Company Report Paper

write a paper about East West Bank.

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Share information about the history and mission description of the intermediary you specify. Usually, the mission statement contains a description of the company’s functions. Some mission statements include information about the company’s market and competitive advantages, and an organizational structure outlines how certain activities are aimed at achieving the organization’s goals. A successful organizational structure defines the work of each employee and its position in the overall structure. What products/services does your financial intermediary provide. Intermediary’s customer base and marketing strategies. Who does the intermediary serve? What are the main assets and liabilities of your financial intermediary? Your financial intermediary income. How does covid-19 affect your intermediary? What have intermediaries done to support their employees since the beginning of the pandemic

As a reminder, here are the formatting requirements for the paper:

·  Limited to 4 pages (First 3 pages describe your intermediary; last page summarizes the news). 

· 12-point font and double spaced.

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· One-inch margins and APA style of citation (CITE ALL SOURCES).

· At least 2 recent scholarly sources published after 2010; other sources could be your textbook, the internet, library, statistical data, etc. 



Integration of Knowledge

Paper demonstrates understanding of concepts and applied concepts learned in the course.

Paper does not demonstrate that author understands concepts and applied concepts learned. There are learning gaps and misunderstandings present within the paper.

Depth of Discussion

All topics are thoroughly addressed (e.g., topics from the discussion courses are present)

Missing necessary topics addressed in the discussion posts. Sections/topics are missing.


Concepts/topics are tied together from all sources. Paper glows well from one topic to the other. Writing demonstrates understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Does not tie together information. Does not flow and connections to topics are missing or not cohesive. Writing does not demonstrate understanding between topics.

Spelling & Grammar

No spelling &/or grammar mistakes

Unacceptable number of spelling &/or grammar mistakes.

Sources & Citation

At least 2 scholarly sources are present. All sources were published after 2010. APA situation style is used in both text and bibliography

Less than 2 scholarly sources or no citations. Does not use APA style citations.

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