Community policing assignment

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The police and citizens often have different viewpoints about community policing. Community policing can be very labor intensive and the police of often have numerous different types of pressure on them from a variety of locations within the jurisdiction.

For this week’s assignment you are to evaluate how a police agency should deal with the multitude of different types of requests for service that they have and still be able to engage in a robust community-policing effort. Assess how a well-functioning community-oriented policing program can lessen the stress on law enforcement manpower. Determine how the police and citizen groups can effectively communicate with each other.

Write a 2 page APA style paper.  Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement (title page and references are in addition to the 2 pages)

In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.

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