community paper

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Liberty University

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Indent, and write your introduction here.

Community Description

Indent, and describe your community here. Make sure to thoroughly describe who lives in your community. What racial/ethnic/religious groups are represented here? Is this community economically diverse? Is this a wealthy or impoverished community? What about city, suburban, or rural characteristics? Citing statistics or other sources on your community will be incredibly helpful here! You can find statistics on your community at


Social Service Agencies

As you have been learning in this course, social workers often work at social service agencies, describe the social service agencies in your community in depth. Include information such as names of the organizations, the population they serve, the services they offer to this population, and job responsibilities of social workers at the agencies, etc. These agencies can be, but are not limited to the local department of health and human services, mental health agencies, refugee resettlement agencies, adult and child protective services, adoption agencies, etc.

Non-Social Service Agencies Employing Social Workers

Describe the other agencies/organizations, which employ social workers, in depth. Include information such as names of the organizations, the population they serve, the services they offer to this population, etc. These agencies can be, but are not limited to schools, hospitals, veterans’ administration, Head Start, nursing homes, after school programs, etc.


Indent and write your conclusion here. This section describes any personal interest in social work specific areas. It also contains a short summary of your paper.


References should be listed on a separate page at the end of your paper. You can use your textbooks as your references. APA format example:

Keith-Lucas, A. (1985). So you want to be a social worker: A primer for the Christian student.

North American Association of Christians in Social Work.

Segal, E. A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. (2016). An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent. Cengage.

Yankoski, M. (2005). Under the overpass: A journey of faith on the streets of America. Multnomah. 

SOWK 101

Community Paper Instructions

For this assignment, you will write a 3-page paper using current APA format.  Please use third person and formal academic writing when describing your personal community.

Please describe the following:

Community:  is the area rural, urban, suburban, international, multicultural, under-resourced, wealthy, etc.?  Describe your community. Cite sources.

Social Service Agencies:  Discuss the social service agencies in your community and the populations they serve.  These agencies can be, but are not limited to the local department of health and human services, mental health agencies, refugee resettlement agencies, adult and child protective services, adoption agencies, etc. Cite sources.

Non-Social Service Agencies that employ Social Workers:  Discuss the organizations that are not social service agencies that employ social workers and the populations they serve.  These agencies can be, but are not limited to schools, hospitals, veterans’ administration, Head Start, nursing homes, after school programs, etc. Cite sources.

Personal Interest: Please discuss the social work positions that may interest you personally. This answer can be in first person.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

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