Compare and Contrast Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela

Develop and write a 4 to 6-page, APA formatted paper, that a) compares and b) contrasts the leadership styles and scope of influence of 2 historical figures. Remember, this is to be a perspective on leadership that requires you to perform research and analysis into how these leaders viewed themselves, and how others viewed them.

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1. Introduction

2. State what made each an effective leader

3. Describe how each influence the lives of others positively and/or negatively

4. Include how will each be remembered in history

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5. Provide leadership similarities and differences of the 2 leaders

6. Discuss if you consider either of them servant-leader types

7. Conclusion

Include in-text citations and a References page

Running head:






Comprehensive Learning Assignment 1

(Introduction to the assignment. Include a thesis statement)

Historical Leader 1: (name)

(Provide background of the leader 1. Cite sources used)

Effective leadership


Influence on others


How will be remembered


Historical Leader 2: (name)

(Provide background of the leader 2. Cite sources used)

Effective leadership

Influence on others


How will be remembered


Compare and Contrast

Similarities between the two leaders


Differences between the two leaders


Servant-Leader Discussion

(define this concept and then discuss this style relative to the two historical leaders)


(your final thoughts about effective leadership)


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