comment sherry

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 150-200 WORDSI NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 150-200 WORDS.Correlations can be described as associations amongst variables. A correlation is the easiest kind of association linear. Because a correlation is an association with variables, acorrelation needs to have more than one variable to occur. The inaccuracy within the question is the detail which states, Cigarettes cause the pulse rate to increase. Even though there is a correlation between cigarettes smoked and an increased pulse rate there is still not enough proof to imply for a fact that cigarettes caused the pulse rate to rise. In order to show evidence of cause a causal relationship would have to be shown. To show evidence of this, additional studies would need to be completed. A linear correlation amongst two variables shows they are related to each other, not that one variable brings about the other one happening (Pease & Bull, 2000).ReferencePease, Craig M. and Bull, James J. (2000). Correlations are hard to interpret. Retrieved from

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