Communication in Organizations

 1. Discussion post: 

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Think about an organization that you know something about. If you cannot think of one, do some research.

How could that organization be more effective, do things better? Give a couple of suggestions and tell, why?

2. Case study Part 2.

Situational Analysis. Use the Matrix, and then write half a page to a page on each of the 2 to 4 areas you will focus on. The Matrix should be turned into a PDF and inserted into the master document as you would for a report.  If you struggle with how to do this there are many excellent online tutorials.

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Communication in Organizations

Textbook: Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T. E., (1991), Reframing Organizations, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


DB 6: Organizational Improvement

Think about an organization that you know something about. If you cannot think of one, do some research.

How could that organization be more effective, do things better? Give a couple of suggestions and tell, why?

Centum Banking Limited

This is a fictitious organization

Continue Part 2.

Communication in Organizations

Case Study Assignment:

Your task is to develop a case study about some aspect of organizational life, this might be a problem or some change issue. You should probably focus on an issue or a problem or something about change in the organization, but you can focus more broadly than that.



include any proprietary or confidential information or names of people or the organization if it could be harmful to you, others or the organization. Do let me know if it is a fictitious organization or a Real organization with the names changed to protect the organization.

It is very important that you follow the format very carefully. I will take points off for failing to follow the directions. Do each section separately and turn it in separately.

The parts are:

Part 1A: Describe the Organization (5%). Around a page in length, certainly not much more.

Part 1B: Describe the Situation you will analyze in the case study (5%). Around a page in length, certainly not much more.

Part 2: Situational Analysis (30%). Use the Matrix, and then write a half a page to a page on each of the 2 to 4 areas you will focus on.

Part 3: Recommendation (10%). A one or two pages at most.

NOTE: all page descriptions are approximate and are 12pt font double spaced


Part 2: Situational Analysis (30%). Use the Matrix, and then write a half a page to a page on each of the 2 to 4 areas you will focus on. The Matrix should be turned into a PDF and inserted into the master document as you would for a report.


If you struggle with how to do this there are many excellent online tutorials.

Part 2: Situational Analysis (20%)

Here is where you analyze the situation. You are not making recommendations yet. You are trying to delve deeper into the problem.

You might try to do a matrix analysis first to identify some focal areas. A matrix analysis It is in both excel and word format. You simply need to fill in the cells. Entries into a cell might be a sentence or two, or they might be as long as a paragraph or two. After doing the matrix analysis, pull 2 or 3 main issues out and describe them in more detail.

The matrix has four columns. The four columns correspond to the four frames from Bolman & Deal

The matrix has as many rows as you would like. The rows correspond to issues. Come up with 3 to 6 issues.

Then you fill in some of the cells, but certainly not all of them. You write something into a cell anytime that you feel there might be an important interaction.

Here is an example.

















Structural Frame

Cultural Frame

Political Frame

Human Resource Frame



 Morale seems low, people are discouraged

 There seems to be a lack of alignment between what people need and what the organization needs


There don’t seem to be enough resources to go around. People are often fighting over what they need to do their job.

 Strategic Direction

 There is NOT a written strategic direction

 People seem confused about what they are to do

 People don’t know how their job fits into where the company is going.

You then use the more significant cells to elaborate on in your analysis.

You should only do a more detailed analysis on 2 to 4 of the cells. Each of these more detailed analysis should be one half to one page in length. Go into details, tear it apart.

Format for Part 2:

MATRIX: use the template. Paste it into your detailed analysis.


Structural Frame

Cultural Frame

Political Frame

Human Resource Frame



































DETAILED ANALYIS: do this in word and then save as a PDF if you want.

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