Company SWOT


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In this assignment, you will create a revised company description and mission statement based on the feedback you received in the Week 1 discussion. Then, you will conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected and for your company. As you work on the assignment, consider why you have chosen one type of non-alcoholic beverage over another and the reasons for that choice. As you complete your SWOT analysis, be sure to include external factors such as industry/market trends and competition, and internal factors such as your capabilities or abilities to reach certain market segments.

Write a 3–5-page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Create your revised Non-Alcoholic beverage (NAB) company name and explain the name’s significance to you. Describe a NAB that you would produce and sell.
  2. Develop your revised company’s mission statement and provide a rationale for its components.

    Hints: Use the Statement of Mission template on pages 72–73 of the course textbook, Successful Business Plan, to aid your development.
    Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company Portfolio, where applicable. You should fill in other required items in the template using your personal preferences. 

  3. Describe the trends in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, especially the specific type of beverage category you have chosen.

    Hints: Research and outline beverage industry trends. Consider the size and growth rate of the industry overall and the specific beverage type you have chosen. Use the worksheet in the course text (p. 88 | Past and Future Growth of Your Industry) to help you project the future growth rate. Consider the use of industry associations and search engines to find reliable and recent data.

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  4. Choose one strategic position from the course text (pp. 142–143) that you believe is the best strategic position for your company. Explain the approach you will use to implement this strategic position in order to distinguish your beverage from other non-alcoholic beverages.
  5. Provide an overview of your company’s distribution channels. Explain the manner in which your product will reach end users. Provide a rationale for your chosen method.

    Hints: For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues? If so, describe the types of resellers and distributors who will sell to resellers and fulfill their orders. If you are attempting to sell directly to consumers, for example, online via a monthly subscription, how will you manage warehousing/fulfillment/shipping?

  6. Outline at least three types of risks (including any regulatory risks) that your business faces. Describe your company’s plan to mitigate such risk.

    Hints: You may refer to the types of risk listed in the course text (pp. 148–149) as well as any risks not listed in the text. Regulation weighs more heavily on beverage and food businesses than many other types of companies, so be certain to consider any regulatory risks your type of beverage faces. For example, what kind of regulation and/or risks are you likely to face if you make health claims about your beverage?

  7. Develop a SWOT analysis for your NAB company using the SWOT matrix worksheet in the course text (p. 153 | SWOT: Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats).

    Hints: What are your company’s likely strengths? Have you chosen a beverage segment that is growing and lacks an entrenched competitor? Are you in a niche market that has great potential? What are the strengths that you and other team members bring to your company? Do you or other team members have previous experience in the food and beverage industry?
    Hints: What are your company’s likely weaknesses? Is the competition in your industry segment entrenched? Is your own management team inexperienced? Will it be challenging to actually produce your product and maintain quality?
    Hints: What are your company’s opportunities? Does your segment have more demand than supply? Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter? Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, and changing tastes?
    Hints: What are your company’s threats? Is there a clear market leader that will be hard and expensive to displace? Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim? Are there little or no barriers to entry for new competitors? if you have a novel idea that succeeds, can the competition easily enter your market? If you have a global aspect to your company, do factors such as currency fluctuations, political instability, offshoring, or outsourcing pose threats?

  8. Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:

    Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise. 
    The paper must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Develop a company overview and SWOT analysis that include trends, strategic positioning, distribution channels, and risks.

businessBusiness marketingBusiness administrationmarketingManagment

Answer 6

Answer 7

Running head: COMPANY NAME 1


Company Description and SWOT analysis

First Name Last Name

Strayer University

BUS 599

Dr. Andrea Banto and Dr. Cynthia Parmenter

September 10, 2019

Due: Week 3, worth 100 points

Length: The assignment should be 3 to 5 pages, excluding title page and reference page


· Review the description of this assignment in the course guide or Blackboard and use the tips provided along with this template to help you in your writing.

· Use the textbook and review the recommended pages. Note that your textbook has sample plans at the end of each paper. They are great examples of content.

· Review the grading rubric before writing. Know what you are graded for. Always look at the “exemplary” section.


· Please remove the text in red throughout the paper and replace with your information. Delete the videos.

