Compare and Contrast TWO insurance/managed care companies

5-6 pages

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Topic: Compare and Contrast TWO insurance/managed care companies and include

·  Three policy issues related to insurance/manage care facing the healthcare industry

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·  Pros and cons of the particular plans

·  Who , What and Where do these plans cover

·  Cost to the individuals

·  Flexibility to the individuals

·  Is it a popular employer based health plan

These are just some points that should be included in the paper. You should elaborate on each point to give a full understanding of the two plans

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75 PTS

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If you choose a paper;

5-6 pages

APA format

At least 4 references required

Topic: Compare and Contrast TWO insurance/managed care companies and include


Three policy issues related to insurance/manage care facing the healthcare industry

· Pros and cons of the particular plans

· Who , What and Where do these plans cover

· Cost to the individuals

· Flexibility to the individuals

· Is it a popular employer based health plan

These are just some points that should be included in the paper. You should elaborate on each point to give a full understanding of the two plans

If you choose a PPT;

Topic: What would a universal healthcare system look like in the United States

At least 2 references


· A minimum of 12 slide s(NOT including a QUESTIONS slide)

· Keep it Simple. PowerPoint uses slides with a horizontal or “Landscape” orientation. …

· Limit bullet points & text. …

· Limit transitions & builds (animation) …

· Use high-quality graphics. …

· Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates. …

· Use appropriate charts. …

· Use color well. …

· Choose your fonts well.

Valid points that should be included;

· At what age would this healthcare begin?

· Is there a Cost to the plan

· What is covered?

· What would NOT be covered?

· Wait time to be seen by a PCP?

· Wait time to be seen by a Specialist?

· Wait time for surgery?

· What Regulations would be involved if any?

· Who would regulate it?

· Will/What Rx medications would be covered? How much?

· EMR involved? Paper charts?

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