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The goal of this assignment is to conduct a community mental health needs and resources assessment that also familiarizes you with the overall mental health needs in your community. Having assessed the most pressing local mental health needs, you will focus on one of the major identified issues involving a specific, marginalized population and evaluate what services are offered and by what organizations. 

Your paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent and relevant sources. Ideally, include both June & Black and Scott & Wolfe in a meaningful way. You may use scholarly journal articles, but your most important sources will be (local and state) government reports, census data, hospital records research, news reports, information from CDC and DHHS, and professional organizations. Sources cited must be specific and relevant to your immediate locality. Include the following content, using appropriate headings: 

1. Introduction of your community: Describe its location, populations, demographics, and relevant trends, etc.

2. Local needs assessment: Articulate the overall, big picture of your community’s mental health needs and at-risk populations. Be sure to give clear attribution to your sources.

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3. Identification of a specific population or issue: Explain why you chose to focus on this particular group. 

4. Local resources assessment: Identify the specific organizations that work with this specific population/ issue. Include government, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations in your analysis. How are these organizations addressing this specific need in the community? Your goal is to briefly describe what they do, not to evaluate their effectiveness. 

5. Personal reflection: Reflect on how this project has changed your view of your community and/or aided you in better understanding your community. You may use first person in this section.

EDCO 705

Community Needs Analysis Paper rubric


Advanced 138-150 (A- to A):
Satisfies criteria w/ excellence

Proficient 126-137 (B- to B+) :
Satisfies Criteria

Developing 114-125 (C- to C+):
Satisfies most criteria

Below Expectations (F – D+):
Does not satisfy criteria

Not Present



Content: 70% = 105 pts


4-5 pts.
· An APA abstract is present with excellent content and formatting.

3-3.5 pts.
· An APA abstract is present but has either mild content and/or formatting issues.

2-2.5 pts.
· An APA abstract is present with significant content/ formatting issues.

1-1.5 pts.
· An APA abstract is present but is confused with the introduction in content/format.

0 points


78–85 pts.
· Assertions are relevant and properly supported by extensive evidence.
· All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.
· Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.
· Thoroughly covers cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.

71–77 pts.
· Assertions are relevant and mostly supported by evidence.
· All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.
· Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.
· Includes most relevant cultural considerations to the population of interest.

65–70 pts.
· Some assertions are relevant and supported by evidence.
· Most key content areas are addressed and properly cited.
· Utilizes some best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.
· Includes some cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.

1–64 pts.
· Assertions are not relevant nor supported by evidence.
· Some key areas are not addressed in full or omitted altogether.
· Does not utilize best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.
· Does not consider cultural factors relevant to the population of interest.

0 points

Biblical Integration

9-10 pts
· Biblical application (verses / passages) is integrated into text with relevance clarified.

7-8 pts
· Biblical application (verses/passages) is integrated into text.

5-6 pts
· Biblical application (verses/passages) is present but not properly integrated.

1-4 pts
· Biblical terms/ verses/passages are not present and/or referenced.


4-5 pts.
· A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.
· A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

3-3.5 pts.
· A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.
· A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

2-2.5 pts.
· A Conclusion summary and ideas for future research are present but not detailed and/or supported by research.

1-1.5 pts.
· The Conclusion is vague and does not contain a wrap up and/or the required ideas for future research section.

0 points

Structure: 30% = 45 pts


14–15 pts.
· All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity.
· There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections.
· The treatment of the topic is logically oriented.
· The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

12–13 pts.
· All required elements are included and organized.
· There are transitions between paragraphs and sections.
· The treatment of the topic is logically oriented.
· The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

10–11 pts.
· Most required elements are included and are mostly organized.
· The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement.
· The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

1–9 pts.
· Few or no required elements are included.
· There may not be a logical treatment of the topic.
· The paper does not meet the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

0 points


14–15 pts.
· The paper properly uses current APA style.
· Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted correctly.
· The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.
· There are very few spelling and grammar errors.

12–13 pts.
· The paper consistently uses current APA style.
· Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted with few or no errors.
· The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.
· There are few spelling and grammar errors.

10–11 pts.
· The paper inconsistently uses APA style.
· Headings, in-text citations, and references are inconsistently formatted.
· The paper does not consistently reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.
· There are spelling and grammar errors.

1–9 pts.
· The paper erroneously uses or does not use APA style.
· Headings, in-text citations, and references are erroneously formatted or not present.
· The paper does not reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.
· There are spelling and grammar errors.

0 points


14–15 pts.
· The Reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources.
· All sources are referenced throughout the paper.
· All references meet current APA standards.

12–13 pts.
· The Reference page meets the required number of sources.
· Most sources are referenced throughout the paper.
· References meet current APA standards, with only minor deviations.

10–11 pts.
· The Reference page does not meet the required number of sources.
· Not all sources are referenced throughout the paper.
· References meet current APA standards, but with major issues.

1–9 pts.
· The Reference page contains few sources.
· Not enough sources are referenced throughout the paper, or none are referenced.
· References do not meet current APA standards.

0 points


/ 150

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