· Leave the text in black as it is. You are required to have a heading for each of the sections in your paper.

· Use APA format. Your will respond to each question using indented paragraphs in font Times New Roman, size 12.

· The references must be on a separate page at the end of the paper.

VIDEOS to help you with this assignment (delete when done)


How to use the Template


How to get started on Assignment 1


How to use Grammarly

Company Description and SWOT analysis

Company Name

· Provide a brief introduction of the NAB company (name)

· Explain the significance of the name of your NAB company.

· Describe the non-alcoholic beverage you will produce and sell.

· Video to help answer this question:

Company Name

Mission Statement

· Write the mission statement (use quotation marks). Use the Statement of Mission template on pages 72–73 of the course textbook, Successful Business Plan, to aid your development. The mission statement should include” who you are (as a company), what you do (focus on what you sell), and why you are in business (your purpose).

· Explain the components of the mission statement and the reasoning for their selection. In this section you will clarify why the information included in the mission statement is important and should be included there.

· Video to help answer this question:

Mission Statement

Trends in the industry

· Research and describe the trends in the nonalcoholic beverage industry. Try to be specific for your chosen category of beverage. Project future growth rate and why do you think this segment has potential. Use the worksheet in the course text (p. 88 | Past and Future Growth of Your Industry) to help you project the future growth rate. Consider the use of industry associations and search engines to find reliable and recent data.

· Video to help answer this question:


· Video:

How to find information on trends in the industry in the Strayer Online Library

Strategic position

· Choose one strategic position
from the text
(page 142-143) and discuss why you believe this would be the best position for your company.

· Explain the approach you will use at your company to implement this strategic position to stand out from similar products and competition.

· Video to help answer this question:

Strategic Position


· Provide an overview of the company’s distribution channels. For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues? If so, describe the types of resellers and distributors who will sell to resellers and fulfill their orders. If you are attempting to sell directly to consumers, for example, online via a monthly subscription, how will you manage warehousing/fulfillment/shipping? Clarify how the product will reach end users.

· Provide the rationale for your selected method of distributing the product.

· Video to help answer this question:

Distribution Channels


· Outline at least 3 types of risks your company is facing. One of the risks must be regulatory risks. In addition to the regulatory risks, you can select two others from the types of risk listed in the course text (pp. 148–149) or others. Regulation weighs more heavily on beverage and food businesses than many other types of companies, so be certain to consider any regulatory risks your type of beverage faces. For example, what kind of regulation and/or risks are you likely to face if you make health claims about your beverage?

· Discuss each of the risks you identified. Be specific in the context your NAB company. Explain how your company will mitigate each of the risks.

· Video to help answer this question:


SWOT Analysis

· Complete the table below (at least 4 in each category).
You must use this matrix (table).
Use bullets for each item in the SWOT matrix. Check out the hints provided in the description of the assignment for each item in the SWOT.

· Briefly describe the key items in each category under the SWOT table.

· Video to help answer this question:







Be sure to cite all your sources. Use APA to format all the references. Wikipedia and other similar websites (blogs, opinions) do not quality as academic resources. You can use websites as long as the source is reliable (company websites,,,, etc.)

Here are examples of references (please deleted and replace with yours)

Bezzina, C., & Testa, S. (2005, June). Establishing schools as professional learning communities: Perspective from Malta. European Journal of Teacher Education, 28(2), 141-150. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. doi: 10.1080/02619760500093156

DuFour, R. (2004, May). What is a “professional learning community”? Educational Leadership, 61(8), 6-11. Retrieved from

Greene, T. S. (2001, June). Schools as “learning organizations.” Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. AAI9994152)

Herbert, K. S., Murphy, K. M., Ramos, M. A., Vaden-Kiernan, M., & Buttram, J. L. (2006). SEDL’s Working systematically model: Final report. Southwest Educational Development Lab. Retrieved from

Hord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: What are they and why are they important? Issues . . . About Change, 6(1). Retrieved from



Marketing Plan and Sale Strategy:

Students Name:

Institutional Affiliation:

Professors Name:


Company Target Market

Uptown Swirl would target the health conscious of the individuals with different ages. However the primary consumer for the company juice are those falling between ages 18- 40 who are in the location where the company would be set up. The marketing research that was conducted within the community showed that change of individual’s lifestyle has led to a higher demand of quality products as this involves drinks and the fresh juice. This makes targeted market easier as it’s a class of discerning individuals who aims at maintaining healthy life thorough their lives. The younger generation definitely would need to use products that would make them to feel motivated and also look good which becomes advantageous for the company as it provides a wider variety of products. This summarizes the demographics of Uptown Swirl to be young and health conscious individual who are aged 18-40, sportsmen and athletes and the individuals who mostly shop in healthy and natural food stores (Nickel et al., 2014).

