clarity.

· The assignment reflects numerous APA form errors

· Transitions between paragraphs and sections are missing.

· The assignment length is short multiple pages

Spelling and Grammar

15 pts.

· The assignment is without spelling and grammar related errors

· The assignment reflects a graduate level construction (voice and vocabulary).

12-14 pts.

· The assignment is contains very few spelling and grammar related errors

· The assignment reflects a general graduate level construction (voice and vocabulary).

8-11 pts.

· The assignment is contains spelling and grammar related errors

· The assignment reflects an inconsistent graduate level construction (voice and vocabulary).

1-7 pts.

· The assignment is contains numerous spelling and grammar related errors

· The assignment does not reflect a graduate level construction (voice and vocabulary).



Instructor’s Comments:

Updated: 01/03/2018

PACO 507

Comparison Paper



Write a brief statement about each of the 10 segments of the author’s theory/methodology (listed below), explaining succinctly the foundational constructs and implications of his theory, and the rationale behind your responses. The successful completion of this assignment will benefit the student’s development in growing as a pastoral counselor by gaining a more comprehensive understanding of different theoretical approach to pastoral counseling. Valuable insight will be gained as well as the opportunity to self-reflect on one’s personal and professional development as a pastoral counselor


The paper should follow the outline below:

1. Primary goal (What is the desired outcome?)

2. Development of problems and personal need (How do the issues come about?)

3. Biblical integration (How much of the Bible is used in this methodology?)

4. Formula for change (the author’s stated steps to the desired outcome)

5. Balance of theology and spirituality (Does the author lean more to theology or spirituality?)

6. Human personality (development and structure)

7. Counselor’s function and role (What does the counselor/counselee relationship look like?)

8. Major contribution to counseling (How does this theory impact counseling?)

9. Limitations of this counseling theory (What are the practical boundaries of this methodology?)

10. Classification (nouthetic, biblical, Christian, Christian psychology, integrational, etc.)


1. Give practical application to each author’s material as relates to the utility for the overall discipline of counseling and the specific potential influence upon your life and ministry.

2. Give a brief example of how this author’s book might impact a counseling moment.

This assignment will be completed following the current APA or Turabian format. It must not exceed 7 pages, including the title page and reference page.

Within the body of the paper include 2 headings: “Summary” and “Practical Application.” In the “Summary” section, state the 10 subheadings listed above and in the “Practical Application” section, state the 2 subheadings listed above, as the outline for your content.

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