Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives in sociology 5-6 page paper

The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast theoretical orientations in sociology.

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The paper should include a summary and critical evaluation of at least two theoretical perspectives on assimilation and social mobility (e.g. acculturation, assimilation theory, segmented assimilation). You can either read the original material cited by Clergé or conduct a bibliographical search to find sociological articles on assimilation theories. 

Your paper should include at least five citations from peer-reviewed academic articles.

SOCI 4387: Capstone Seminar Spring 2020

Due date: Saturday, 3/14, 11:59 pm 40 points

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Comparing and Contrasting Assimilation Theories

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast theoretical orientations in

sociology. For this paper, you will explain and critically evaluate major theoretical positions that

are currently advanced to explain assimilation and social mobility. You will focus on theoretical

perspectives that Clergé refers to as old and neo-assimilation theories. In Children of the Yam

(Chapter 2) and Blood Pudding (Chapter 3), you will find historical evidence and examples of the

different obstacles that Black (im)migrants have experienced in their assimilation process and

pathway to middle-class. Keep in mind that the author’s critical evaluation of current assimilation

theories provide the background for her examination of the racial formations and migrations of

Black Americans, Haitians, and Jamaicans, and her views on the role of racism, class, and


Assignment: Write a professional 5-6 page paper typed and double-spaced. The paper should

include a summary and critical evaluation of at least two theoretical perspectives on assimilation

and social mobility (e.g. acculturation, assimilation theory, segmented assimilation). You can

either read the original material cited by Clergé or conduct a bibliographical search to find

sociological articles on assimilation theories. You will need to use your NetID to access electronic

databases through the Ottenheimer Library. Your paper should include at least five citations from

peer-reviewed academic articles. Do not summarize each article. Follow the recommendations of

Balmer and Murcott’s The Craft of Writing in Sociology for making an argument using a compare

and contrast approach (chapter 2). Keep your language formal and avoid contractions. If you work

with an open-source word processor, create a PDF file before uploading your file.

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