Company market competition

Within the non-alcoholic beverage industry, juice is one of the most competitive product in the market. This trend is improving gradually as there is a higher demand of this products as time goes by due to an increase in the younger population and also increased awareness of the health concerns by different individuals. The concerns about health issues also increases the demand for fresh juice as this is considered a perfect product that has limited side effects. However the market competition would be from the other established firms in the market among them including Tropicana, Naked Juice and Pom wonderful as all this companies have established their market strategies in the market (Transparency Market Research , 2016).

Tropicana for instance it’s an American multinational corporation which majorly deals in producing fresh orange juice. Uptown Swirl would be needed to set strategies that would enable it to compete favorably in the market despite its market share, robust operational and a financial position in the non-alcoholic market sector. Naked juice on the other hand also being major competitor of Uptown Swirl has a huge market percentage in this industry as this company has been in existence ever since which enabled it to attract more loyal customers to itself. Pom wonderful also has an established market base dealing with pomegranate juices which is rich in the anti-detoxing properties. The company has diverse stores which helps it in distribution to other markets which makes it possible to cover a large market base (Nickel et al., 2014).

Despite the fact that all this companies have an established market share as they have in the market for quite some time, Uptown Swirl believes that they are going to compete competitively as they have all they need to set up the competition in the market which is currently owned by the big firms in the market. The juice industry at the moment also has many firms in the market which has led to different types of products being produced in the market with an aim of attracting more customers (Transparency Market Research , 2016).

Taking all this consideration in plan, there is need for Uptown Swirl to set a different strategy that would help it to provide a competing environment in the market such as producing an enticing product in the market which still is not recognized well in the market. This differentiation strategy would help the NAB Company to differentiate itself from the other industries aiming to target individuals who takes more consideration of their health concerns as they would benefit more from the Uptown Swirl juice (Nickel et al., 2014).

Clarification of the company’s Message

The message the company would wish to relay to its potential consumers is that Uptown Juice is a natural juice that’s free from any chemicals which is ready to drink and has been made to perfectly care for the specification of the customer preferences at a cheaper price. The marketing message is also aimed at achieving the desired quality and as the company would struggle to deliver its products which aims at achieving the desired customers preferences. This message would help achieve a desired goals which would help attracting more customers as this message aims at persuading the consumers that their product would achieve a desired taste that would be preferred to that of the competitors (Pom in the news, 2016).

Marketing Vehicles for Uptown Swirl

The company would do everything possible to make sure that they can attain a desired goal of getting more market in the community. For this case, the company would use aggressive marketing vehicles which would help in creating awareness of their brand. This strategy would help in raising awareness of the brand as this would help in passing information to the potential customers of Uptown Swirl new product in the market and also making the right direction available to the targeted consumers. The company would use retail like the supermarkets, in the sale of their product there is needs to improve advertising channels so as to send message to more consumers. For this case the company would be needed to adopt social media as its primary advertisement channel to send message to more customers (Transparency Market Research , 2016).

Thus social media can be used to pass information to all the consumers in marketing during the first 6 months. There is also an option of providing the juice at quite cheaper price so as to attract more customers and help in sampling the product. Product visibility would be enabled through a word of mouth. Marketing team would help in distributing the juice in more market where they would also use free sample into enticing more customers to consume the product (Nickel et al., 2014).


Nickel, K. S. & Snyder, L. (2014). A History of Tropicana. Tropicana Products Inc.

Pom in the news (2016). Pomegranate Products. Retrieved from

Transparency Market Research. (2016). Juice Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2015 – 2021. Retrieved from

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