communication question

Week 9 Assignment 5: Social Media
Due Week 9 and worth 150 points

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Your best friend Anthony Drums has asked your help in securing a job where you work. You want to help your friend, but you know his social media sites have photos and other material that violate your company’s social media policy. You also know that the human resources department of your company always does a thorough search of social media sites of prospective hires. You need to write an email to your friend that explains which content needs to be deleted from his social media accounts and why. You need to discuss how refusal to delete the inappropriate photos and material might impact his ability to get the job. Your email should clearly and specifically state the relevant rules from your company’s social media policy.

Click here to view Anthony’s social media site.

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Click here to view your company’s social media policy.

(attached document)

Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email in which you:

  1. Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email.
  2. Target the appropriate professional audience.
  3. Use appropriate language for professional audience.
  4. Use correct email formatting.
  5. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.
  6. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
  7. Provide the following heading on your email and then begin your email:

    TO: Anthony Drums
    FROM: Insert Your Name
    SUBJECT: Create a title that relates to your topic and gets your audience’s attention

XYZ Company Social Media Policy

XYZ Company is easily identifiable in the community. Because of this, we need to be careful how we project ourselves as individuals and the company in social media. We support your right to have personal social media accounts. In order to avoid any problems or misunderstandings, we have come up with a few guidelines to provide helpful and practical advice for you when operating on the internet as an identifiable employee of the XYZ Company. We ask that you abide by the following rules to be sure XYZ Company is reflected in a positive light. Failure to do so could result in penalty up to termination from XYZ Company.

1. Protect yourself. First and foremost, please be careful about what personal information you share in social media.

2. Do not conduct personal social media during work hours.

3. Be careful when sharing work-related matters. Do not disclose any confidential, private, or secure information about XYZ Company. This includes financial or operational information.

4. Never share private customer information.

5. Act responsibly and ethically. Do not misrepresent yourself or XYZ Company.

6. Do not post any XYZ Company copyrighted material.

7. Do not post any photos or comments that reflect poorly on XYZ Company, including comments or images of unprofessional, inappropriate, or illegal behavior. Likewise, be mindful of posting discriminatory comments or images on your social media accounts (including but not limited to age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally recognized protected basis).

8. Reflect on your personal behavior. Be aware that others will associate you with your XYZ Company. Please ensure that your social media content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with clients and colleagues.

9. Remember that anything you post about XYZ Company can potentially harm the company.

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